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Angel Wars
Angel Wars
Angel Wars
Ebook52 pages39 minutes

Angel Wars

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Hear What the Critics are Saying

"Wow, a very interesting and entertaining book. It really makes you think. A Must Read."

-Mary Jones – Valley Daily News

“I give this book Five Stars All The Way! It most definitely makes my list as one of the top reads of the year.”

-Theresa Davis – Elite Media Group

“Angel Wars is a very powerful and thought provoking book. Every generation, young and old, should have to read this book. Ten Thumbs Up.”

-Dave Baker – Book Bloggers of America

“This was an excellent book; it was short, I ended up reading it in less than four hours; however, it was a very interesting and enjoyable read. Amazing Book!”

-Lisa Cooper – Literary Times Inc.

“This was a very powerful book; very interesting take on the spirit world. Highly Recommend.”

-Emma Righter – Writers United Group

“Wonderful Story! I really liked reading this book. I will recommend it to all of my friends, family members and coworkers.”

-Carl Mosner – Readers Cove Unlimited

Editorial Review

Angel Wars is a very spiritual and powerful book. This book really made me think, but more importantly, it made me feel.

It is a great book with a very creative story arc. I enjoyed reading this one and found it to be very entertaining and inspiring. If you are looking for a book that will not only make you feel, but will also make you think, then look no further than Angel Wars; it is by far one of the best contemporary novels to have come out in a long time. Phenomenal Book!

David T. Williams

About the Book

When a demon-possessed scientist unleashes the deadliest virus the world has ever seen, a small group must band together to survive the oncoming apocalypse; their tale is one of redemption, joy and tears.

Come and join us in the town of Hollow Creek and immerse yourself in a world in chaos where even demons from the bowels of the earth don’t know their rightful place.

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PublisherIvan King
Release dateOct 16, 2015
Angel Wars

Ivan King

Ivan King is an Award Winning and Best Selling Author of over 20 books. His #1 Book, Breakfast With Jesus, has become a major success internationally. Mr. King was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1977, though his stay in Rio was to be short lived. Adopted from an orphanage, he was raised in Ipatinga's, Valley of Steel. His favorite author is Hemingway; yet his favorite book, is Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. When he is not writing or reading, he plays chess and the guitar.When Ivan was eight, he read his first book, Judy Blume's Superfudge and the rest is history. That's the story behind how the passion for reading began; how it ends...has yet to be written.Currently, he is working on a couple dozen writing projects and turning some of his novels into screenplays. Ivan’s first published work, The Dark Room, is a Fiction Novel loosely based on his life growing up in the favelas, or slums, of Brazil.Favorite quote: “In life, incredible things happen and unforgettable moments do exist; but nothing compares to having been loved by you, and though you rest in peace, I will miss and love you always.”If you would like to learn more about Ivan King, you can send him a message at:

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    Angel Wars - Ivan King

    Angel Wars

    Ivan King


    Smashwords Edition

    All situations and events depicted are from the author’s perspective and perception. No harm is intended to any person, alive or dead, whom the author knows or has known.

    The author reserves all rights. Except for literary reviews, any use of this material, whole or in part, or, referenced in any way by any medium including, but not limited to: electronic, mechanical, or digital copy; and any recording thereof (Auditory, Digital, or Written) is forbidden without prior written permission from the author.

    Angel Wars

    Author: Ivan King

    Printed by: Valley Group Media, LLC.

    Editing: David T. Williams

    Cover Art: Tyler D. Masterson

    Publisher: Valley Group Media, LLC.

    Copyright: Ivan King / Valley Group Media, LLC.

    First Printing: January 25, 2015 United States of America

    Copyright © 2015 Ivan King

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Hear What the Critics are Saying

    Editorial Review

    About the Book

    Angel Wars

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part Five

    Excerpt From Another Great Book

    Ivan King Library

    Meet the Author

    Hear What the Critics are Saying

    "Wow, a very interesting and entertaining book. It really makes you think. A Must Read."

    -Mary Jones -Valley Daily News

    "I give this book Five Stars All The Way! It most definitely makes my list as one of the top reads of the year."

    -Theresa Davis –Elite Media Group

    "Angel Wars is a very powerful and thought provoking book. Every generation, young and old, should have to read this book. Ten Thumbs Up."

    -Dave Baker -Book Bloggers of America

    "This was an excellent book; it was short, I ended up reading it in less than four hours; however, it was a very interesting and enjoyable read. Amazing Book!"

    -Lisa Cooper -Literary Times Inc.

    "This was a very powerful book; very interesting take on the spirit world. Highly Recommend."

    -Emma Righter -Writers United Group

    "Wonderful Story! I really liked reading this book. I will recommend it to all of my friends, family members and coworkers."

    -Carl Mosner –Readers Cove Unlimited

    Editorial Review

    Angel Wars is a very spiritual and powerful book. This book really made me think, but more importantly, it made me feel.

    It is a great book with a very creative story arc. I enjoyed reading this one quite a bit and found it to be very entertaining and inspiring. If you are looking for a book that will not only make you feel, but that will also make you think, then look no further than Angel Wars ; which is by far one of the best contemporary fiction novels to have come out in a long time. Phenomenal Book!

    David T. Williams

    About the Book

    When a Demon Possessed scientist unleashes the deadliest virus the world has ever

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