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Mary Cassatt: Drawings
Mary Cassatt: Drawings
Mary Cassatt: Drawings
Ebook91 pages9 minutes

Mary Cassatt: Drawings

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Mary Cassatt was an American impressionist who depicted the life of women, essentially the intimate bond between mother and child. In Europe, Cassatt’s paintings were better received that in United States. She exhibited every year at the Paris Salon until 1877, when all her works were rejected. Distraught at her rejection, she turned to the Impressionists, who welcomed her with welcome arms. Deciding early in her career that marriage was not an option, Cassatt never married. As her career progressed, her critical reputation grew, and she was often considered, along with Degas, as the one of the best exhibitors at the Impressionist Salon. She was awarded the French Legion of Honor in 1906 and is known for superior draftsmanship in all the media, notably pastel.
PublisherJosh Parker
Release dateFeb 2, 2015
Mary Cassatt: Drawings

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    Mary Cassatt - Josh Parker

    Mary Cassatt: Drawings

    By Josh Parker

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Josh Parker


    Mary Cassatt: Drawings



    Mary Cassatt was an American impressionist painter who depicted the lives of women, chiefly the intimate bond between mother and child. She traveled extensively as a child, and was probably exposed to the works of the great masters at the World’s fair in Paris in 1855. Degas and Pissarro would later become her mentors and fellow painters. She began studying art seriously at the age of 15, at a time when only around twenty percent of all arts students were female. Unlike many of the other female students, she was

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