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EJB 3 Developer Guide
EJB 3 Developer Guide
EJB 3 Developer Guide
Ebook580 pages6 hours

EJB 3 Developer Guide

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About this ebook

This book is a fast-paced tutorial that explores the key features of EJB 3 with many accompanying examples. This book is not a complete reference guide, but a concise exploration of EJB 3's core elements. This book is primarily aimed at professional developers who already have a working knowledge of Java. Enterprise architects and designers with a background in Java would also find this book of use. Previous experience of working with Java is essential and knowledge of relational databases is desirable. As this book is an introduction to EJB 3, it is aimed at those who are new to EJB 3. As the new version of EJB is so radically different from the previous version (EJB 2.x), the book is suitable for and should be of interest to those who have had experience working with EJB 2.x. The text makes it clear where the differences between the versions of EJB lie, although they are not explored in detail.
Release dateMay 23, 2008
EJB 3 Developer Guide

Michael Sikora

Michael Sikora has worked in the IT industry for over 25 years. He spent a decade with Shell developing exploration systems that incorporated emerging graphics and database technologies. Today he is an independent consultant who devotes much of his time to designing and building Oracle-based applications. He is the author of the textbook Oracle Database Principles (Palgrave Macmillan, 1997).

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    Book preview

    EJB 3 Developer Guide - Michael Sikora

    Table of Contents

    EJB 3 Developer Guide


    About the Author

    About the Reviewers


    What This Book Covers

    What You Need for This Book

    Who Is This Book For

    Approach of this Book


    Reader Feedback

    Customer Support

    Downloading the Example Code for the Book



    1. Introduction to the EJB 3 Architecture

    Introduction to the Java EE Architecture

    The EJB 3 Architecture

    EJB Container Services

    The JPA Persistence Engine

    EJB 3 Compared with Earlier Versions

    Getting Started

    Installing GlassFish

    Testing the Installation

    Accessing the Administrator Console

    Shutting Down GlassFish

    Downloading Example Source Code


    2. Session Beans


    Stateless Session Beans


    Creating a Session Bean Client

    Running the Example

    The Program Directory Structure

    The Ant Build Script

    The Application Client Container

    Building the Application

    Stateless Session Bean's LifeCycle

    Stateful Session Beans

    Stateful Session Bean's LifeCycle

    Local Interfaces


    3. Entities


    EJB 3 Entities

    Comparison with EJB 2.x Entity Beans

    Mapping an Entity to a Database Table

    Introducing the EntityManager

    Packaging and Deploying Entities

    The Program Directory Structure

    Building the Application

    Field-Based Annotations

    Generating Primary Keys

    Table Strategy

    Sequence Strategy

    Identity Strategy

    Auto Strategy

    Overriding Metadata Defaults


    4. Object/Relational Mapping

    O/R Mapping Default Behavior

    A Banking Example Application

    Customer Entity

    Account Entity

    Address Entity

    Referee Entity

    Testing the Application

    O/R Mapping Overriding Defaults

    Customer Entity

    Account Entity

    Address Entity


    O/R Mapping Additional Annotations

    Referee Class


    Composite Primary Keys

    O/R Inheritance Mapping

    SINGLE_TABLE Strategy

    JOINED Strategy

    Table per Concrete Class Strategy


    5. The Java Persistence Query Language


    Simple Queries


    Conditional Expressions

    Aggregate Functions



    Queries with Relationships


    Inner Joins

    Outer Joins

    Fetch Joins

    Collection Comparison Expressions

    Constructor Expressions













    Queries with Parameters

    Positional Parameters

    Named Parameters

    Named Queries

    Handling Date and Time

    @Temporal annotation

    Queries with Date Parameters

    Datetime Functions

    Bulk Update and Delete

    Native SQL


    6. Entity Manager

    Application-managed Entity Manager

    Entity Manager Merge

    Entity Manager Methods







    Cascade Operations






    Extended Persistence Context

    Entity LifeCycle Callback Methods

    Entity Listeners


    7. Transactions


    Container-Managed Transaction Demarcation







    Examples of Transaction Attributes

    REQUIRED Example

    REQUIRES_NEW Example


    SUPPORTS Example

    MANDATORY Example

    NEVER Example

    Controlling Container Managed Transactions

    SessionSynchronization Interface

    Doomed Transactions

    Concurrency and Database Locking

    Isolation Levels

    Lost Update Problem


    Read and Write Locking

    UserTransaction Interface


    8. Messaging


    Java Message Service (JMS) API

    Queue Producer and Consumer Examples

    Synchronous Queue Consumer Example

    Running the Queue Producer and Synchronous Queue Consumer Examples

    An Asynchronous Queue Consumer Example

    Running the Asynchronous Queue Consumer Example

    Topic Producer and Consumer Examples

    Synchronous Topic Consumer Example

    Running the Topic Producer and Synchronous Topic Consumer Examples

    An Asynchronous Topic Consumer Example

    Running the Asynchronous Topic Consumer Example

    Motivation for Message-Driven Beans

    A Simple Message-Driven Bean Example

    A Session Bean Queue Producer

    A Message-Driven Bean Queue Consumer

    MDB Activation Configuration Properties





    MDB LifeCycle

    MDB Example Revisited

    Sending Message Confirmation to a Client

    MDBs and Transactions


    9. EJB Timer Service


    Timer Service Examples

    A Single Event Example

    An Interval Event Example

    A Timer Interface Example

    Timers and Transactions


    10. Interceptors

    Interceptor Methods

    Interceptor Classes

    Default Interceptors

    Interceptor Communication


    11. Implementing EJB 3 Web Services

    Overview of Web Service Concepts

    The SOAP Protocol

    The WSDL Standard

    The UDDI Standard

    SOA and Web Services

    Creating a Java Application Web Service

    Creating an Endpoint Implementation Interface

    The WSDL Document

    The Element

    The Element

    The Element

    The and Elements

    The GlassFish WSGEN Tool

    Deploying a Java Application as a Web Service

    The GlassFish Admin Console Test Harness

    Creating a Java Web Service Client

    Overriding JAX-WS Annotation Defaults

    Deploying an EJB Session Bean as a Web Service

    Packaging an EJB Web Service

    Creating an EJB Web Service Client


    12. EJB 3 Security

    Java EE Container Security


    GlassFish Authentication

    Mapping Roles to Groups

    Authenticating an EJB Application Client

    EJB Authorization

    Declarative Authorization

    Denying Authorization

    EJB Security Propagation

    Programmatic Authorization

    Java EE Web Container Security

    Web-Tier Authorization

    Transport Layer Security

    Web-Tier Authentication

    Example of Web-Tier Authentication and Authorization


    A. Annotations and Their Corresponding Packages


    EJB 3 Developer Guide

    Michael Sikora

    EJB 3 Developer Guide

    Copyright © 2008 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: May 2008

    Production Reference: 1160508

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    32 Lincoln Road


    Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-847195-60-9

    Cover Image by Michelle O'Kane (<[email protected]>)



    Michael Sikora


    Meenakshi Verma

    Chris Mawata

    Lawrence Bean

    Senior Acquisition Editor

    Douglas Paterson

    Development Editor

    Sarah Cullington

    Technical Editor

    Bhupali Khule

    Editorial Team Leader

    Mithil Kulkarni

    Project Manager

    Abhijeet Deobhakta

    Project Coordinator

    Brinell Catherine Lewis


    Monica Ajmera


    Angie Butcher

    Production Coordinator

    Shantanu Zagade

    Cover Work

    Shantanu Zagade

    About the Author

    Michael Sikora is an enterprise architect with a background in the Unified Process and Java EE. He has a particular interest in object oriented and database technology. He has worked for many large UK clients such as ICL Fujitsu, Mercury Communications, Vodafone, and BUPA. He has used Java since 2000. Before that he spent a decade designing and developing database and data warehouse systems. He has experience in Oracle, PL/SQL, and C. In the 1980s he worked for Shell developing exploration software. He graduated in Mathematics from Essex University and has Masters degrees from London University and Imperial College.

    Michael currently resides in London, England and enjoys mountaineering and still hopes to complete the seven summits. His website is

    I would like to thank Arun Zachariah, Amanda Waite, George Wilk, and Paul Hudson for advice, feedback, and help on this book. From the Packt publishing staff, I would like in particular to thank Douglas Paterson for his interest in this project. I would also like to thank Sarah Cullington, Brinell Lewis, and Bhupali Khule for the smooth running of the publishing process. Finally I would like to thank the technical reviewers for some very helpful suggestions.

    About the Reviewers

    Meenakshi Verma has been part of the IT industry since 1998. She is experienced in putting up solutions across multiple industry segments using Java/J2EE technologies. She is currently based in Toronto, Canada and is working with Sapient, a leading North American Consultancy organization. Sapient is a global organization which has offices across North America, Europe and India.

    Meenakshi has been helping with technical reviews for books published by Packt Publishing across varied enterprise solutions. Her earlier work includes JasperReports for Java Developers, Java EE 5 Development using GlassFish Application Server, Practical Data Analysis and Reporting with BIRT.

    I'd like to thank my husband (Atul Verma) for his encouragement and support throughout the review of this book and many others, and my three year old son (Prieyaansh Verma) for giving me the warmth of his love despite my hectic schedules. I also owe thanks & gratitude to my Father (Mr Bhopal Singh) and Mother (Mrs Raj Bala) for laying a strong foundation in me and giving me their unconditional love and support.

    Chris Mawata earned his Masters degree at the University of Western Australia and his Ph.D at the University of Hawaii. He was a professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for fifteen years after which he went into Java consulting and technical training. He currently trains Java developers and writes course materials for Learning Tree International. He is also sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant to be a Java consultant for Phenotype Screening Corporation.

    Lawrence Bean fell out of Computer Science and into Music Education in his sophomore year of college. He graduated with a BA in Music Education from the University of Maine in 1986 and had a ten year career as a Choral Music Educator in the Kennebunk, Maine school system, while continuing his technology pursuits as a hobby. His large non-audition groups won silver at the Events America Choral Festival and his select group was featured on Good Morning America and in Yankee Magazine for their annual performances of traditional christmas carols at the highly acclaimed Kennebunkport Christmas Prelude.

    He fell back into Computer Science with the offer of a position as Technology Coordinator at SU#47 in greater Bath, Maine and completed his MS in Computer Science in 2006. For the past ten years he has literally built the school system's technology program, from pulling CAT-5 through the walls and constructing PCs out of spare parts to writing data analysis modules and a custom SIF-compliant Student Information System, while continuing his musical pursuits as a hobby.

    Throughout he has been highly involved in the Maine Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association of Maine, Association of Computer Technology Educators in Maine, and the Barbershop Harmony Society, holding various positions of responsibility and bringing the Maine All-State Auditions into the 21st century with on-line applications, judging, and results processing.

    He has been a strong advocate for free, open-source solutions for public schools and currently presents workshops on IPCop Firewalls and the Koha ILS.

    Larry lives with his very patient wife Betsy in Saco, Maine, USA.


    Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is a core part of the Java EE 5 specification. EJB is a framework for building enterprise-scale object-oriented, distributed, component-based business applications. EJB business applications are written in Java, are scalable and can be deployed on any platform that supports the EJB specification.

    EJB applications are deployed to and execute under the control of an EJB container. The EJB container provides services typically required by enterprise applications such as security, transaction management, resource pooling, and systems management.

    The EJB 3 specification, released in May 2006, is a radical change from previous versions of the technology. Developing business applications is considerably easier with EJB 3. The handling of persistence in particular has radically changed in EJB 3. Persistence is no longer a service provided by an EJB container but rather by a persistence provider conforming to the Java Persistence API (JPA) specification. Java applications which need to be persisted but which do not require the services provided by an EJB container can be persisted outside an EJB container by a JPA persistence provider. In this book we cover JPA as well as the core EJB 3 services.

    This book is a concise, example-driven introduction to EJB 3. The best way to learn a new software technology is by studying and trying out programming examples. In this book you will see a lot of code and one example after another. We do not assume any prior knowledge of EJB. However this book does assume at least a couple of years’ experience of Java and some knowledge of relational database technology. The examples in this book have been deployed on the GlassFish application server. GlassFish was chosen primarily because this is the Java EE 5 reference implementation.

    What This Book Covers

    Chapter 1 Introduction to EJB 3—A general overview of the Java EE architecture including EJB container services, the JPA persistence engine, and initial installation of the GlassFish application server.

    Chapter 2 Session Beans—Creation of a session bean and its client and examples of running it from the application client container. Exploring the program directory structure. Packaging and deploying a session bean. A look at the stateless and stateful session beans lifecycle.

    Chapter 3 Entities—Exploring EJB 3 entities. How to package and deploy entities and map an entity to a database table. Metadata defaults and how to override them. Generating primary keys.

    Chapter 4 Object/Relational Mapping—One-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many associations. Default object/relational mapping values and how to override them. Object/relational inheritance mapping and additional annotations.

    Chapter 5 JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language)—Looking at different groups of queries including aggregate functions, queries with relationships, subqueries, queries with parameters and named queries. JPQL joins and functions are also explained.

    Chapter 6 Entity Manager—Looks in detail at the entity manager. Covers both the EJB 3 container-managed and application-managed entity managers.

    Chapter 7 Transactions—ACID properties and isolation levels. Container-managed transactions. Bean-managed transactions.

    Chapter 8 Messaging—Looks at the JMS (Java Messaging Service) API. Examples of queue producer and queue consumers. Topic producer and consumers. Message driven beans: their activation configuration properties, lifecycles and transactions.

    Chapter 9 EJB Timer Service—Examples of single and interval events. Timer interface methods. Timers and transactions.

    Chapter 10 Interceptors—Covers interceptor methods, classes and interceptor communication as well as default interceptors.

    Chapter 11 Implementing EJB 3 Web Services—An overview of web service concepts and the web service definition language (WSDL). Creating and deploying a Java application as a web service. Creating and deploying an EJB session bean as a web service. Creating a web service client.

    Chapter 12 EJB 3 Security—A look at security, GlassFish authentication, declarative and programmatic EJB authorization and Web Tier authentication and authorization.

    The Appendix shows EJB 3 annotations described in this book with their corresponding packages.

    What You Need for This Book

    First you must have version 5 or higher of the Java Development Kit (JDK). This can be downloaded from

    You also need a version of Ant equal to or higher than 1.6.5. Ant is a tool for building Java programs, similar in concept to the Unix Make tool, except that it is platform independent. Ant is part of Apache’s Jakarta project. If you are unfamiliar with Ant you should look at the Ant web site ( If you do not have Ant there is no need to download it as the GlassFish application server includes a copy of Ant.

    Finally you need a version of GlassFish equal to or higher than V2b41d. This can be downloaded from

    Instructions on setting up environment variables and installing GlassFish are given in the Getting Started section in Chapter 1.

    Who Is This Book For

    Previous experience of working with Java is essential and knowledge of relational databases is desirable.

    This book is primarily aimed at professional developers who already have a working knowledge of Java. Enterprise architects and designers with a background in Java would also find this book of use.

    As this book is an introduction to EJB 3, it is aimed at those who are new to EJB 3. However, as the new version of EJB is so radically different from the previous version (EJB 2.x), the book would also be suitable and of interest to those who have had experience working with EJB 2.x. The text makes it clear where the differences between the versions of EJB lie, although it is not explored in detail.

    Approach of this Book

    This book has been written for developers new to EJB 3 who want to use the technology. Such readers usually want to see examples and program code. In this book we work through one example after another and we show lots of program code. If you are new to a technology and have looked at your first HelloWorld example, the next thing you want to do is to code and run the program yourself. In the case of EJBs this also means packaging and deploying the EJB to a container. Although we promise no HelloWorld examples in this book, we look at packaging and deployment straight after coding our first EJB, rather than ignoring these topics or leaving them to the end of the book.

    All the source code together with packaging and deployment scripts is available from the book's web site.

    This book is not a reference book, so we don't attempt to cover all EJB 3 features. We've kept this book concise to help you quickly get up and running with EJB 3.

    Although an EJB will run in any EJB container, the deployment process is container-dependent. This means that we need to pick a specific container for our examples. Sun's open-source, free GlassFish container was chosen primarily because this was the Java EE reference container implementation and also because GlassFish has Toplink embedded. Toplink in turn is the reference JPA persistence engine.

    We also chose not to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) partly because they are all quite different. A book based on IDE A would be of little use to a reader using IDE B. As IDEs are screen-based navigational tools, any resulting book would contain a large number of screenshots and would be at least double in length. More importantly is the author's view that an IDE is not an ideal learning tool. Apart from having to learn to navigate through a large number of screens, often an IDE will hide the underlying EJB technology. Of course once you have learnt EJB an IDE will make you much more productive in your work.

    Instead we use the Ant build tool for compiling, packaging, deploying, and running our EJBs.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text are shown as follows: We name our interface, which contains a single method definition getTime() .

    A block of code will be set as follows:


    public class TimeServiceBean implements TimeService {

    public String getTime() {

    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

    fmt.format(%tr, cal);

    return fmt.toString();



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items will be made bold:


    public class TimeServiceBean implements TimeService {

    private @EJB NiceDayService niceDay;


    public String getTime() {

    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

    fmt.format(%tr, cal);

    return fmt.toString() +





    Any command-line input and output is written as follows:

    C:\EJB3Chapter02\glassfish\lab1\build>jar -tvf TimeService.jar

    New terms and important words are introduced in a

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