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Traditional Edgings to Crochet
Traditional Edgings to Crochet
Traditional Edgings to Crochet
Ebook155 pages1 hour

Traditional Edgings to Crochet

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About this ebook

For the enthusiastic crocheter who may not have the time to make tablecloths or bedspreads, crocheted edgings offer a popular and enduring alternative. With more than 130 patterns to choose from in this attractive collection, crocheters can personalize an item by simply adding a delicate, handmade finishing touch.
Assembled by noted needlework authority Rita Weiss, the selections in this volume have been reprinted from rare thread-company leaflets published in the 1940s and 50s. (Many of these instruction books — originally created to sell thread — are collector's items today.) Needleworkers will be delighted with the wide range of heirloom-quality patterns that include traditional filet crochet and filigree designs, as well as floral motifs incorporating such familiar blooms as the pansy, rose, forget-me-not, buttercup, and aster. Clear, step-by-step instructions make these patterns easy to work anywhere — in the home, at meetings, or on public transportation.
Crocheters will want to use these lovely edgings again and again on a variety of personal and household items such as handkerchiefs, napkins, placemats, collars, cuffs, lingerie, pillowcases, and much more.

Release dateMay 7, 2012
Traditional Edgings to Crochet

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    Traditional Edgings to Crochet - Rita Weiss

    Delicate Edgings…


    No. 1807

    Ch 11, d c in 7th st from hook, ch 3, skip 3 chs, d c in end ch, ch 6, turn.

    2nd Row. D c in 1st mesh, ch 3, d c in next mesh, ch 5, turn.

    3rd Row. D c in 1st mesh, ch 3, 10 d c in next mesh, d c in next mesh, ch 3, turn.

    4th Row. S c in next d c, * ch 3, skip 1 d c, s c in next d c, repeat from * twice, ch 4, d c in next mesh, ch 3, d c in end mesh, ch 5, turn.

    5th Row. D c in 1st mesh, ch 3, d c in next mesh, ch b, turn.

    6th Row. D c in 1st mesh, ch 3, d c in next mesh, ch 5, turn.

    7th Row. D c in 1st mesh, ch 3, 10 d c in next mesh, d c in next mesh, ch 3, turn and repeat from 4th row for length desired.

    No. 1808

    Ch 5, d c in 1st ch, ch 3, 2 d c in top of d c just made, ch 3, sl st in same space, * ch 3, 2 d c in same space, ch 3, sl st in same space, repeat from *, d c in 1st ch, ch 3, s c in same space, ** ch 11, d c in 5th st from hook, ch 3, d c in top of d c just made, sl st in side petal of 1st clover, d c in same space, ch 3, sl st in same space and complete clover same as 1st clover, repeat from ** for length desired.

    No. 1809

    Chain somewhat longer than required. A cluster in 6th chain (thread over 3 times, insert in 6th chain, draw through 2 loops 3 times, thread over 3 times, draw up a loop, draw through 2 loops 3 times, then through all loops on hook), * chain 7—3 d tr cluster in same st with cluster just made, leaving last 4 loops on hook; thread over twice, skip 2 chs, insert in next chain, draw through 2 loops twice, then through all loops on hook, skip 2 chs, 3 d tr cluster in next chain st and repeat from * to end of row. Turn.

    2nd Row. 7 s c over 7 chain loop, ch 7, turn, skip 3 s c, sl st in next s c, ch 1, turn and work 9 s c over loop just made, 3 s c over first chain loop, repeat to end of row.

    No. 1810

    Work a ch for length desired, 1 d c in 4th st from hook, 1 d c in each remaining ch, turn.

    For a Fine Finish

    2nd Row. * 1 s c in each of the next 5 d c, skip 2 d c, 7 d c in next d c, skip 2 d c, repeat from * across row, turn.

    3rd Row. 1 s c in each of the 3 center s c, ch 1, 1 d c in each d c with ch 1 between, ch 1, repeat from beginning across row, turn.

    4th Row. 1 s c in center s c, ch 1, 1 d c with ch 2 between in each d c, ch 1, repeat from beginning across row, break thread.

    No. 1811

    Ch for desired length, d c in 4th st of ch, 1 d c in each of the next 2 sts, * ch 5, skip 3 sts, 1 d c in each of the next 3 sts, repeat from * across row.

    2nd Row. Ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c, * d c in center st of ch 5, ch 3, d c in same space, 1 d c in each of the next 3 d c, repeat from * across row.

    3rd Row. Starting in 3 ch loop, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 5, 3 d c in center st of next 3 ch loop, repeat from * across row.

    4th Row. Over each ch 5 ch loop work 2 s c, 4 ch picot, 2 s c, picot, 2 s c, picot, 2 s c.

    No. 1812

    1st Row. Work a ch as long as desired * ch 5, skip 3 ch, s c in next st, repeat from * across row.

    2nd Row. Ch 5, s c in loop, * ch 5, s c in next loop, repeat from * across row.

    3rd Row. Repeat 2nd row.

    4th Row. * Ch 5, s c in next loop, repeat from *, ** ch 3, 3 d c in next loop, ch 3, s c in next loop, ch 5, s c in next loop, repeat from ** across row.

    5th Row. Ch 3, s c in loop, * ch 3, 3 d c in 3 ch loop, ch 5, skip 3 d c of previous row, 3 d c in next loop, ch 3, s c in next loop and repeat from * across row.

    6th Row. 1 d c with ch 1 between in each of the next 3 d c, * skip the 2 three ch loops, 1 d c with ch 1 between in each of the next 3 d c, 5 d c with ch 1 between in 5 ch loop, 1 d c with ch 1 between in each of the next 3 d c, repeat from * across row.

    7th Row. Work a row of s c and picots.

    Instructions for Nos. 1813 to 1817 illustrated above on page 26

    Handkerchief Edgings


    COATS & CLARK’S O.N.T. TATTING-CROCHET, Art. C.21, Size 70: 1 ball each of No. 1 White and No. 8 Blue.

    Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.

    A hairpin lace staple, ¼ inch wide … A rolled edge handkerchief, 11 ¼ inches square.

    With White make a strip of hairpin lace slightly longer than outer edge of handkerchief, allowing for corners. Break off. Sew together at center of hairpin lace, being careful not to twist.

    HEADING … Keeping the twist in all loops, attach Blue to any loop, sc in same place, * ch 1, sc in next loop. Repeat from * until piece reaches across side.

    To form corner: (Ch 1, sc through next 2 loops) 5 times; ch 1, sc in next loop and complete other sides and corners the same way. Join and break off.

    SCALLOPED EDGE … 1st rnd: Still keeping the twist in all loops, attach Blue to first 2 loops at opposite side of hairpin lace, sc in same place, * draw loop on hook out to measure Yg inch, thread over and draw thread through, insert hook between single and double loops and draw thread through, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (knot st made), sc through next 2 loops. Repeat from * around. Join and break off. 2nd rnd: Attach White to first sc, sc in same place, * make a knot st, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off. 3rd rnd: Attach Blue to first sc and repeat 2nd rnd. Join and break off. Sew Edging to handkerchief.


    COATS & CLARK’S O.N.T. TATTING-CROCHET, Art. C.21, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 1 White.

    Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.

    A rolled edge handkerchief, 11 ½ inches square.

    1st rnd: Attach thread to any corner of handkerchief, 4 sc in same place, sc closely around (18 sc to 1 inch), making 4 sc in each corner. Join. 2nd rnd: In same place as sl st make sc, ch 3 and sc; (ch 7, in next sc make sc, ch 3 and sc) 3 times; * ch 7, skip 5 sc, in next sc make sc, ch 3 and sc. Repeat from * across to within 5 sc of next corner group, ending with ch 7, skip 5 sc, (in next sc make sc, ch 3 and sc, ch 7) 4 times. Complete other sides and corners the same way, ending with ch 3, tr in first sc. 3rd to 7th rnds incl: In loop just formed make sc, ch 3 and sc; * ch 7, in next ch-7 loop make sc, ch 3 and sc. Repeat from * around. Join as before. At end of 7th rnd, ch 7, sl st in first sc. Break off.


    COATS & CLARK’S O.N.T. TATTING-CROCHET, Art. C.21, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 18-A Shaded Lavenders.

    Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.

    A rolled edge handkerchief, 11 ½ inches square.

    Make a chain to reach around hand-kerchief, allowing 1 inch for each corner. Join, being careful not to twist. 1st rnd: Ch 3, * draw loop on hook out to measure 3/8 inch, thread over and draw thread through, insert hook between single and double loops and draw loop through, thread over and draw through both loops on hook (knot st made), skip 2 eh, dc in next ch. Repeat from * until piece reaches across side.

    To form corner: (Make a knot st, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch) 5 times; make a knot st, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch and complete other sides and corners the same way, having an even number of sps on rnd. Join to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Ch 3, * make a knot st, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around, ending with a knot st. Join. 3rd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 5, sc in next dc, ch 7, sc in 4th ch from hook (picot made), (ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook) twice (2 more picots made), dc at base of first picot, ch 3, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off. Sew Edging to handkerchief.


    COATS & CLARK’S O.N.T. TATTING-CROCHET, Art. C.21, Size 70: 1 ball each of No. 1 White and No. 126 Spanish Red.

    Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.

    A rolled edge handkerchief, 11 inches square.

    HEART MOTIF … Starting at top with Spanish Red, ch 12. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st row: Ch 3, in ring make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (shell made), ch 3, 30 tr, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (another shell made). Ch 5, turn. 2nd row: In first ch-2 sp make 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (shell made over shell); ch 4, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 29 times; tr in next tr, ch 4, shell in sp of next shell. Ch 5, turn. 3rd row: Shell over first shell, ch 4, (sc in next ch-1

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