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Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0
Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0
Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0
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Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0

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Second revised edition of Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual ~ Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series #5

What's a habit? One or more behaviors, conditioned to repeat. Habits are also reactivity conditioned to repeat, stored so they can be played back more automatically, with less conscious effort, than focusing to make a deliberate choice.

We have many habits, both conscious and unconscious. We have so many, categories help: Physical habits, Imaginal habits, Emotional habits, Mental habits, and Mythological habits. Convenient to talk about the sum of all these as a Habit Body.

Sound like a lot to manage? Our Habit Body manages these automatically for Conscious Waking Self. Our Habit Body is our nearest and dearest friend. It records and remembers daily routines for us, so we don't have to re-learn the same behaviors every day anew.

Our job as Conscious Wakeful Self? You and I, we’re the Habit Sequencers, the Behavior Schedulers, the Habit Managers and Superintendent of Behaviors. We manage-edit-revise-upgrade the habits our Habit Body readies to play back moment to moment.

This begs a question: If this is so, how come the thing human beings do better than anything else, is make the same mistake over and over and over again?

Bruce Lipton and others say only 5% of our psyche is exercise of conscious waking choice and decision-making. That's us from the neck-up. This 5% must balance the other 95% of our psyche which is memorized behaviors. Do you think the 5% feels overwhelmed at times? You're not alone, join the club.

Find new language here, built on the Three Selves, to get familiar with and gain access to managing the other 95% of your psyche, the Bigger You.

Within a modern study of the Habit Body are keys to practical epigenetics, best practices in belief change work. The Habit Body model is much clearer language for interfacing and navigating to--and when desired--changing unwanted habits. "Habit Body" is more user-friendly and substitutes for "subconscious" and "unconscious" in thousands of contexts.
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Author Bruce Dickson's most advanced work is in Holistic Brain Balance. He's been supporting clients professionally since 2001.

PublisherBruce Dickson
Release dateJun 5, 2017
Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0

Bruce Dickson

Thanks to his mother, Bruce is a second generation nutrition-health-metaphysical researcher. Since 2001 he worked professionally as a Health Intuitive. He has lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more. He's visited 25 US Waldorf school communities. He's MSIA, PTS, Waldorf, USM, NVC trained and IFS-educated. He recently studied Iain McGilchrist's new brain-lateralization topics and wrote a REader's Digest version for friends.. He's self-published several series of books-booklets: - Best Practices in Energy Medicine, - Holistic Brain Balance, - Best Practice in Group Process, - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection Booklet series: - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection (5 short volumes) - Group Process as an Art-form (3 books) - Holistic Brain Balance (7 books-booklets) - Best Practices in Energy Medicine (20 books-booklets) - Book series: Group Process as an Art-form (3) - Book series: Best Practices in Energy Medicine all others - Book series: New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance (7) - Team Human, a theme for Waldorf K-12's second 100 years (5) ONLINE Gift initial sessions available by phone-Zoom if you have not worked with me professionally before.

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    Book preview

    Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0 - Bruce Dickson


    Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual

    Gut-brain Axis 2.0


    Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

    Tools That Heal Press

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series Vol. 5

    The thing we are looking for,

    is the thing we are looking with.

    ~ Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science

    The future is already here;

    it’s just not very well distributed yet

    ~ William Gibson, author, Neuromancer

    Bruce also recommends

    Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual; Gut-brain Axis 2.0


    Second revised edition of Your Habit Body; An Owner’s Manual

    Other publisher inquiries welcome

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    Tools That Heal Press book titles

    COVER IMAGES visible at end of this book

    Resources for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing; Self-healing as if soul & spirit mattered

    All books below available in PAPER with diagrams-charts; or, eBook without most images. All written with humor by a Waldorf-trained, practicing Health Intuitive.

    Best Practices in Group Process Series

    Group Process as an Art-form Series; Putting group process at the center of thriving, Progressive orgs

    1) [Heartfelt Facilitator Manual]

    Group Process as an Art-Form; Best Practices for Facilitating HEARTFELT

    Live, Group Events, Large and Small

    2) Milling and Dyad Exercises to Enliven Group Process; Questions for Learning Conversations

    3) Please Stop Teaching; Scripted Exercise Sequences for

    Emotional Intelligence - Nonviolent Ccommunication (NVC)

    Live Event Facilitators and Group Leaders

    4) More Heartfelt Scripts for Live Personal Growth Event Facilitators

    5) Scripted Closed-Eye-Processes for Live Personal Growth Event Facilitators and Group Leaders

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance

    All are new, many are shorter booklets

    1) Holistic Neurology, Our Two Nervous Systems, Head-spine and enteric (gut) brains, Neurology for purposes of personal growth, Physiological basis for Self-esteem and Self-concept

    2) Our Four Brain Quadrants

    3) Reactivity Is Our Best Friend

    4) Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Self-Forgiveness, the Missing Manual

    5) Inner Sunshine and How to Make More; Assessing neurotransmitter production with self-testing; The simple complexity of our unconscious

    6) Practical Epigenetics, Best Practices in Belief Change Work,

    7) Self, Others, World, God, Our Four Categories of Relationship and Support Support

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Balance on All Levels PACME+Soul

    Finally, a comprehensive holistic theory; and, general holistic experimental method; The Three Sciences we use everyday; Holistic Psychology 2.0. Available as one giant book (paper, eBook), or divided into ten chunks of about equal size, one to four chapters each (eBook only).

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    Meridian Metaphors, Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs (a best selling totle in this series).

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    VAKOG to KAVOG, NLP Senses Updated in Light of the Inner Child 7,032 words

    From 5 to 12 Senses, How We Use Multiple Senses to Triangulate, Multiple Intelligences 2.0 10,875 words

    How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 more precise Q&A on wellness.

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    Self-Healing 101! Seven Experiments in Self-healing, You Can Do at Home to Awaken the Inner Healer, 2nd edition.

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    Unconscious Patterns in the Light of the Inner Child and NLP - Most readers grew up learning our psyche is a locked black box. We were taught the contents of our psyche are unknown, probably unknowable. Now we know better. The big Aha! is our unconscious is highly patterned. You can understand and learn these patterns. Up to 95% of our psyche is is patterned. Only 5% of us is NOT patterned, the 5% of us where active, deliberate, conscious choice occurs. Soul is choice. The more aware you are of UNconsicous patterns, the less likely you are to be run by them.

    Inner Family + Inner Court, The Four Archetypes of Our Gut and Head

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    Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel in Story Form Topics include the TWO Jesus children and the active participation of the Buddha in the Christ event.


    Table of Contents

    Tools That Heal Press book titles

    Ch.1 ~ Can you pat your head and rub your tummy?

    Why are addictions—so addictive?

    Habiting per NLP and Wm. Glasser

    The invisible butler did it

    Role of repetition in habits

    Habits as training periods

    A habit is behavior running on a track

    Alchemy of habit formation

    As the twig is bent, so grows the tree

    Ch.2 ~ Our Habit Body is our very best friend

    Getting up in the morning

    Habits are neutral, neither good nor bad

    How we perceive a habit

    All our habits are like speech accents

    How are habits stored in my body?

    Where is reactivity stored in my body?

    Simplified geography of reactivity

    An easier model of our unconscious

    Habit Body as Reactivity—another best friend

    Excess reactivity as excess-liking & excess-Disliking

    Being of two minds is a top-bottom split

    Habit Body as response-ability

    Two biggest habits of all: safety and trust

    Habits of safety and trust formed in utero

    Third biggest habit: social permission

    Ch. 3 ~ Sensory nature of our Habit Body

    Ch. 4 ~ Balancing between habits (95%) and choice (5%)

    Two indivisible units in our psyche


    We balance between habits and choice

    How can 5% of my psyche balance 95%?

    Choice as independent-critical thinking

    I don’t feel like I even have 5% choice

    When 95% overwhelms 5%

    5% (soul) as conscience

    Angel~devil on your shoulders

    Is Choice vs. Habit Body the same as gut-brain axis?

    Is our reptile brain our Habit Body?

    Habit Body as instincts?

    Other views of 95% vs. 5%

    Ch. 5 ~ Traditional fairy tales about habits

    The Hobbit in our habits

    Ch. 6 ~ Four Anatomies of our Habit Body

    A) Habit Body in Three Selves terms

    B) sleeping <=> dreaming <=> waking

    W<=>D<=>S is a two way street

    Other applications of WDS

    WDS in the light of Multiple Intelligences 2.0

    C) Gestalt Cycle: rhythm of contact~withdrawal

    Three levels of creativity

    D) Spiritual Geography 101, PACME

    Local culture is simply a collection of habits

    Memories as unconscious habits

    Terms for intensity of a habit

    John-Roger on inner-cooperation

    What does inner cooperation look like?

    Ch. 7 ~ Our habits form around five universal needs (Glasser)

    We are born with five universal needs

    Diagram the priority of your needs now

    Diagram the priority of your needs now

    Ch. 8 ~ Habits as drama

    Habit Body as Drama Body

    Your Drama Inventory

    Habits around roles of Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer

    Addicted to trauma

    Trauma bonding

    Awfulizing and gossip

    Ch. 9 ~ Workable habits as comfort zone

    Each comfort zone is a bunch of habits

    Comfort Zones as Homeostasis

    Most meaningful joke in the world

    You receive not because ye ask not

    Habits: the Garden of Eden metaphor

    Outgrowing my old comfort zones

    The mechanism of dilemma and stuckness

    What it takes to take risks

    Comfort zones as ‘unconscious inertia’

    Ch. 10 ~ Our unexamined habits become our illnesses

    Denial keeps us from needed changing

    physical illness are our modern gods

    Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner

    The shadow in pop culture fiction

    The psychological shadow

    Projection, blame and scapegoating

    A pattern of physical healing

    Shadow as blind spots in our psyche

    Author’s personal experience with his own shadow

    Why shadow work threatens people

    Connection between Habit Body and self-concept

    Relating positively with our own shadow

    Another reason shadow work is not popular

    Ch. 11 ~ Modern fairy tales about habits

    Native American shadow story

    The watch shop metaphor

    The Clockwork Universe

    Watch shop as multiple logical systems in harmony

    Habit Body as hologram

    Habit Body as Rubik’s Cube

    Unworkable habits as my issues

    Ch. 12 ~ Redirecting habits in children and adults

    Changing habits thru willpower

    We were all more lovable when we were young


    Redirecting habits in animals, training a new puppy

    Not kill, not get rid of: redirect, re-educate, heal, redeem

    Metaphor of the Good Shepherd

    If the basic self has to learn its lessons all alone

    Growth is upgrading our habits on any level

    Ch. 13 ~ Habit Body as Reactivity

    Reactivity is our best friend

    WHY WE Deal with reactivity first

    How much excess reactivity do I have?

    The mechanism of dilemma and stuckness

    Where is reactivity in my body?

    Reactivity anatomy #1 top & bottom

    Reactivity anatomy #2 with quadrants

    Liking in behavioral terms

    Reducing excess sympathies and antipathies

    Excess liking-sympathy defined

    Excess disliking-antipathy defined

    How excess antipathy becomes gossip

    Feeling sympathy~antipathy for the same person

    The Ewwwww! reflex

    Reactivity overcharged~undercharged

    Animals have an Instinct Body

    Ch. 14 ~ Why so difficult to change my habits?

    Re-directing habits you wish to change

    Ch. 15 ~ Why are addictions—so addictive?

    Some addictive patterns

    When beliefs are addictions

    Habits are the etheric body fallen into matter

    Ch. 16 ~ Our habits around pain, PACME

    Physical pain in children before puberty

    Pain PACME

    Tony Robbins on constructive use of pain

    Ch. 17 ~ Holistic Practitioner topics

    22 overlapping names for the Habit Body

    Q: Why are these overlapping?

    Q: How intelligent is my Habit Body?

    Habit Body as operating system

    22 FUNCTIONALLY equal names

    The Habit Body in Energy Medicine

    Habit Body as etheric body

    Ch. 18 ~ Behaviorism - taking habits seriously

    Glasser’s critique of Behaviorism

    Self-testing as getting serious about habits

    Why are my muscle testing results unreliable?

    Ch. 19 ~ Birth and death,

    our two greatest learning experiences

    Death, the other

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