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Out Of The Bag
Out Of The Bag
Out Of The Bag
Ebook24 pages24 minutes

Out Of The Bag

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About this ebook

The original version was written in Frau Katz’ native language: Austro-German. We tried right from the start to be true to the original and left the text without capital letters. When the original word would be understood, like katze, we let it stand. In those times when words in English seemed to rhyme, I can assure you that it was only the fate of translation; no attempt was made to match up words to make the phrase sound cute.
Readers must understand that Frau Katz considers this a serious work.

PublisherJD Martin
Release dateNov 17, 2015
Out Of The Bag

JD Martin

JD Martin spent 43 years in the cockpit and retired in 1999 after an airline career spanning 31 years. As a DC-10 captain, he arrived in Munich in June of 1992 and moved there in 1996. A USAF pilot for over nine years, Jim was a bomber pilot, flight instructor, and flight commander with the German Air Force training Luftwaffe pilots in Texas. An ardent history buff, Jim has found historic places in Europe rich with material for his novels.

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    Out Of The Bag - JD Martin


    i undertook this work because there seemed so few accurate stories written by cats. there are, however, stories written about cats, many highly inaccurate, in my opinion.

    the process, as you might imagine, was challenging. for example, since i cannot press two keys on the keyboard at the same time without a great amount of difficulty, i decided to use only the little letters. it was agreed that if this was my style, it was okay, since there was no definitive precedence for cat authors. there was someone named, e.e. commings, who also did this, but i think his style was only to show off.

    most of my writing i do at night when i have the most energy. sometimes, when a fly or bug was attracted to the light of the screen, and I became distracted, my page would end up looking a mess, like this: jjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkiiiiiimmmmeeeeeeeddddsssssssssssssssssssssfllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiääääääääähhhhhhüüüwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    there were so many times when i felt like giving up, but my family was supportive and kept me going. i just hope that this will give other cats out there who like to play with the computer an incentive to begin. someday they might even make the keys bigger.

    frau polly katz, vienna, austria – oktober 2006

    out of the bag: the incredible world of frau katz

    too bad i can never be an astronaut or an airline pilot. i’m sure i would be a good one because i love adventure and travel. next best is that i am a cat born near vienna, austria, a lovely city for cats.

    my good fortune is that people tell me i am beautiful. mother always told me so. while cleaning my ears one day she whispered that i was the prettiest kitten she ever had and one of the smartest. over the years mama had lots of kittens, so i believed her. my mother was a great inspiration and much of what i know i learned from her.

    mother was not beautiful, that she must have saved for me.

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