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Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book)
Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book)
Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book)
Ebook42 pages16 minutes

Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book)

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About this ebook

The must-read summary of Jack Welch and Suzy Welch's book: "Winning".

This complete summary of the ideas from "Winning" discusses the question that is on everybody's mind in the world of business: What does it take to win? Providing you with a summary of Welch's business philosophy as well as with advice on how to look at your company and competition, this useful summary puts you in a position to win, and to make the most of each victory.

Added-value of this summary: 
• Save time
• Understand key concepts 
• Increase your knowledge of management and leadership

To learn more, read "Winning" and find the keys to successful strategies.
Release dateFeb 15, 2013
Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book)

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    Winning (Review and Analysis of the Welches' Book) - BusinessNews Publishing

    Book Presentation

    Winning by Jack Welch and Suzy Welch

    Summary of Winning (Jack Welch and Suzy Welch)

    Book Abstract


    What does it take to win?

    This is the sole question everyone in business should be focused on each day. When your business wins, there are many great flow-on effects and benefits – people have the opportunity to grow, more jobs are created, more taxes are paid, shareholders get a return on their investment and the list goes on and on. Winning companies are literally the engine of a healthy economy, and the pinnacle of the free enterprise system.

    Pure and simple companies and people have to find a way to win day-in and day-out. There are no easy formulas that can be used, or any exotic or mysterious shortcuts involved. Winning can be brutally hard to achieve but when everything comes together and you win, great things happen.

    Business is a game, and winning that game is a total blast!

    – Jack Welch

    About the Author

    JACK WELCH was CEO and chairman of General Electric Company from 1981 to 2001. During his tenure, the company’s market capitalization increased by $400 billion, making GE the world’s most valuable corporation. Since leaving General Electric, Mr. Welch has founded his own business advisory firm and he now consults with a small group of Fortune 500 CEOs and speaks to businesspeople and students. He is also the author of Jack: Straight From The Gut.

    SUZY WELCH is a former editor of the Harvard Business Review and the author of numerous articles in the business press on leadership, creativity, change and organizational behavior.

    The Web site for this book is at

    Important Note About This Ebook

    This is a summary and not a critique or a review of the book. It does not offer judgment or opinion on the content of the book. This summary may not be organized chapter-wise

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