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Geometry and Symmetry
Geometry and Symmetry
Geometry and Symmetry
Ebook503 pages7 hours

Geometry and Symmetry

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About this ebook

This book is an introduction to the geometry of Euclidean, affine, and projective spaces with special emphasis on the important groups of symmetries of these spaces. The two major objectives of the text are to introduce the main ideas of affine and projective spaces and to develop facility in handling transformations and groups of transformations. Since there are many good texts on affine and projective planes, the author has concentrated on the n-dimensional cases.
Designed to be used in advanced undergraduate mathematics or physics courses, the book focuses on "practical geometry," emphasizing topics and techniques of maximal use in all areas of mathematics. These topics include:
Algebraic and Combinatoric Preliminaries
Isometries and Similarities
An Introduction to Crystallography
Fields and Vector Spaces
Affine Spaces
Projective Spaces
Special features include a spiral approach to symmetry; a review of the algebraic prerequisites; proofs which do not appear in other texts, such as the Polya-Burnside theorem; an extensive bibliography; and a large collection of exercises together with suggestions for term-paper topics. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the geometric significance of cosets and conjugates in a group.

Release dateMay 5, 2014
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    Geometry and Symmetry - Paul B. Yale


    Chapter 1

    Algebraic and Combinatoric Preliminaries

    This chapter is devoted entirely to the algebraic and combinatoric tools that we use in our study of geometry and symmetry. These tools are centered around the concepts of set, function, and group. A thorough understanding of these concepts and facility in using the associated notation are essential in order to read the rest of the book.

    1.1. Basic notions about sets and groups

    To avoid ambiguity we state our notational conventions for sets even though they conform to the standard conventions. As usual x X means that x is an element of the set X; {x1, x2,…, xn} denotes the set whose elements are x1, x2,…, xn; and {x| (some conditions on x)} denotes the set of all objects satisfying the given conditions. It is well known that one can get into trouble with this last notation, e.g., X = {x | x is a set and x x} is at the root of Russell’s paradox. (Does X X?) We avoid trouble by being reasonably cautious about the collections of objects that we agree to call sets. In fact, we usually start with a well-known set X and form a subset of X by imposing requirements for membership. In this situation we often write {x X| (conditions on x)} in place of {x | x X and (conditions on x)}.

    denote the union and intersection, respectively, of all sets A is empty.

    For subset relations we use X Y or Y X to mean "X is a proper subset of Y" and use X Y or Y X to mean "X is a subset of Y which may equal Y" The empty set, which we denote by ϕ, is a subset of any set X, i.e., ϕ X. Note that the two statements, "ϕ X and ϕ X," are equivalent.

    For any finite set X, #(Z) denotes the number of elements in X. Thus #(ϕ) = 0, #{a} = 1, etc. The extension of this notation to infinite sets is used in the sense of cardinality, i.e., #(X) = #(Y) means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of the two sets.

    We often consider ordered n-tuples of elements chosen from a set X. The ordered n-tuple with ith component xi is denoted by (x1, x2,…, xn). Thus the ordered pair (a, b) has first component a and second component b. Two other common types of brackets used for ordered n-tuples, 〈 〉 and [ ], are reserved for special uses (vectors and projective coordinates, respectively).

    A function, f from X into Y is defined formally as a set of ordered pairs with first component in X and second component in Y such that: (1) no two ordered pairs in f have the same first component but different second components, i.e., f is single-valued; and (2) each element of X appears once as the first component of an ordered pair in f. Of more importance in reading this book is the intuitive idea that a function f from X into Y is determined whenever we have an unambiguous rule assigning to each element x X a definite element y Y. Often, notably in calculus courses, one denotes the object y assigned to x by f(x); however, since we want products of functions (defined below) to read in their natural order, we never use this notation. In order to emphasize its importance we state our convention as a formal definition.

    Definition. If f is a function from X into Y and if (x, y) ∈ f, then we say that y is the image of x under f and write (x)f = y. In special situations we may replace this by xf = y or xf = y in order to avoid too many parentheses. If Z is a subset of X, then (Z)f (respectively, Zf or Zf), called the image of Z under f, is the set of all images of elements of Z under f, i.e., (Z)f = {(z)f | z Z}.

    As usual, if f is a function from X into Y, then we call X the domain and Y the codomain of f. The range of a function is the image of its domain. The words mapping and transformation are used as synonyms for function.

    Three special types of functions occur often enough to merit special definitions. First, we distinguish carefully between the words into and onto and say f is a function from X onto Y only if the image of X under f is Y itself, not some proper subset of Y. Second, we say that a function is one to one, or 1–1, if (x)f = (w)f implies x = w. Third, we say that a function, f, is a one-to-one correspondence between X and Y if f is a function from X onto Y that is also one to one.

    Definition. Let f be a function from X into Y and g a function from Y into Z. The product, fg, of f and g is the function from X into Z such that for each x X, (x)fg = ((x)f)g.

    Strictly speaking, we should prove that there is exactly one function fg determined by the rule above. This is not difficult, but if the reader has never seen a formal proof he should try to prove it himself, i.e., find a suitable set of ordered pairs and show that it is unique.

    Note carefully that products of functions are always read from left to right in this book. In other books, especially in some that are referred to later on, this convention is reversed. The student should always check a reference to see if the author is using the f(x) or the (x)f convention for functional notation.

    An interesting function (one for each set X) is the identity function, 1X. Formally, 1X, = {(x, x)|x X}. Intuitively, 1X is the function from X onto X which assigns each x X to itself, i.e., leaves each x X unchanged. If the context determines the set X, we often use 1 in place of 1X.

    The identity map and the concept of the product of two functions can be combined to give an interesting characterization of 1–1 or onto. Intuitively, a function is one to one if and only if it can be untangled, i.e., if and only if it has a post-inverse. Similarly, a function maps X onto Y if and only if each element in Y is the image of at least one object in X, i.e., if and only if the function has a pre-inverse. These intuitive ideas are formalized in the following theorem.

    Theorem 1.1. Let f be a function from X into Y, then:

    (1) f maps X onto Y if and only if there is a function g from Y into X such that gf = 1Y.

    (2) f is one to one if and only if there is a function h from Y into X such that fh = 1X.

    Proof. Assume the function g exists. Then for each y Y, y = (y)1Y = (y)gf = ((y)g)f Hence y is the image of (y)g under f. Since (y)g X for each y Y, this shows that f maps X onto Y. Conversely, assume/maps X onto Y. Then for each y Y choose one x X such that (x)f = y. (If Y is infinite, we appeal to the axiom of choice in order to accomplish this infinite set of choices.) Define g by (y)g = x, and we have our desired function g from Y into X.

    The proof of (2) is similar (but simpler!) so we leave it as an exercise (exercise 1.1, problem 3).

    In the case of a 1–1 correspondence, f, between X and Y both parts of the theorem apply, and we have both a pre-inverse, g, and a post-inverse, h. Clearly, g = h, so we call this function the inverse of f and denote it by f–1.

    This completes our listing of elementary notions about sets and functions. We turn now to the basic type of algebraic system that is essential in any study of symmetry.

    Definition. A group, G, is a non-empty set G and a product operation defined on G such that:

    (1) For any pair of elements a, b in G, the product ab is uniquely determined by a and b and is in G.

    (2) There is an element, e, in G, called the identity, such that eb = be = b for any b in G.

    (3) For any a in G, there is an element x in G, called the inverse of a, such that ax = xa = e. The inverse of a is denoted by a–1.

    (4) For all a, b, c G, a(bc) = (ab)c, i.e., products are associative.

    In general, we try to use a boldface capital letter for the name of an algebraic system and the corresponding lightface capital for the name of the associated set. If the reader first sees H, and then H appears without explanation, he should look for a product in H that is determined by the context.

    Strictly speaking, we should first show that the identity is unique before calling it the identity, and similarly we should show that the inverse of a is unique.

    Note that we do not assume that the product is commutative, i.e., we do not assume that ab = ba for all a, b in a group. A group in which this property does hold is called an abelian group. If G is an abelian group, we may write a + b and –a in place of ab and a–1. In other words, we reserve additive notation for abelian groups.

    At this point, we should present some examples of groups; however, the reader will often need to refer to the basic definitions and theorems about groups so it helps if the reference material is not cluttered up with extraneous material. For this reason we defer all examples until the next section and restrict the remainder of this section to the bare statements of major definitions and their immediate consequences.

    Definition. Assume G and H are groups. H is a subgroup of G if and only if H G and the product in H is inherited from the product in G, i.e., if a, b H, then ab in H is the same as ab in G.

    In practice we use one of the following methods to recognize a subgroup.

    Theorem 1.2. Let G be a group with identity e. Let H be a subset of G and H the algebraic system consisting of the set H and the product inherited from G. H is a group (and hence a subgroup of G) if and only if either of the following statements holds.

    (1) e H, H is closed with respect to products (a, b H implies ab H), and H is closed with respect to taking inverses (a H implies a–1 ∈ H).

    (2) H is non-empty, and a, b H implies ab–1 ∈ H.

    In order to verify that either of these conditions is sufficient the reader should reread the definition of a group and check that if either condition holds, then all four properties are satisfied by H. It is easy to prove that either condition is necessary after one verifies that if H is a subgroup of G, then the identity in H is the identity in G, and inverses in H coincide with inverses taken in G. Probably the easiest way to verify that identities in G and H are equal is to exploit the following result.

    Proposition 1.3. Let K be a group. If a, b, and c K, then ab = ac if and only if b = c. In particular, the identity is the only solution in K of xx = x.

    Proof. Assume b = c. Then by property 1 for groups, ab = ac. Conversely, if we assume ab = ac, then a–1(a) = a–1(ac). But a–1(ab) = (a–1a)b = eb = b and similarly, a–1(ac) = c. Thus, b = c. For any x in K, x = xe if e is the identity. Hence if xx = x, then xx = xe, and hence x = e by the first part of the theorem.

    The technique used in the proof generalizes as follows.

    Theorem 1.4. We may pre-multiply (respectively post-multiply) both members of an equation involving group elements by any element of the group without changing the validity of the equation. For example, the equations f = g, fh = gh, and hf = hg are all equivalent if f, g, h belong to the same group. Similarly, we may pre-divide (respectively post-divide) both members by any element in the group. For example, fg = h, g = f–1h, and f = hg–1 are all equivalent.

    The proof is omitted. Note carefully that unless the product operation in G is commutative, we must be careful to pre-multiply on both sides or else post-multiply on both sides of an equation.

    Returning now to subgroups, we discuss one of the basic situations in which subgroups arise.

    Definition. Let G be a group and X a non-empty subset of G. If K is the smallest subgroup of G containing X (existence and uniqueness of K to be proved by the reader in exercise 1.1, problem 8), then K is called the subgroup generated by X. The elements of X are called generators of K. In the special case in which X contains just one element, x, we denote the subgroup by (x) and call it a cyclic subgroup.

    If G is a group with identity e and g G, it is customary to define g⁰ = e, gn = gg ··· g (n times), and gn = (g–1)(g–1) ··· (g–1) (n times) for any positive integer n. With these conventions the usual laws of exponents apply. Using this notation, we can describe (g) explicitly.

    Proposition 1.5. The subgroup (g) is the set of all integral (positive, zero, and negative!) powers of g.

    Proof. The identity, g⁰, is in this set. If gj and gk are in the set, gjgk = gj+k is, too. Finally, if gj is in the set, so is (gj)–1 = g–j. Hence the set of integral powers of g is a subgroup by part (1) of theorem 1.2. Since (g) is the smallest subgroup containing g, (g) must be a subset of the set of integral powers of g.

    To reverse the subset relation we note that since (g) is closed with respect to products, an easy proof by induction shows that gj ∈ (g) for all positive integers j. Since e ∈ (g) and (g) is closed with respect to taking inverses, e = g⁰ and g–j = (gj)–1 are in (g). Thus the set of integral powers of g is contained in (g). This completes the proof that this set equals (g).

    A similar proof, but with a slightly more complicated inductive step, shows that the subgroup generated by X is just the set of all finite products of integral powers of the various elements in X. Caution! Since multiplication is not commutative, there may be no way to simplify a product such as a²ba–l0b³cb–17; moreover, it is not always true that gj and gk are distinct if j k. The conditions under which gj = gk are easily stated in terms of the order of g, which we now define.

    Definition. Let G be a group with identity e, and let g G. The order of g is the smallest positive integer n such that gn = e, if there is at least one such integer. If there is no such integer, then the order of g is infinite or, more precisely, the cardinality of the set of integers.

    Theorem 1.6. Let G be a group and g G. The order of g equals #(g). If the order of g is infinite, then gj gk if j k, but if the order of g = n, then gj = gk if and only if n divides j k.

    Proof. Let N = {p | p is an integer and gp = e}. Since gj = gk if and only if gj–k = e, it follows that if N = {0}, then the correspondence j gj is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of integers and (g). Thus, if N = {0}, order g = #(g), and gj gk for j k.

    If, on the contrary, N ≠ {0}, then (since gj = e implies g|j| = e) there are positive integers in N, and hence the order of g is n, the smallest positive integer in N. Using the division algorithm for integers and the laws of exponents in G, it is easy to verify that N is the set of all multiples of n9 and therefore that gj = gk if and only if n divides j k. This in turn implies that the correspondence j gj is a one-to-one correspondence between the set {0, 1, …, n – 1} and (g). Hence, in this case also, the order of g = #(g), and the proof is complete.

    The word order is used in one other sense in relation to groups; namely, if G is a group, we often call #(g) the order of G. Fortunately, in the only case in which confusion could arise, these two senses are consistent since (theorem 1.6) the order of g equals the order of (g).

    Exercise 1.1

    1. Find all ways of defining a product on the set {x, y, z, e} such that the group axioms are satisfied, e plays the role of the identity, and xx = e. Repeat, assuming xx = y instead of e. After completing this you should have some understanding of the statement that there are essentially only two four-element groups. It may help you to first try the analogous problem with one-, two-, or three-element sets.

    2. Let G be a group and H1 and H2 two subgroups of G such that neither subgroup is contained in the other. Show that H1 ∪ H2 cannot be a subgroup of G. The subgroup generated by H1 ∪ H2 is usually called the join of H1 and H2 and is denoted by H1 ∨ H2.

    3. Prove part (2) of theorem 1.1.

    4. Let X and Y be finite sets, say, #X = p and #Y = q. Count the number of one-to-one functions from X into Y. Caution! Consider the case, p > q, first.

    5. Explore the difficulties in counting the number of functions from X onto Y, X, and Y as in the preceding problem.

    6. Let YX be the set of all functions from X into Y. Show that if X and Y are finite, then #(YX) = (#Y)#X. If Y = {0, 1}, determine a natural one-to-one correspondence between YX and the set of all subsets of X.

    7. Let sf be a non-empty family of subgroups of a group G. Show that K is also a subgroup of G. Moreover show that K is the only subgroup, L, of G that satisfies both of the properties:

    1. L H for all H .

    2. If M is a subgroup of G such that M H for all H then M L,

    8. Let G be a group and X a non-empty subset of Gbe the family of all subgroups of G containing X.

    1. Show that s is non-empty.

    2. Let K as in problem 7. Show that K is the subgroup of G generated by X, i.e., show that X K and that if H is any subgroup of G such that X H, then K H.

    9. Assume that G is a finite group and that H is a subset of G that is non-empty and closed under multiplication. Show that H is a subgroup of G. Give an example showing that this may not be true if G is not finite.

    10. Let G be the set of all linear functions on the set of real numbers R, i.e., f G if and only if f:R R and there are real numbers a and b such that a ≠ 0 and (x)f = ax + b for all x R.

    (1) Using as the product operation ordinary composition of functions as defined in this section, show that G is a group.

    (2) If p and q are distinct real numbers, show that there is exactly one linear function, f, such that (0)f = p and (1)f = q.

    (3) Use parts (1) and (2) and theorem 1.4 to show that if p, q, r, and s are real numbers with p q and r s, then there is exactly one linear function sending p to r and q to s.

    (4) Show that f is a linear function if and only if f is a one-to-one function from R onto R such that: For all p, q, r, s in R, if r s, then

    1.2. The algebra of permutations and examples of groups

    Among the various examples of groups, the permutation groups play a central role. Since they are important in the study of symmetry and also easily accessible, we present them among our first examples of groups.

    Definition. Let X be a non-empty set. A permutation of X is a one-to-one transformation of X onto itself. The set of all permutations of X is denoted SX or, in the special case in which X = {1, 2, 3,…, n}, Sn. The special permutation 1X is called the trivial permutation of X and all other permutations are referred to as nontrivial.

    In section 1.1 we defined a natural product for functions. Since permutations are special functions, we have a natural product defined on the set SX The set SX, together with this product, forms an algebraic system SX. For example, ifX = {1, 2}, then S2 = {1, ϕ} where (1)ϕ = 2 and (2)ϕ = l. The multiplication table for S2 is

    It is easy to verify that S2 is a group. The following theorem generalizes this to an arbitrary set X.

    Theorem 1.7. The algebraic system SX is a group. This group is abelian if and only if X has one or two elements. If X is a finite set and #(X) = n, then #(SX) = n!.

    Proof. 1X is a permutation of X; hence Sx ϕ. Let f and g be permutations of X; then fg is a function from X into X. Given x X, since both f and g are onto, we can first find a y X such that (y)g = x and then a z X such that (z)f = y. But then (z)fg = x, so fg is onto. Similarly, since f and g are both one to one, fg is one to one. (Verify!) Thus for any pair of elements of SX, their product is in SX. Clearly, the product, fg, is uniquely determined by the functions f and g.

    Since (x)1Xf = (x)f = (x)f1X for any x X and any function f from X into X, it follows that 1Xf = f1X = f for any permutation, f, of X. Thus 1X is the identity in SX.

    If f is a permutation of X, then by theorem 1.1 there is a function, f–1, from X into X such that ff–1 = f–1f = 1X. Again using theorem 1.1, we see that since ff–1 = 1X, f–1 is onto, and since f–1f = 1X, f–1 is one to one, i.e., f–1 is in SX, and thus each f in SX has an inverse in SX.

    As long as f, g, and h are functions such that either f(gh) or (fg)h is defined, it follows that the other product is also defined and f(gh) = (fg)h (exercise 1.2, problem 2), i.e., products of functions are associative. Since our permutations in SX are special functions, it follows that the product in SX is associative. This completes the proof that SX is a group.

    If X has only one element, then SX has only one element, 1X, and thus in this case SX is abelian. For any set with two elements, the only two permutations are 1, which leaves the two elements fixed, and the permutation which interchanges the two elements. Clearly, the group SX is abelian in this case. However, if X has more than two elements, then we can select three elements a, b, and c and construct permutations, f and g, of X such that fg gf. One suitable pair is defined by (a)f = b, (b)f = a, and (x)f = x for any x X different from a and b; and (b)g = c, (c)g = b, and (x)g = x for any x X different from b and c. Since (a)fg = c, but (a)gf = b, fg gf. Thus SX is not abelian if X has more than two members.

    Finally we count the number of permutations of X if X is finite, say, #(X) = n. To do this we order the elements in X, call them x1, x2,…, xn. If we are to construct a one-to-one function f from X into X, then we have n choices for (x1)f, (n – 1) choices for (x2)f [since we must avoid (x1)f],…, (n j) choices for (xj+1)f,…, and 1 choice for (xn)f Thus there are n(n – 1) (n – 2) … (1) = n! possible one-to-one functions from X into X. Since X is finite, and one cannot distribute n objects one to a slot into n distinct slots without filling up each slot, each one-to-one function is also onto, hence there are n! permutations of X. This completes the proof of the theorem.

    Definition. For any non-empty set, X, the group SX is called the full symmetric group on X. Sn is called the symmetric group of degree n.

    There is a standard notation, called the cycle notation, for those permutations of a set X which leave all but a finite number of elements of X fixed. If a1, a2,…, an are n distinct objects in X, then denote by (a1, a2,…, an) that permutation of X sending a1 to a2, a2 to a3,…, an to a1 while leaving all other elements of X invariant. For example, the two permutations used in the proof above are f = (a, b) = (b, a) and g = (b, c) = (c, b). Note that if a, b, and c are distinct then (a, b)(b, c) = (a, c, b) = (c, b, a) = (b, a, c), whereas (b, c) (a, b) = (a, b, c) = (b, c, a) = (c, a, b). The permutation (a1, a2, …, an) is called a cycle of length n. A cycle of length 2 is often called a transposition. Note that a transposition is its own inverse in SX, and, in general, if f is a cycle of length n then fn = 1 in SX. As indicated above for cycles of length 2 or 3, each cycle of length n has n different names in the cycle notation, one name using each of the n elements as the leading element.

    If g is a nontrivial permutation of X which leaves fixed all but a finite number of elements of X, then we can represent g as a product of disjoint cycles. For example, g = (1, 2, 3)(2, 3, 4) (viewed as a permutation of {1, 2, 3, 4}) is a product of the overlapping cycles (1, 2, 3) and (2, 3, 4) but is also the product of the disjoint cycles (1, 3) and (2, 4), i.e., (1, 2, 3)(2, 3, 4) = (1, 3)(2, 4). In general a representation for g as a product of disjoint cycles can be obtained by choosing any element x which g does not leave fixed and constructing the cycle (x, (x)g, (x)g²,…, (x)gn) where (x)gn+1 = x, then choosing any element y left over such that (y)g y and constructing (y, (y)g,…, (y)gk) where (y)gk+1 = y, etc. The product (x, (x)g,…, (x)gn)(y,…, (y)gk)(z, …)… is the desired representation.

    To illustrate the cycle notation and the concepts defined in section 1.1 we now examine the group S4 and some of its subgroups.

    Example 1. The group S4. This group consists of the 24 permutations of {1, 2, 3, 4}. Since the set itself is finite, each nontrivial permutation moves only a finite number of objects and therefore can be represented in the cycle notation. There are only five types of products of disjoint cycles: 1, (x, y), (x, y, z), (x, y)(z, w), and (x, y, z, w). The subgroups generated by these types of permutations contain one, two, three, two, or four elements, respectively. For example, the subgroup generated by (1, 3, 2, 4) contains (1, 3, 2, 4), (1, 3, 2, 4)² = (1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 3, 2, 4)³ = (1, 4, 2, 3), and (1, 3, 2, 4)⁴ = 1.

    In addition to the subgroups generated by a single permutation, there are subgroups of order 4, 6, 8, and 12 which require more than one generator, e.g., the minimum number of generators for the subgroup {1, (1, 2), (3, 4), (1, 2)(3, 4)} is two (exercise 1.2, problem 7). The (unique!) subgroup of S4 of order 12 also requires at least two generators, e.g., (1, 2)(3, 4) and (2, 3, 4) (exercise 1.2, problem 8).

    To illustrate some of the shortcomings of the cycle notation for permutations we consider permutations of an infinite set X.

    Example 2. Let Z be the set of integers. There are many permutations of Z that move infinitely many elements and hence cannot be represented in the cycle notation. In fact, most permutations of Z are extremely awkward (and often impossible) to describe in any reasonable way. Any finite product of cycles of finite length involving only integers can be viewed as defining a permutation of Z. An example of a permutation that is easy to describe and yet is not a (finite) product of cycles is the permutation ϕ defined by: (x)ϕ = 1 – x. Clearly, there is no integer for which (x)ϕ = x, so ϕ moves all of the integers. Note that the order of ϕ is 2. An interesting subgroup of SZ is the subgroup, G, generated by ϕ1 and ϕ2, where (x)ϕ1 = x + 1 and (x)ϕ2 = – x= x + n for any integer n = ϕ= 2n xmake up all of the elements of G.

    Permutations are relevant to the study of symmetry since any symmetry operation is a permutation of a set. Of course, a symmetry operation is usually not an arbitrary permutation but rather one that leaves the structure under consideration invariant. For example, the symmetries of a cube can be viewed as those permutations of the eight vertices that keep adjacent vertices adjacent. Similarly the symmetries of euclidean space are those permutations of the points in space that preserve distance. The simplest kind of structure one could have for a set X is a distinguished subset Y. There are two obvious ways that this structure can be preserved. The weakest requirement is that the subset Y be mapped onto itself. A more restrictive requirement is to insist that each element in Y remain fixed. The following definitions and theorems establish basic tools for these two situations.

    Definition. Let Y be a non-empty subset of X. We say that a permutation, ϕ, of X leaves Y globally invariant or globally fixed if (Y)ϕ = Y, and that it leaves Y pointwise invariant or pointwise fixed if (y)ϕ = y for every y Y.

    A permutation leaving Y pointwise fixed also leaves it globally fixed, and if Yhas only one element, the converse is also true. If {a, b} ⊆ Y, a b, then (a, b) is an example of a permutation leaving Y globally but not pointwise fixed.

    Definition. Let Y be a non-empty subset ofX and G a subgroup of SX. The set of all permutations in G leaving Y globally invariant is denoted [G, Y; gi]. Similarly, [G, Y; pi] denotes the set of permutations in G that leave Y point-wise invariant.

    Theorem 1.8. With the product inherited from G, [G, Y; gi] and [G, Y; pi] are subgroups of G.

    Proof. The trivial permutation of X, 1X, must belong to G since G is a subgroup of SX (proposition 1.3), and thus 1X is in both [G, Y; gi] and [G, Y; pi]. If (y)g = (y)f = y, then (y)gf–1 = y, and thus, by theorem 1.2, [G, Y; pi] is a subgroup of G. If (Y)g = Y, then since g is one to one and maps Y onto Y, it follows that (Y)g–1 = Y (exercise 1.2, problem 3). Obviously if f and g both leave Y globally invariant, then fg does also. Thus [G, Y; gi] is also a subgroup of G.

    Example 3. Let X be a finite set with n elements, and let Y be a subset with p elements, 0 < p < n. In order to count the number of permutations of X leaving Y pointwise invariant we observe that there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between [SX, Y; pi] and the permutations of X Y = {x X | x Y}. To find the permutation of X Y corresponding to f ∈ [SX, Y; pi] simply ignore the fact that f is defined anywhere except in X Y; in other words, restrict f to X Y. Since SX–Y contains (n p)! elements, so does [SX, Y; pi]. For each permutation of X that leaves Y pointwise fixed, there are p! permutations of X leaving Y globally fixed; thus #[SX, Y; gi] = p!(n p)!.

    We shall use the following example extensively, so it is important to spend an hour or two becoming familiar with the symmetries of a cube and their products. A cube with its faces labeled, e.g., a die, is helpful when computing products of rotational symmetries.

    Example 4. The vertex symmetries of a cube. Number the eight vertices of a cube as indicated in Figure 1. Let G be the group consisting of those per mutations of {1, 2,…, 8} which preserve the adjacent vertex relationship. There are 48 such permutations (24 corresponding to rigid motions of the cube and 24 requiring that the cube be turned inside out) which split rather naturally into ten different types of geometrically equivalent permutations. A brief description of each of the ten types, an example of each, and the number of symmetries of each type are listed in Table 1.

    FIG. 1. Numbering the vertices of a cube.

    TABLE 1. The Ten Types of Symmetries of a Cube

    Many interesting subgroups of G are of the form [G, Y; pi] or [G, Y; gi] for suitable subsets Y. For example, the subgroup of 8 symmetries leaving the top face fixed is [G, Y; gi] for Y = {1, 4, 5, 8}. The subgroup [G, {1, 2}; gi] contains 4 permutations only, two of which are in [G, {1, 2}; pi].

    In example 4 above we introduced the vague notion of geometrically equivalent symmetries of the cube. Note that even though 180° = 180° and 90° ≠ 270°, we considered a 180° rotation about a facial axis as not equivalent to a 180° rotation about a semi-diagonal axis, and yet we considered all 90° and 270° rotations as equivalent. In order to explain this quixotic behavior and to make the equivalence idea precise we turn now to the study of conjugate elements in a group.

    Definition. If f and g are elements of a group G, then the product g–1fg is called the conjugate of f by g. The set of all conjugates of f{g–1fg | g G} is called the conjugacy class of f in G.

    Roughly speaking, if f and g are permutations, then the conjugate of f by g

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