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Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection
Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection
Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection
Ebook127 pages25 minutes

Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection

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As the author i have come across many romance poetry as you and i have found where romance poetry these days don't have the taste you where craving for and it was only a satisfactory i bring to you this book that will change all that. the first three poems refer to the emotional side very strongly and profound but as you read along you may not want to stop until your finished. This book is very much pact with everything intimacy, crush, heart brakes, misconceptions, deceptions of love and many more. everyone will find a poem in this book that best describe the emotions they are familiar with and i guarantee this book will help you understanding ways of expressing your self and it will rebirth the spark that was put out in your life. You will enjoy this book as much as my many local readers come to have appreciate it a lot. so am not just telling you to buy this book I'm telling you that you won't be disappointed.

Release dateAug 28, 2015
Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection

Devin Doraye Comrie

I am motivated poetry writer for 13 years of my life. I am an expert in computer as i am currently studying in that area. In my spear time i enjoy reading poem and exploring nature. I reside in Jamaica even though creole is it's dialect and there are many individuals who does dutch poetry i find my joy in both writing and speaking in English. I am a very kind and helping handed individual to everyone i come across. I don't write a lot of story as comparing to poems even though i am in the process of creating a romance novel. If you buy my book you will definitely have a great expectation of enjoying the book to come.

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    Book preview

    Stoned by Love & Lost With Affection - Devin Doraye Comrie


    This anthology of poetry is filled with romance. This is book I happily introduce to the whole world. This book has a compilation of original poems from the author himself. This book will appeal to readers of dating age and maturity, in the authors view those ages are of 16 and older.

    In today’s society everyone can be an author but not a good Poet. We have difficulty in finding a good romance poem that isn’t so complex to comprehend. We even struggle to find them with sparks. This is the solution in this book, written poems to ignite your relationship experience with sparks. It will enlighten and excite you and your spouse to a higher level you were in previously. Note in these poems they are purposefully written in first person to make sharing it with your crush, lover, husband or wife have much more impact as you can now personalize it as if it’s coming directly from you.

    Read this book it will bring back to life romance creativity and love as you will find that love comes to everyone at different ways than we least expect. This book will show ways in which our emotional feelings can be express.


    Firstly and foremost I thank God for giving me the Talent courage and determination in reaching this far. I would like to thank my father, my sisters and cousins for believing in me and lifting my hopes in sharing my talent I had from primary school. Thirdly I would like to thank my mother for her persistent constructive criticism that aids me so well in where I am today.

    Finally, Last but not least, a big thank you to my Publisher for your support and aiding me on my poem book and most of all their professional interaction through our cooperative working experience.

    The Restrain

    Like a hidden treasure I cover my inner

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