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Camp Scamps
Camp Scamps
Camp Scamps
Ebook36 pages30 minutes

Camp Scamps

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About this ebook

‘Alright, kids, a big hi de ho to you all and welcome to camp Itchywatchygoochie-e-e-e!’

A kids’ summer camp? Murdoch as a camp counsellor? How can this possibly be? We have come to expect more, such as a nice science fiction scenario, or maybe even to find ourselves in a war, or in the pioneering west? Maybe even prison or enjoying the crime fighting antics of the police department?
Surely there has to be more to this latest Murdoch adventure than whiny, wallet-making, pre-pubescent kids.
Has Murdoch completely lost his mind? Do we even need to answer that question?

This satirical story is written in the tradition of B-Grade stories, complete with all the stereotypes, creativity and effects – flaws and all.
The characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities with any person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.
The story is not meant to offend. If you may be offended, please don’t download it.

PublisherAT Davidson
Release dateMay 13, 2015
Camp Scamps

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    Camp Scamps - AT Davidson

    Camp Scamps

    Camp Scamps

    Text copyright (C) AT Davidson 2002

    Smashwords edition (C) 2015

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please go to or any online bookstore and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This satirical story is written in the tradition of B-Grade stories, complete with all the stereotypes, creativity and effects – flaws and all.

    The characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities with any person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

    The story is not meant to offend. If you feel offended, please don’t download it, or delete it from your system.

    There is definitely something wrong here. The scenery is lush, green and woodsy and we can hear a vehicle quickly approaching from somewhere not too far off. We look around and see a group of barracks-like buildings. Are we in the army again, we wonder? Then a horn sounds. Then we hear some silly sounding kiddie type music and, as we look to our left, we see what caused the vehicle sound. It is a bus and gaily coloured (are we allowed to say that now?) and written on the side is: CAMP ITCHYWATCHYGOOCHIE! As far as we can recall there are no military bases that go by that name. Then we hear cheering kids and we realise that we are at a kids’ summer camp. Why is this so, we ask ourselves? How can this possibly be? We have come to expect more, such as a nice science fiction scenario, or maybe even to find ourselves in a war, or in the pioneering west? Maybe even prison or enjoying the crime fighting antics of the police department? Then the most horrible thing of all occurs. The doors of the bus open and kids, jostling to be the first out, scamper toward us. They appear to be eight to ten year olds. From the way they are dressed and their hairstyles, it appears to be somewhere in the mid to late seventies. These kids are evil; the looks on their faces tells us that we must get out

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