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SADISM AND MASOCHISM: The 64 Case Histories
SADISM AND MASOCHISM: The 64 Case Histories
SADISM AND MASOCHISM: The 64 Case Histories
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SADISM AND MASOCHISM: The 64 Case Histories

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Vampirism, Cannibalism and Necrophilia; Castration and Amputation Complexes; Genital Mutilation; Bestiality and Sodomy with Dogs; Impalement Fantasies; Crucifixion Complexes; Urolagnia and Coprophilia; Anal Fetishes; Whippings, Beatings and Blood All these and numerous other psychosexual proclivities are detailed in the 64 case histories that make up Wilhelm Stekel's legendary "Sadism And Masochism", which first gave us the term paraphilia-to describe sexually deviant mental illness. This landmark text in the study of venereal mania and aberration is presented in a new, modern translation highlighting the cases chosen by Stekel to represent the most disturbing, violent and extreme strains of sexual perversion ever recorded. First published in English in 1929, "Sadism And Masochism" remains the most important book of its kind since Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis" of the previous century, a masterpiece documenting all that is cruel and aberrant in humankind.
Release dateMar 4, 2015
SADISM AND MASOCHISM: The 64 Case Histories

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    SADISM AND MASOCHISM - Wilhelm Stekel




    The son of parents well in business, of high intellectual standing, exactly thirty-three years old, a lawyer. Constitution of forebears: tendency to nervous and metabolic diseases, but no tuberculosis, alcoholism, nor sexual diseases.

    My Dear Doctor,

    During my recent stay in Vienna, I promised to send you a brief account of my life, of which the following contributions regarding the conduct of my sexual life may perhaps be of some value in your special studies of sadism and masochism.

    My sexual life up to the present time reveals greater abnormalities than that of normal, average persons.

    The chief peculiarity of my entire disposition and character may be seen in the fact that I am much more a man of reflection than of action. Consequently I have a relatively great tendency to mental activity, philosophical meditation, music, and the like; on the other hand, in spite of good success in my course of study thus far and in a legal profession, which I must admit appeals to me very little inwardly, I believe that I possess little talent for practical accomplishment in life (socially or professionally) and for making effective in a useful and skillful manner whatever talents and inclinations of a scientific and artistic nature may be present in me.

    This entire condition, which in part may be due to a certain traditional sluggishness and passivity in my family, has stamped my sexual life up to this point. To pave the way for a prosperous erotic course of life, which up till today has not been achieved, I needed a woman certainly for marriage or at least for a long-continuing relationship, one who would have to be not only erotic, but also my leader in other fields; my constitution is permeated with many feminine and passive traits.

    Great interest in erotism and theoretical occupation with women (reading of this sort, theatre, instinct for collecting erotic news of the day, and the like) on the one hand was associated on the other with marked lack of skill in paying suit, shyness, and even a certain seclusiveness, coldness and indifference, if at any time practical events, for example, social relationship with women, now for some time rather more successfully carried on, forced me to take an erotic position.

    A physician would perhaps diagnose my entire disposition as a typical symptom complex of a constitutionally depressive, neuropathic nature with hypochondriac and in part hysterical features. I suffered very often especially in earlier days depression of spirits in consequence of my sexual maladjustment. The considerable hereditary nervous weakness – particularly also disturbances of the vasomotor nerves – presumably in association with disturbances of internal secretion and general metabolism, resistances in the vascular system (slight degree of weakness of the cardiac muscles?), caused rapid fatigue with any great physical or mental effort, attacks of dizziness with change in atmospheric pressure (with a moist wind), and exhausting painful states often even with a single onanistic act.

    I was an only child, carefully brought up but not pampered; I grew up always with the family, living still today with my parents; and, which I very much regret, in my youthful days I had no social contact with any woman where the erotic might have entered, to say nothing of an intimate erotic relationship. Late, also (when a student) relations with women moved in various ways but only upon entirely social paths (uninteresting society balls, and the like).

    I am of the opinion that individuals who have an incredibly stubborn psychopathic tendency to solitude, retirement, shyness with women, and so on, from a certain age on, ought to be driven straight toward women, so that al least to a certain extent that unfortunate hermit disposition should be counteracted.

    The following is worthy of mention in regard to the development of sexual ideas and impulses in my person: The earliest forerunners of sexual ideas, so far as I can remember, appeared in the first years of elementary school (six to eight years of age) when schoolmates were struck by the teacher upon the buttocks with a rattan cane.

    The preparations for punishment, the faces of the teacher and boy concerned, the latter’s plump behind the whistling and smacking of the stick, and the cries of the chastised boy, left in the sensitive mind of a child witnessing this – a suitable psychic disposition presupposed, of course – an enduring impression, still inexplicable in its satisfaction. I remember clearly even now that once when a woman teacher took charge as an assistant, I waited with a certain curious and almost impatiently agreeable tension to know if she, too, would flog the boy with the cane, which, however, did not happen.

    It is also still clear in my memory how I performed masturbation directly before the eyes of the unsuspecting professor of religion by quietly pressing the thighs together, that I might obtain fresh power for work and repose through release of nervous tension. The occasion was at the examination upon passing from the elementary school into the gymnasium (ten years of age), when the subject was the well-known one from the New Testament, the stilling of the tempest; in this class in religious instruction, the difficulties which a boy would have in presenting the theme with appropriate style and beauty and the fear of not being ready with the work when the tasks were collected occasioned a momentary compulsive feeling, which led to the masturbation. I continued the same practice for some years while preparing school tasks (writing of examinations). The custom of a mathematics professor of calling the pupils’ attention to the approaching end of the period for the work by rattling his keys shortly before collecting the papers, had the effect with me, just as soon as I feared I would not be ready, of a regular release of tension through self-stimulation.

    Conscious sensations of pleasure began from about the eleventh year; from this time on, also, masturbation was practiced relatively vigorously. It was carried out with flagellation ideas of the chastisement of boys, in which the fantasy was occupied only with good-looking children of good families, who must by all means wear sailor suits or linen knee breeches with navy stripes and be punished with a cane. With the entrance of normal puberty (fifteenth year) there appeared for a time – perhaps a year – natural interest in ideas of normal erotism between man and woman, to give place again at once to a world of ideas entirely of the flagellation type concerning the erotic relations between man and woman. From this it came about that I plunged eagerly and quite instinctively into the reading of corresponding algolagnistic literature.

    The normal heterosexual impulse, bound with the algolagnistically oriented form, has remained quite the same from my seventeenth year until the present time; the latter has only become more consolidated and become more conscious. Nothing but these masochistically or sadistically toned ideas (for the effect of actual acts of flagellation on the producing of the gratification see below) can set free sexually conscious sensations of pleasure.

    These ideas move chiefly in two directions, as follows:

    1. My erotic wishes culminate even today in the desire for a very large, comely woman, or at least one quite tall, intelligent, strong – preferably blond (a Brünnhilde type) – who will lay me across her knee like a teacher or press me between her thighs and strike me upon the buttocks with a rattan cane or a riding whip; who will at the same time subdue me psychically, and bid me after the whipping to perform cunnilingus or anilingus, in which I must obey unresistingly, otherwise I shall be threatened with fresh blows. I would indeed have no objection to adding also coitus with the dominating lady, but always with a certain indifference and perhaps fear of impotence. At any rate, I can perform coitus only with a woman who helps me over the technical difficulties by digital aid.

    2. The idea is further rendered much more pleasurable if I invent a situation in which buxom young girls or young women or pretty boys are chastised upon the buttocks by an energetic, strapping woman with as long a rattan as possible. Probably voyeur sadism is at the basis of this. A special characteristic of all persons disposed to flagellation is their wish for as large, white, well-formed buttocks as possible in the woman thought of as the partner. This preference is a very specially marked one with me.

    The practical conduct of my sexual life may be outlined as follows:

    Under the ideas mentioned above, I carry on masturbation – in the absence of other available adequate satisfaction and on account of the endogenous passivity I have spoken of – up to the present time; now, to be sure, relatively with great moderation, for I want to spare my nervous constitution and keep it for other purposes. I cherish the sincere desire to come actually to a real lasting erotic relationship with a woman, for which, it is true, I should need a partner who possesses the necessary understanding of my individuality in the way I have described it.

    The simple unreflecting coitus of the normal relation between man and woman attracts me very little. Only once in my life (at the age of twenty-one) did I have sexual intercourse (one act only) with a singer in Berlin, when the woman had to help me with her finger to find the entrance to the vagina. I saw nothing particular in the act at the time; it was almost comic and laughable. Besides, the unaccustomed activity, which presupposes a certain technical skillfulness, afforded me more effort than satisfaction.

    On other later occasions (very rare in themselves), because of indifference, perhaps also impotence, there was no coitus. In contrast to this it has been medically established, Doctor, that I possess extraordinarily powerful genitalia (large testicles) which almost qualify me as a superman.

    Furthermore, I may remark that for years I complained of absence of erection and sexual weakness, especially during the time of the war. Recently the erections have been somewhat noticeably improved. Some years ago I maintained a passive-flagellation relationship with a pianist, a woman fourteen years older than I. At the beginning I often received maybe twenty-five to fifty-blows of a cane upon the buttocks, which were by no means disagreeable to me but yet could not satisfy me, inasmuch as the woman was of ordinary intelligence and had coarse manners, stood for something which was already growing stale, and altogether was lacking in the necessary erotic refinements. Later I again broke off this relationship, which due to my difficulties had lasted for several years, although there had soon been complete indifference on both sides.

    During the war I learned to know a good-natured clerk, but with very few mental or physical advantages, who would sometimes let me whip her. The relations ceased here also.

    These practices all had the same characteristic, that they came bout not so much from erotic need as rather from the striving to copy the procedure of other people as an obligation binding rough rational motives, and so in a certain degree to prove the normality of my own personality. They were therefore from the first doomed more or less to be sterile. I must of course remark that the different women mentioned were absolutely not the type toward which I am erotically inclined.

    I might add here that I obtain true erotic satisfaction only with cultured women, society women with suitable intelligence. The pull upward is particularly desirable for me in love; I want in certain manner to be dominated and taken by a woman who will feel more than I. For this reason, my meagre relations to women thus far were not of the sort to bring satisfaction. They glided rather, after brief pseudo-erotic play, into a channel that gave room for every other personal relationship except the erotic; and after a while the last remnants of mutual intercourse were lost through the lack of stimulation and the absence of reciprocal feelings and interests. It is evident from this that in passive, erotically complicated natures, erotization succeeds with great difficulty and only when the ideal heterosexual complement is found. A chief hindrance is naturally also the shyness of a passively disposed man making an attachment.

    As to my actual erotic experiences in Hamburg, only isolated instances come into question.

    Thus I met once in a shop a tall, black-haired woman who erotically was not displeasing to me, although in general I take a fancy to blondes or light brunettes. I followed her to the street, spoke to her – which usually I do not care to do. She assented. I went with her into a restaurant and pictured to her superficially my erotic specialties. It is not difficult to lead the conversation somewhat to flagellation, if one first lays stress upon the point that one particularly likes energy in women, which flatters many of them. I suggested my willingness for cunnilingus, which interested her still more.

    The lady was the wife of a philologist, with whom evidently, according to her account, she lived in rather an indifferent marriage relationship. She was persuaded to go with me to my home. She told me at tea that I was constituted exactly like a psychiatrist she had once known. She then undressed, and I kissed and licked her for a long time freely upon the vagina, which was kept very clean. I searched for the clitoris but did not allow myself much time for it, because I thought that the woman, roused by the cunnilingus, would be impatient if I stopped. The procedure did not, it is true, at that time exactly release the physiological tension for me, yet after all it satisfied me psychically in a certain measure, perhaps because of the masochistic element in the scene. I had no erection of the member; the erotic excitement was predominantly that of spontaneous adventure and contained no sort of flagellatory stimulation upon which – idea and threat even more perhaps than actual performance – my erotization depends. The erotic experiences are voluntarily produced sensationally, purely through the intellect; a strong erotization could take place only if by lucky chance the woman concerned entered with the same feeling into my ideational erotism. In cunnilingus, I preferred a kneeling position before the woman. I can make no comparison with the feeling of satisfaction after coitus, in which perhaps the woman lies on top, because practical experience is wanting with me.

    After repeated acts of cunnilingus my friend took leave – late at night – to go to her home. It seemed to me that she was in a somewhat depressed mood, although she let me give her tongue kisses at parting. I do not know whether I really gave her satisfaction – the affair seemed at any rate to have pleased her to some extent. Perhaps she had expected coitus, the fulfilling of which expectation would have been inopportune for me and probably would not have succeeded, inasmuch as such unpremeditated scenes always produce a certain unrest, and to have successful coitus with a woman, I have to lie long and comfortably in bed with her and bring myself into erotic excitement with her through erotically stimulating conversation. The lady in question wrote me a friendly letter of farewell, giving as her reason for it moral disgust, the correctness of which I had the more reason to doubt since some weeks later – she still visited me after I had assured her that at these times she could not rouse me to any erotic performances – she continued to inform me that I was not the type to stimulate her sexually; perhaps she like myself was also of a schizothymic nature. I met her once more later upon the street, when she greeted me in a friendly manner and talked with me for a little while. Since then I have lost sight of her.

    Furthermore, I learned to know Lola, a large buxom blonde who had given her address in a newspaper advertisement, who in general made a rather good impression with men and who produced upon me a strong sensual effect on account of her large full figure, her cat-like blue-gray eyes, her rich light blonde hair, and her well-rounded buttocks. She manifested, however – like her mother, by whom she was spoken of as a difficult character – marked hysterical traits and was thus not the woman to ensnare me. She was in the habit of playing with men. I took her with me occasionally to Munich on a vacation trip to present her to my parents, not in fact as my betrothed, but in a certain manner as the prototype of my future wife. My parents felt burdened by the intrusion of this strange feminine person into their cozy home. Besides, Lola was pregnant at that time, not by me, but either by a music conductor in Hamburg with whom she had had relations or by a forty-four-year-old Jewish business man, who, according to her statement, was almost impotent.

    The latter had meanwhile out of his own sexual bondage married the girl of twenty-five to aid her parents in official disguise of the birth of an otherwise illegitimate child. The same lover had previously offered money to have an abortion produced by a specialist, but the girl was afraid of the operation. The hysterical woman was already seeking, ready again with her smiles and charms for men, for a new ground of separation to be free from the unloved husband. During her stay in Munich, Lola passed the time in learning to know the men among my friends in this place. When I hunted her up at her request before she returned to Hamburg – she was ostensibly always in financial straits, although she was being supported by her lover – in her lodgings in a pleasure resort in the Tsar valley near Munich, she lay for the hour agreed upon – in bed – and I was allowed to enter her room without restraint. First she was tearful – I half believed and half distrusted her pose – then soon she was laughing and wanted to draw me into bed with her strong, fleshy arms, but mentioned however that she had a discharge. Whether she really feared a gonorrheal infection or was merely playing this to torture me regarding the state of her health I cannot decide. As I heard later, it was probably a harmless discharge which had to do with her pregnancy. Although the young woman stimulated me, the thought of performing coitus was far from me. I have often tongue-kissed Lola and fondled her plump buttocks. The relationship came to nothing because of her subsequent marriage, the bonds of which she will probably soon cast off again. She seemed to have had no particular leaning to flagellant erotism. Once also I sought out a pretty Hamburg masseuse in order to excite myself erotically merely through finding out whether and how she would beat me – which she consented to do. I would have let her flagellate me, if the situation otherwise had not been disagreeable (location of the house, personal uncertainty, being observed). I wanted in the same way to be whipped by a tall, blonde masseuse in Hamburg, who, however, after first being willing, refused to do it, for she had made inquiries about me from other of her professional colleagues.

    Tongue kisses, cunnilingus, and buttock erotism (from which in part the interest in erotic flagellation springs) are my chief erotic goals, which appeal to me much more than normal coitus, even though one takes into account the amount of masochistic sensation that comes from the position of the woman upon the man, which at any rate is able to erotize me psychically.


    A certain stereotype may be observed in the dreams of my early years. I suffered a good deal with dreams of anxiety and terror. I still remember, for example, a dream which occurred when I was perhaps eleven years old. I learned one day at that me of the violent death of the mother of one of my schoolmates, much depressed person, who had thrown herself to the street from the window of their dwelling in the fourth floor of a house. For nights after hearing this I had such fearful dreams of terror that on waking in the morning I lay in bed wet with perspiration, with extremities drawn up and fingers clenched. At about twelve there were, I think, some sporadic dreams which revolved about the whipping of boys, yet I no longer have a clear recollection of the facts and the closer details. I had a dream when I was perhaps fourteen years old which is still clear in my memory today, the content of which was that I was laid in a coffin of green cloth by my mother and an old cook that had been with us for years in a room of the home where we were living at the time; the coffin was closed and I was carried out of the dwelling. These special terrifying dreams, which were occupied with scenes of death, funerals, being buried alive, and so on, played on the whole an unpleasant part in my youth. Erotic dreams were relatively rare; some time ago, perhaps a year or two, I had a dream in which there appeared to me a tall woman with a smiling counte nance, who held in her hand a cane. Once recently I dreamed, and, as always, this was in the morning when I was going to sleep again, that my mother jokingly embraced me from behind, pressed me to the wall, and laid her hand upon my larynx; further, that I was weighing with my hand the full buttocks of a portly woman of middle age whom I know and stroking their flesh. Besides, I dreamed lately that a young girl who ran by me on the street in Hamburg at the shore of the Outer Elster, with her hinder part bare, looked at me half fearfully, half roguishly, upon which I touched the girl upon her moist genitalia. Here, then, I cannot report anything of importance.


    Clinical history, reproduced in the words of the patient, which presents a clear picture of the strange intermingling which we find in every case of masochism, of motives of fetishism, homosexuality, and all manifestations of paraphiliac impulses. Flight from the woman and her debasement are characteristic.

    I will try to give as accurate a description as possible of my entire sexual life and of any other events which seem to me important. I am nineteen years old and without a creed.

    Various occurrences from my earliest childhood still remain in my memory. For example: My aunt took me out as usual in my baby carriage. Suddenly in a narrow street an auto came along at a wild pace. My aunt made a hasty retreat and took me to the pavement, where she stood with me under a scaffolding. She leaned on it with her arm, and all at once a beam came loose and fell upon my head. I was brought after the accident into a house to a well, where they washed my head and bound my wound. This accident is still very clearly remembered. I recall quite well the following scene. It might have been when I was five years old, surely not later, but rather earlier. One of my two cousins, a girl four or five years older than I, lay upon a wine cellar in the grass. I was alone with her and was playing and scuffling with her. After a little while, I began to lift her skirt and stuck my head under it. My cousin let me do it, but she soon saw the aunt coming and promised me I could go on the next time. In a few days we again had the opportunity to be alone. This time I tried to go further with my head and in fact I wanted to get in between her feet. I could not, however, because a disgusting odour which came toward me kept me from it.

    One incident which I cannot in the least recollect was the following: I was well guarded at home. Yet often, as a three-year-old child, I succeeded in making my escape. I would go about in my birthplace until my parents would notice my departure and find me as soon as possible. Once they found me only after searching for hours. I was standing almost at the top of a tall ladder. My father would not call me, for fear of frightening me, and so he slowly climbed after me and brought me down. My aunt told me of this. today I could not possibly climb a ladder; I would at once be dizzy.

    One time in M. I mounted to the bell tower of the orphanage church. I had gone scarcely eight or nine rungs when I could go no further. I looked through the large open tower window far down to the church grounds. A terrible fear seized me. I could not climb up or down, but held fast with superhuman strength to the iron ladder. After some minutes I succeeded in clambering down, with eyes closed and slowly feeling my way. I was quite frequently in similar situations. If I look down from any high building, I immediately experience a feeling of dizziness. I was afraid in the tower that it might fall; on a mountain I have the fear of plunging over; on the giant wheel in the Prater I am in fear lest the car in which I am sitting will give way. It cost me a tremendous struggle before I could make up my mind to enter the big wheel. I was afraid before climbing up, and still I had no rest until I had reached the highest point. I held fast convulsively to the seat and was glad to see the car come down again.

    At six years of age I came to M. to the orphanage, for my father went to America. My mother entered the insane asylum three years later, where she died 1915. I will now begin the actual description of my sexual life.

    At the age of seven or eight, I once climbed upon a bed in the institution and seated myself like a rider. I felt thereby an agreeable sensation. I repeated this scene several times, but could no longer produce the pleasant feeling. At eight or nine years I started to masturbate. How I came to it I cannot recollect. I practiced it very often for years, frequently several times a day. I will speak of this later. At the age of ten I was once chastised with a rod by a nun on account of failures in work. (The institute was under the church.) They thought ill of me that I did not cry and said I was not sorry; it actually caused me no particular distress.

    The rod did not yet play a role in my fantasy. I can no longer recall my fantasies of this time with masturbation.

    At thirteen I fell violently in love with a pupil two years younger than I. This love was purely platonic and lasted half a year. During this time I often felt the desire to strike my friend. I succeeded through every possible pretense in getting him to agree. I gradually obtained the pleasure of carrying out this procedure upon other pupils also. I succeeded further in enticing others to it. When I entered the third class in the town school, I found pleasure in being beaten myself. I discovered one pupil in my class who would whip me as much as I pleased. I had three or four fellows who were always at my disposal and beat me when I desired it.

    At fourteen I began to attend the conservatory. I had at fifteen like most of the students made my first female acquaintance. She was a fellow pupil in the three classes of the town school. From this time my interest in boys rapidly diminished. There was only one comrade with whom for a while I was madly infatuated. I often lay in bed with him and touched his body all over, especially at the back. I often borrowed his underdrawers on the pretext that I preferred short underdrawers and put them on. Yet that interest in him also passed away. In the year 1916, I entered the navy. My sexual life from this time on is clear to my memory. Once when I was playing the piano at a ball in the marine casino, a waiter pressed against me in the pauses and began to handle my genitals. At first I warded him off. He was more insistent, however, and succeeded in persuading me to go with him after the ball to a toilet, as he said, to play with me. (At that time I had no suspicion of homosexuality.) He first put ten crowns into my blouse. I went then with him to a toilet where it was pitch-dark. He said that I should take down my trousers. I protested against his wish and wanted to run away.

    But again he was successful in making me do what he wanted. He pulled down my trousers, put his member at the back, and performed the act until the semen was discharged.

    He warned me to keep the strictest secrecy and told me what the consequences would otherwise be. I always kept this scene to myself.

    In the marine band there was a music master named R. He was an accomplished violinist, concert master, and even more a serious composer. He gave instruction to all young talented musicians up to the highest degree. He discovered my great talent for music and gave me further lessons upon the piano. He was friendly in every way, but he could also torture his pupils with sadistic cruelty. I learned much with him that was interesting and came upon two books, Forel’s Sexual Problem and Bloch’s Sexual Life of Our Time. I now began to take an interest in books of this sort. I found my masochistic disposition confirmed there and came upon the chapter on homosexuality. Mr. R. began to tell me of homosexuals. I secured from Max Spohr in Leipzig the entire works of Hirschfeld and very many others and became a member of the W.-H.-K. I had a perfect rage for collecting books upon sexual questions. Later I learned to know a colleague through conversation more closely and came into the position where I could be intimately engaged with him. I was able to bring him to the point where he would strike me as much as I pleased with a rod. He tried once when I was alone with him in the woods near P., while I was undressed and lay on my belly, to penetrate me with his member. I was afraid of that and kept him away.

    The great urge to be beaten by a woman had its beginning at this time. I concluded after long struggle to visit a prostitute. I could not, however, the first time screw up my courage to gratify my wishes and so went away crestfallen.

    As I went I said to myself: Be brave or else you will get the rod that hangs there! These words gave me courage to express my desire the next time. After a short time I again sought the prostitute. Now I let her beat me, which was very agreeable to me but did not afford the stimulus expected. I would not perform coitus in any case, because I have a frightful dread of infection. (I believe that after an infection I would never be able again to have a relation with a woman.) I went away unsatisfied, since I could not reach ejaculation.

    This prostitute gave me no rest, for she was a strikingly beautiful woman. So I visited her again and begged her to lie down naked upon the bed. Then I began to kiss her whole body, for she was of charming physical form. Inasmuch as I did not want to keep on going away unsatisfied, I rubbed my organ upon her foot until I brought about a seminal discharge.

    I liked best to see the prostitute in underdrawers.

    Now my fantasy was busy the whole day long. I thought for hours at a time upon scenes which could not be carried out. I pictured to myself my acquaintance, with whom I was corresponding actively, as a queen. I thought of a room in which a throne was set up, in which she and her friends, whom I represented to myself as her subjects, formed a court of law. She as the queen presided; her friends carried out the punishments. I was led before her throne on account of treason against her majesty. After a brief trial, she pronounced sentence. I was beaten with rods and every possible kind of scourging instrument. I thought of the final blows as always administered by her herself. Such fan tasies and others like them were going through my head often for days together.

    I accidentally learned to know a charming girl, who fell in love I me. When I came to Vienna on a vacation, I spent the entire eight days with her in her home. That gave me the opportunity to wear her drawers. When I returned to Vienna after the revolution, I went at once to her and lived in a small room. Now I had the opportunity to indulge my craving. Her mother went out of the house and she herself to the office. I was alone in the house and began to dress myself in her linen. First I would put on short white underdrawers.

    In getting into them and particularly when I felt them on my body, I trembled with pleasure and excitement. Then I would put on stockings, chemise, corset, shoes, skirt, and blouse, and it would give me extraordinary delight, just as it pleases me when I put on a pair of trousers which fit well and tightly, with which I almost always have an erection. I had everything except that I lacked the most important thing, the woman who should beat me. I was compelled therefore to whip myself. I took a ruler, raised my skirt, laid myself upon the divan, and flogged myself. When I had beaten myself sufficiently, I masturbated, and afterward it all seemed to me ridiculous and stupid. I repeated this any number of times. I succeeded in time in initiating my love into my pleasures; only she must not know of my masochistic tendencies. She permitted me to make use of he clothing. One day I took her drawers, chemise, and stocking and sought a prostitute. With her I changed my clothing, let her strike me, and again went away unsatisfied.

    I was never happy with my loved one. After hours of the greatest love, there would be quarreling, disputing, and hatred for some slight cause. She could not understand my so extravagant interest in politics, art, and the like, and I could not comprehend how she could be interested in cheap operettas and Mahler romances. There was not the least compatibility in intellectual things, which is very important on my part.

    I in time reached the point where I could lie down with her in bed and press her closely, which threw me into rapture. I experienced a great stimulus when I saw her uncovered breast. I was tormented with a fearful jealousy. I was jealous upon every occasion. If a card came to her; if she came home later than usual; if she spoke to any one; I was always ready to believe that a secret admirer must be lurking there. It tormented me to see her dressing up to go out. I would think: now she is undressed and washing herself. I wanted her to bathe and dress as charmingly as possible. But it always seemed to me that she dressed herself up for others, and I could not bear the thought. Jealousy never ceased to torture me, a fearful passion, which, however, did not spring from great love. Life became more unendurable and gloomy for me. Nevertheless, I could not get away from my acquaintance; was always wanting to have her around me and to kiss her, in spite of all the misery and suffering. She often took it ill of me that I would not kiss the hand of her relatives and friends (women) or that I would not address them properly. With the best will, I could not do it. I can kiss a woman’s hand only when I am alone with her, and then I like to do it. It is impossible for me to kiss a woman’s hand before others, because it would seem to me that my abasement would be read from my face. I can be courteous to a woman when no one is looking at me. I always make fun of any one who does kiss a woman’s hand, but I should be happy myself to be able at all times to kiss their hands. It is just the same in other things. If any one is struck, a horse, a child, or some one else, I am indignant at the coarse action, but I myself want to be beaten.

    If pain is caused a woman, I often have a secret joy.

    It seems to me that sadistic as well as masochistic feelings dwell in me. I have always had a strong sadistic desire and indeed I wanted with my first love to undress her completely, bind her naked with straps to the divan, and flog her unmercifully, so that I could enjoy her outcries and her helplessness. This wish appeared, I believe, after the separation. I wanted to torture her as I had ever done, but only out of love. Life was more unbearable for me than ever, but I learned to know another girl, with whom I was seen once, and therefore no choice remained for me. I had to break off and go away. After several days of torment I did so. My new acquaintance meant nothing to me, for in a few days it was all over. The period in which I was alone was most frightful or me. I suffered from a state of anxiety, which now has entirely passed away but appeared in violent form at that time when I had no acquaintance. I was afraid when I came home in the evening that a thief or a robber might be concealed under my bed or in the chest. I could not go to sleep until I had investigated.

    Even then I often had no rest. This compulsive action has again disappeared since my most recent acquaintanceship. I lay myself own daily without giving the least thought to it. I think of it now and then, but I am usually already in bed and I have to laugh at it and think that he (the thief or robber) will have to stay here under the bed as long as he wants to. There are some other obsessions from which I do still suffer. For example, I cannot walk if a man is walking behind me. I must either let him go head or cross to the other side of the street, for the fear seizes me that he might stab me or intercept me.

    Since I have read something about this in the Doctor’s book Masturbation And Sexuality it is somewhat better, as I can explain my fear to myself. Often formerly I could not be alone in any place. Another compulsive action is the following: I am constrained to carry out many acts and manipulations four times. I cannot explain to myself the reason for this obsession. If I taste of a certain food, I must taste it four times. If I wanted to go on tasting it, I would go up to seven, then to eleven, but no further, because then I began again from the beginning. I perform and have performed a goodIy number of actions four times. If I now often catch myself falling back into my old habit, I carry out the act as a protest instead of four, three or five times. I have tremendous fear of coming too late. I arrive almost always exactly upon the minute. As a child I always had the obsessive idea when I was praying that Jesus urinated down from the cross; even with Mary I had this thought. My attitude toward woman is quite peculiar. I cannot understand, even though I am a passionate champion of socialistic ideas, how the socialistic theorists can wish to give woman equal rights with man. I cannot see how a woman could be admitted to the office of judge. A woman is too much under the dominion of passions to be an impartial judge. I am very much annoyed when I read of women delegates and physicians. I cannot tolerate the thought that a woman is over me. I might, it is true, have a woman over me, but in a room, a woman with a rod; no other will I have thus. When last year I entered the New Vienna Conservatory my one concern was to come under no woman’s instruction, for I could not have borne it and should have had to leave. They wanted to give me a woman teacher for the piano, but since I had made considerable progress, I went to a professor. I have an enthusiastic respect for men of science, art, politics, music; for champions of freedom and other great ones, especially for Beethoven and Richard Wagner; for socialists, like Adler, Liebknecht, Trotsky, Haase, Ledebour, and others. Just as formerly I had a craze for collecting books, I had also the desire to procure pictures of famous men. I wanted also to enter many societies, but beside the W.-H.-K. I joined only the society for the reform of marriage laws. Three months ago I made another new acquaintance, with whom I have fared ever so much better. I have much in common with her in sexual relations, which is a prerequisite for me of a happy love. I had to find out her entire previous life and was especially interested to know whether she was a virgin or not. She told me everything. I was happy to learn that she had already been deflowered by her first lover. Nothing would be more disagreeable to me than to have to take a girl’s virginity from her.

    At last I had occasion to visit a hotel with her in order to become clear as to my condition, since up till this time I had never had sexual intercourse. It took considerable time before I could decide to make the attempt. I wore a condom but could not get the member in, for I was so awkward, and in the meantime the erection had passed. This happened three or four times. I was frightfully tired, for I had not come to the hotel until after the concert, about eleven o’clock. I went to sleep in the hope that in the morning I should succeed with coitus. There were only a few hours left, since it was already nearly four o’clock. Early in the morning the act was successful, after one more mishap, with an enormous sensation of pleasure. I do not know whether I can perform coitus only early in the morning, or whether my poor position was at fault. I believe that it was the latter, because I had an erection each time, but could not enter well and besides made unskillful movements. The pleasure was nevertheless greater than with masturbation.

    In the days that followed I had a slight aversion to intercourse. This feeling has left me again. Yet jealousy plays the greatest role with me, some days less, almost none, other days increased nearly to an unbearable point. I have to assure myself continually the absolute fidelity of my beloved. I desire faithfulness but have been unfaithful myself at every occasion. I do not enjoy society, am always in a bad humour in company without knowing why. I suffer fearful tortures at a ball, when I see so many lovely women and cannot have one for my purposes. I am fully rightly sensually disposed and would gladly be at the service of every charming woman.

    I am willing to carry out all her commands and to be beaten at every opportunity with the rod. The urgent demand to find my ideal has increased in the last weeks to a fearful degree.

    I have looked among the announcements of the daily paper, in the marriage journal and in the chronicler, but could find nothing suitable. Some weeks ago I was once more with the prostitute I have mentioned, allowed myself to be beaten, and reached an ejaculation. I was not entirely satisfied, for my ideal is no prostitute but a somewhat sadistically inclined woman. But this will be hard to find, for the woman herself will want to be dominated.

    I have been suffering lately from profound psychic depression, for I realize the hopelessness of my desires. I am totally incapable of study and cannot practice quietly for ten minutes. Frequently I have no pleasure at all in eating. I am always thinking of the woman I am unable to find. When I awaken early, my first thought is, will I find her today or not?

    Every day shows me afresh how difficult it is to have such desires fulfilled. It is frightful what I have to endure in a single day. I often take a rod and strike myself. If I masturbate, I am at peace for two or three hours at the most, to be driven on again then by my fantasies. I masturbated very frequently up to the end of the previous year, but I can only say that with masturbation I feel as fresh as if newborn.

    Masturbation does me this service that I see my unfulfilled desires gratified in mind at least, so that I can have respite from them. I almost always have only masochistic fantasies during masturbation, while I am seldom able to picture to myself coitus. I could probably yet get my beloved to whip me, as she signified with her flower when I spoke of it. That is, she is ready to make far-reaching concessions. But I may not tell my wishes, for chastisement by her would not be so pleasurable as from a strange woman. I did try once to win a woman to my purposes, but in vain. But I cannot come to rest if I am set on fire by every pretty woman on the street and want straightway to go with her. I should like to know whether if I attained my goal I should actually be as happy as I think. I have not resorted to masturbation at all since the beginning of this year, because I am trying with all my might to seek satisfaction only in coition. Many times my condition gets to the point of being intolerable, and it is impossible to keep my thoughts upon my studies.

    I will mention a few more habits: If I throw away anything, say old pieces of paper, I have to look several times to see that I have not thrown away banknotes with them. Then objects which stand at the left I must change to the right. If I push a bell I can do it only with the right hand, and I must always hang my cloak on the third hook.

    I must finally mention my almost morbid fear of dogs. I have the greatest horror of black dogs. They seem to me like most treacherous criminals. When a dog without a muzzle barks at me, I cannot move from the spot, for I think he is going to bite me. I am then compelled to be nice to him or give him a piece of bread. He appears to me a criminal who would not harm one, if one freely gives him something.

    But if I see that a dog is friendly, my fear changes to liking for the dog, and then I can occupy myself with him by the hour.

    Last Sunday I saw a small dog run over by an automobile. The people were all abusing the chauffeur, and I was the only one who defended him, on the ground that he could not stand still on three metres. I observed myself quite carefully and was able to determine that I had no need to defend the chauffeur, but that I obtained satisfaction from the killing of the dog and the distress of the woman, which surely is very closely connected with my sadism.


    I will give some dreams that I still remember: I dreamed once that I was running after an electric car and could not catch up with it. At another time I was waiting at a corner for one and sprang up quickly so that it would not get away from me. I will note here that I have an uncomfortable feeling when I miss an electric, because I think that with the next one I will be too late at the appointed place. I have an enormous interest in railways and street railways. I know so accurately the work of a motorman that I could guide a car without any trouble. I remember a dream in which I had to climb a high narrow staircase to reach a certain place. I was already halfway up when I thought I was going to plunge down, and I had now to get to the place by a long way round. In two dreams I was beaten by men, the second of these dreams having to do with my conductor with whom I play, and who is an out-and-out Don Juan. One dream showed me my present beloved with the request that I would have intercourse with her. Another revealed to me my own person opening an umbrella in the rain, which seemed to me an audacious thing to do. The last dream which has remained in memory is the following: My first sweetheart asked me in the presence of her friends to perform coitus with her. I answered, happy at her request, that I had dirty feet and must first wash them. I went to seek a bath, but could not find one, and after a long search I went into a coffeehouse. A piano stood in this coffeehouse, to which I went at once and began to test it. Suddenly I saw quite far back a tub bath and a douche bath. I started toward them, as soon as I had removed a desk which stood in the way, but saw at the tub did not stand in a cabinet but out in the open. The head waiter said when I questioned him that the tub did stand in a cabinet, upon which I went forward and was able to convince myself of what he had said. Before the cabinet the water rushed down in streams. I went into the cabinet, climbed into the tub, and woke without reaching coitus in the dream.

    During the three nights that followed after I brought the doctor history of my illness, I had dreams, only one of which I still remember, which I forgot to relate at the last consultation hour. The dream was as follows: I came to the doctor at the hour of treatment and found the house totally changed. A young man opened for me the door of the consultation room, the walls of which were made of wood. Writing tables stood in this room along the walls, arranged as closely as the post office. At each table sat (stood) a person; I believe they were only men. The doctor sat at one table busy with a younger man, the doctor being very much excited. Near each table hung a wire on which was fastened a receiver in the manner a telephone receiver. I asked the servant what was the purpose of these things. He answered that each patient must put a receiver to his ear, and he would hear from the apparatus a ticking like that of a pendulum clock. Each patient must give careful attention how often the ticking occurs and report the exact number of ticks to the doctor, who will then be able to determine whether the patient is heterosexual or homosexual. I was half forced to laugh at this answer and I half believed it. This was the entire dream.

    Since the last consultation hour I have taken pains to reproduce each dream as well as possible. The very next night after the last treatment I dreamed again of the doctor, but I could not note the dream. In the night from the eighth to the ninth, I dreamed that the head waiter at the coffeehouse at which I play had died. I was in fact at his house, since I give his eight-year-old daughter piano lessons. The wife and child did not seem to be particularly troubled at the death of the husband and father, for the little one asked her mother what a pound of corned beef would cost, and they both talked with me without the least thought of the death. The next dream occurred in the night from the ninth to the tenth. I dreamed that I was asleep in a stall near an ox which had once been a man and had then changed again into an ox, which happened several times during the night. I lay with this monster under a cover, and it threatened to bite me if I tried to escape. This ox-man then called my attention to the fact that he had with him 12,000 marks. Cows and oxen stood in the stable in a row close to one another. The third cow was always falling down and had to be lifted up. Early in the morning I tried to get away, but the ox-man caught me by my clothing. Later he let me (also) out. But he ran after me in the stable and told me that he missed a Fahnl. I asked what that was, upon which he said that he missed a 100-mark note. When I asked him to count over again, he left me alone. I went to a toilet and came back again, but instead of the stable it was the café in which I have a position. There I received a letter from a Hungarian woman, which the band master half jokingly took away from me and threw into a money box, from which I secured it again.

    Then I dreamed again that a man of my acquaintance felt with his hand either my hair or the genitalia, which produced a pleasant sensation. The next night I dreamed that I had had an invitation from my first acquaintance. Besides me, there was another gentleman present. After a short time, I attempted to steal from the girl women’s white underdrawers, in which to my annoyance I did not succeed.

    I have one more dream to mention, which again took place in the café. In the coffeehouse they were hunting for a mouse.

    It remained standing by a seat and no one had the courage to kill it. I called to a gentleman that he must climb on it firmly, which he did. But the mouse was not yet quite dead; a woman took pity on it and lifted it up, upon which, as the woman was about to take it on her arm, it changed into a canary bird and escaped. One more short dream I can report, in which I was polishing my shoes by an open window in a little room, and I was asked to play the Little Grandmother (violin solo).

    Then the dream of last night, in which I was busy all the time with horses. I was afraid of every horse that I passed, that it might snap at me, and each one as a matter of fact did snap at me and me only.

    In an earlier dream I went with two colleagues to Laxenburg to row upon the pond, which is my favourite occupation. But I found the pond very changed. We came to a great iron gate, which was barred. The only person to be seen was a man who was picking flowers (or he was the gardener). Upon my inquiry he explained to me that the gate had just been closed and would not be opened again until nine o’clock the next day. Then I remembered that I had seen the gate keeper himself going away. I tried to open the gate, succeeding by means of the so-called one-kreutzer key, upon which the left wing of the gate sprang so wide open that one could go straight through. We now saw the pond in front of us. It was cloudy and a storm began to arise, accompanied by wild roaring. It became half dark and commenced to rain gently. A mysteriously creepy and solemn mood prevailed. I had the feeling that an invisible power compelled us in any danger to go upon the pond. A woman whom I suddenly saw in our company (I believe it was the prostitute with whom I was in bed one night) went up to the boathouse to bring out the boats we needed. This woman was clothed in just one large mantle, which reached to the ground.

    She held a large staff in her right hand, her hair hung down, so that she seemed to me like death. She pushed out the first boat, into which I was to climb. But this boat was made of dark blue -violet reed work, into which the water ran.

    She shoved out a second boat, which again I could not board, as it was of rotten wood. She was going to bring out a third, when the dream broke off.

    In Wipplinger Street there was a large procession of the masses, which I remained behind alone and went to a bridge, from which I hoped to see the entire procession. (When the relics of Clemens Hofbauer were being carried I came by chance into Wipplinger Street, where the procession was. I had to stop involuntarily and look at it, but went away before the priests came with the urn. I had a feeling of rebellion, and I might easily be roused on such occasions against those about me.)

    I was examined in religion and had no idea of anything.

    I came to a meadow which had a small ravine, where I remained standing. About a hundred metres away I saw an iceberg in the form of a lookout tower. There was a man’s figure at the very peak standing on one point and turning round and round in a circle toward the right like a top.

    I received a letter from my father in America, in which he asked me what flour I wished in the dollar package.

    (I have written to my father in America, having obtained his address from a detective bureau. But so far I have received no answer, for it is only five weeks since I wrote.) I was with my girl in a church, in which a scientific sexual lecture was being delivered by a physician. The

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