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There's DNA to Prove It: Message From Beyond
There's DNA to Prove It: Message From Beyond
There's DNA to Prove It: Message From Beyond
Ebook52 pages43 minutes

There's DNA to Prove It: Message From Beyond

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Synopsis: There’s DNA to Prove It: Message from Beyond by Jacqueline Lunger (c) 2015
Non fiction, true life crime, metaphysical account of the Dejac women's lives in Buffalo, New York. The story is narrated by a psychic medium introduced at a holistic fair where the story begins. A vitally important message from a murdered child comes forth during a psychic house party a few weeks after the fair. The child is reaching out from the afterlife to help her mother. Lynn had been wrongly convicted of killing her daughter and imprisoned years earlier. Buffalo was plagued with unsolved rapes and murders for more than twenty years.
Lynn's daughter bridged two worlds to help free her mother and identify another serial killer. The Dejac family had been steadfast supporters and energetic advocates for Lynn's innocence in the early years of her terrible ordeal. Skeptical aunt Carol comes to the psychic party prepared to expose the medium's hidden plan to fleece the group. She is shocked, filled with disbelief, when she finally accepts that her niece's message could be true.
A brave and dedicated cold case detective learns of the "spirit message" and accidentally opens Pandora's Box. The turn of events begs the question "is justice for all?

Release dateMay 24, 2015
There's DNA to Prove It: Message From Beyond

Jacqueline Lunger

Psychic Medium,Author, Jacqueline (Lunger) Martin has been in service to Spirit and those on the bridge of life since early childhood. In her first book "There's DNA to Prove It: Message from Beyond", she delivers a life changing message from a murdered child. Modern science confirmed the victims message to be true. Buffalo, NY had two serial killers loose among the population, For more than twenty years the people of Erie County NY had been in constant jeopardy, while two innocent people wasted away in prisons, falsely convicted of terrible crimes they weren't responsible for.Jacqueline narrates this factual account. She is honest and down to earth in her work, expressing encounters most people can easily follow. She brings decades of spiritual and mediumship experience with a caring, open mind and highly ethical approach. The author's knowledge and skill are likely to reassure even the most skeptical and discerning of readers of the truth that love never dies.Jacqueline published "There's DNA To Prove It: Message From Beyond" digital edition 02/2015 and after a few tweaks it was released in paperback 09/2015.The first book in the Psychic Chronicles Series came after the second, There's DNA. Commander Collins' Will which took place thirty years prior to the events described in There's DNA to Prove It. She considers these two books the beginning and end of her memoirs to date. The sequence of stories will be released in chronological order.Earlier works of hers include; Inner Voices chakra energy cards and Speak Stones casting tool, Two U tube videos are available; one showing Jacqueline demonstrating how to use Inner Voices chakra energy cards, the other a book trailer. Jacqueline was The Muse and a Staff Writer for Psychic Observer magazine 2007 and 2008, western NY.

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    Book preview

    There's DNA to Prove It - Jacqueline Lunger

    There’s DNA to Prove It, Message From Beyond

    Jacqueline Lunger, author, psychic medium, healer

    EBook isbn # 978-0-9747768-2-8

    Publisher Ageless Knowledge

    Hubert, North Carolina USA

    Copyright 02/2015


    For my husband, Dennis, and my son, Chris, who have accepted my work as meaningful and important.

    With gratitude and respect for Dennis Delano and JoAnn Baker who made the story possible, as well as those who shared the journey.

    "We are eternally spiritual beings, even in human form. (2002) Jacqueline Lunger



    Table of Contents

    Native Born Psychic

    Call to Service

    Message from Beyond

    Some Background

    Our Hero

    Home Coming

    Wrapping it Up


    About the Author


    There’s DNA to Prove It by Jacqueline Lunger

    Charles F. Emmons

    May 10, 2015

    Before I comment on this significant and (sadly) believable, but also inspiring account, let me explain my background. I am a sociologist (since 1971), a Spiritualist (since 1993), and the co-author (with my wife Penelope Emmons) of Guided by Spirit: A Journey into the Mind of the Medium (2003). I am a spirit medium, although not a professional one, and my main expertise in this case comes from having studied spirit mediumship in Hong Kong (cf. Chinese Ghosts and ESP, 1982; Chinese Ghosts Revisited, 2015) and in the United States. I am also well enough acquainted with Jackie (Jacqueline Lunger) to vouch for her character and wisdom. If I have to pick a dominant role for myself, it is social scientist, but I am deeply interested in the subjective experiences of spirit mediums, which I do consider scientific evidence, not merely anecdotal. If we do not consider people’s subjective experiences of consciousness, then we will be stuck with knowing very little or nothing about consciousness at all (cf. Science and Spirit: Exploring the Limits of Consciousness, Charles and Penelope Emmons, 2012). Since becoming a Spiritualist I have learned to cultivate my own intuition and to respect intuitive ways of knowing in others. But when push comes to shove, I am more scientist than not, and the only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know anything for sure.

    When you read There’s DNA to Prove It, be as skeptical as you like, but you need to consider the evidential elements of the mediumship involved, and not just the DNA evidence. I am in no way competent to discuss the law enforcement and legal issues, but I do see many points to make regarding the spirit mediumship that connect to my own experiences and observations as a researcher. Here we go. First there is the psychic fair in April 2006. Such events are entertaining, but there is more going on (sometimes anyway). I attended a psychic fair in Erie, PA in 1993 that turned me instantly into a Spiritualist (Guided by Spirit, 2003: 105-107). The spirit medium reading I got was far too evidential to be considered coincidence. It had to be either ESP or a message from the spirit world (or both). And because I started getting highly evidential messages in my own head from my mother who died that year, I leaned toward the spirit explanation.

    And we see clearly how important the psychic fair was in April 2006. It appears to have been a spiritual setup, because both JoAnn and Jackie were operating on intuition, as you will see. Jackie was a good choice for the medium to conduct the home party for JoAnn, both because Jackie had been a social worker

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