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Frequently Asked Questions: Emotions & Feelings Session 3
Frequently Asked Questions: Emotions & Feelings Session 3
Frequently Asked Questions: Emotions & Feelings Session 3
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Frequently Asked Questions: Emotions & Feelings Session 3

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About this ebook

Jesus discusses issues such as; what are pleasurable and painful emotions, what is the cause of pain, what is fear, addiction, and anger and how are these emotions created. These questions are included to help with a basic understanding about emotions, which is required before a person can allow the feelings.
Document source filename: 20140429 FAQ - Emotions S03.
This ebook is a collection of answers given by Jesus (AJ Miller) on the topic of emotions and feelings. The answers were given in an interview with Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck), who posed frequently asked questions from members of the media and public, on 29th April 2014 in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia.

Release dateMar 7, 2016
Frequently Asked Questions: Emotions & Feelings Session 3

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    Frequently Asked Questions - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Emotions & Feelings


    Jesus (AJ Miller) &

    Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck)

    Session 3

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Divine Truth

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    This ebook is a collection of answers given by Jesus (AJ Miller) on the topic of emotions and feelings. The answers were given in an interview with Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck), who posed frequently asked questions from members of the media and public, on 29th April 2014 in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia. In this session Jesus discusses issues such as; what are pleasurable and painful emotions, what is the cause of pain, what is fear, addiction, and anger and how are these emotions created. These questions are included to help with a basic understanding about emotions, which is required before a person can allow the feelings.

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    Jesus and Mary would like to remind you that any document produced by Divine Truth containing any information from Jesus, Mary or any other person includes only a portion of God's Truth that they have personally discovered.

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    Table of Contents

    0. Introductory Comments

    1. What are pleasurable emotions?

    2. What are painful emotions?

    3. What is the cause of all pain?

    4. What is fear?

    5. How is fear created?

    6. What are addictions?

    7. How are addictions created?

    8. What is anger?

    9. How is anger created?

    0. Introductory Comments

    G'day everyone again. It's myself, Jesus, and Mary is helping me again today doing some interviews about the emotions. This is session three of the emotion interviews and questions, or frequently asked questions, but before we proceed with them, I'd just like to remind you again that a lot of these questions are introductory questions about emotions. They are very much based around some basic principles that we covered in the How The Human Soul Functions series of questions, so we'd point you back to that particular area, if you haven't looked at that area already, before you listen to the answers of the questions that we ask today.

    Today the questions that we're talking about are mostly surrounding some very basic things about emotions themselves, very basic; three main groups of emotions, I suppose you could say. We're going to discuss those particular things together, so I'd like to welcome Mary along. G'day, darling. It's nice to see you again today. (Laughs) Haven't seen you much today actually. (Laughs)

    Mary: Been busy.

    Been so busy. And what we'll be doing is discussing these particular questions, which form the basis of many of the answers we're going to give to other people at a later point in time. That's what we want to do – form the basis of a group of answers that we're going to give to individual people once we've finished this introductory portion of the series about emotions.

    We'd like to thank you for your time and watching the material, and we hope you enjoy the material.

    1. What are pleasurable emotions?

    Well, I'd place pleasurable emotions into two categories: one group are the pleasurable emotions that are actually in harmony with love and truth. They're the emotions that you have and experience, of pleasure, that happen when you are in harmony with God's Love and God's Truth. Then I'd put the second category as a whole group of emotions that are all based around addiction, that you think are pleasurable. (Laughs)

    A lot of times they are not pleasurable to the soul, because they cause damage to the soul, or they cause damage to other people's souls. They are also not pleasurable in the long run. In other words, they're temporarily pleasurable. They give you this sort of instant satisfaction, to suppress a fear or to suppress some anger, or whatever other emotion you're attempting to suppress with it, but they're not really pleasurable in the long term.

    If we look at the two groups of emotions: let's focus on the first group, which are the ones that cause you real, long-term pleasure. They're the ones that you experience that are completely in harmony with God's Love and Truth. What I mean by that, is that when we are living our life in complete harmony with God's Love, and complete harmony with God's Truth, then we have continuous pleasure. The pleasure will be of all natures. There'll be this beautiful happy, joyful feeling; sometimes it will be sexual pleasure, depending on what you're engaging in there, but a lot of the times it will be just general pleasure, about your day-to-day life, that occurs because you've got your life into harmony with God's Love and God's Truth.

    Now on the Earth today, hardly anybody experiences any portion of that really, because most people are not engaged in pleasurable emotions that are in harmony with God's Love and Truth.

    Mary: Uh-huh. So would you say that things like joy and excitement, and all these kinds of pleasurable things that we associate with pleasure; from what you're saying, they are coming from the soul, the soul's experience? Whereas the second group of emotions you talked about, was about suppressing some part of the soul's experience?

    Yes. Remember, in previous FAQs on this subject of emotions, we've talked about what happens when the soul – when you suppress your soul's energy. Remember, all of these emotions are energy in motion. Pleasurable emotions are pleasurable. If we went back to a pure definition, that's energy that is pleasurable to experience in motion. It's not just sitting there and not experiencing anything, it's actually having a physical and emotional experience.

    These pleasurable feelings or sensations are all going to be coming from your own soul, but they can also come from the souls of others. In other words, they can come from God's Soul, or come from other people's souls into your soul, but they'll be in complete harmony with God's Love and Truth. In other words, there will be nothing out of harmony with God's Love or Truth that causes this permanent pleasure to exist.

    So we are capable of experiencing permanent pleasure. God created us in that way, but of course, the majority of people on Earth have very little pleasure, and most of the pleasure they have is not of this first type. Most of the pleasure they have is of the second type, and that is, getting their addictions met.

    This kind of pleasure is very temporary in its nature; it's focused on suppressing, usually suppressing fear, or suppressing anger or rage, and as a result it can only result in a seeming temporary pleasure. Unfortunately, it also results in damage to the soul of the individual and the soul of other people, and that's probably not the kind of pleasurable emotion in the long run that you want to experience.

    Of course, we're very focused on having those emotions experienced, because to obtain the first group of emotions, the pleasure based in harmony with God's Love and Truth, you have to bring your life into harmony with God's Love and Truth. Most people, of course, don't want to do that, or have a deep resistance to doing that for many reasons. What they finish up doing, is seeking out temporary pleasure through the second group of emotions, which are all revolving around addictions.

    I feel that if we understand that sometimes we will feel like we're feeling pleasure when actually we're in an addiction, and it's just a way of helping us to avoid certain emotions, and also if we understand that these kind of pleasures will always result in the degradation of our soul, then we can start seeing the results of the different types of pleasure we engage in.

    Mary: In this second type of pleasure that you're describing, which is based around the fulfilment of an addiction, you're saying that it creates a degradation of our soul, and from what we know about how the human soul functions, then we could understand that it's also going to lead to pain in the long term.

    Correct. It might be temporary pleasure for the moment, in the sense that we feel like we're having an addiction met, and so therefore we feel temporary pleasure, but the reality is, we've degraded our own soul, and usually the soul of others, when we engage in those things, and as a result our own soul will feel more pain in the longer term. It's like trying to have a temporary fix to a permanent problem.

    Whenever you attempt to have a temporary fix to a permanent problem, when it comes to emotions, you will always experience more

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