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The Doughnut Shop
The Doughnut Shop
The Doughnut Shop
Ebook9 pages2 minutes

The Doughnut Shop

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I'm thinking everybody will hate this book. Five poems (only five?!!?!!!) about the subject of health. Vent your anger! Write a blistering review! Thanks!

Release dateAug 13, 2017
The Doughnut Shop

Daniel Hargrove

As poets go, Daniel Hargrove is pretty OK. His poems range from the sappy and sentimental to the arcane and dangerous to the dark and laughable. And when I say laughable, I mean in the sense that you may rofl, lmao, or even, in extreme circumstances, LOL!Writing poetry is hard work, and Dan has given up entirely in favor of smoking cigars and drinking coffee. For this reason, he is taking it upon himself to sort through the endless and tiresome formatting rules, changes, and outright demands that his cohorts in the publishing industry have seen fit to belabor us with, and dumb down all his books to fit the bill.As a consolation prize, he is offering a crisp clean $20 dollar bill to anyone who 1) Reads all his books all the way through, and proves it in an email by naming a word in the second poem in each book and counting the words up to that word, giving a number as reference, also 2) Supplying an address or P.O. box where I can mail the money, and 3) Leaving a review that is at least 50 words in length for at least one book. Sincerely hope you enjoy your sentence!

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    The Doughnut Shop - Daniel Hargrove

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