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C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples
C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples
C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples
Ebook40 pages18 minutes

C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples

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About this ebook

The content of this text is aimed at beginners and those who have even a basic knowledge of this language, in fact, it contains 50 examples with keywords and other functions, explained as briefly and simply as possible helping to understand everything with pieces code also written in a simple and short so as not to confuse novice users and then making sure that attention should focus more on what you're learning.

One thing to point out is to pay attention to the writing of the code as the C # is a language casesensitive that distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.
Release dateAug 11, 2015
C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples

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    C# Functions and Tutorial - 50 Examples - Nino Paiotta



    1) The operator +

    2) The function Concat

    3) The length function

    4) The Insert function

    5) Format a numeric value

    6) Format a percentage

    7) Remove the system date

    8) Take only the date

    9) Take only the year

    10) Take only the month

    11) Take only the day

    12) Take the time and the minutes

    13) The operator of Increment

    14) The decrement operator

    15) Turn the text in Uppercase

    16) Transform the text to lowercase

    17) The window MessageBox

    18) The instruction Breack

    19) The branch instruction

    20) Convert data from one type to another

    21) Remove the spaces

    22) The return keyword

    23) The ABS function

    24) Generate random numbers

    25) Square root

    26) Power of a number

    27) The character \ (Slash)

    28) Catching exceptions

    29) Array

    30) Array in two dimensions

    31) Create and write files

    32) Write in a file on multiple lines

    33) Reading a file

    34) Read each line of a file

    35) Determine the existence of a file

    36) Delete a file

    37) The functions

    38) Function Overloading

    39) Events

    40) The event Form_Load

    41) The event Form_Closed

    42) The KeyPress event

    43) The event KeyUp

    44) The event MouseMove

    45) The event Leave

    46) The event Enter

    47) Beep

    48) Move control

    49) The ToolTip control

    50) Close an application

    Join two values of type string

    Sometimes you may have the need to combine two values

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