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The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God
The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God
The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God
Ebook166 pages3 hours

The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God

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About this ebook

The Visible and Invisible Worlds of GOD is based on the principle that all existence is Energy, which manifests in infinite forms. It provides a clear roadmap of the unseen worlds while enhancing your perspective of spiritual oneness with the Universe.
Consciousness teacher, spiritual healer and visionary author Caroline Cory uses her ability of perceiving subtle energy with clarity to explain such topics as:
• The inherent energetic nature of humans that enables them to interact spontaneously with invisible beings and realities.
• The process by which various types of beings enter our physical system and appear in human form.
• The function and nature of the “Cosmic Mind”, the divine mind-energy that shapes and ministers to the human mind.
• The process of remembering your pre-natal contract and attaining self-realization.
• The significant shifts in our societal, governmental and religious structures and the transmutation of the human physical and mental characteristics.

The Visible and Invisible Worlds of GOD is a powerful manual about the beings and energies that irrevocably shape human destiny and potential. In its last section, the book also offers practical tools that prepare you for the ultimate ascension plan, the awakening to your divinity and the profound reconnection with the Creator-Source.
Release dateMay 23, 2004
The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God

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    The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God - Caroline Cory


    PART I

    Philosophy or Truth


    All Existence Is Energy

    The following material appeared in segments over a period of 2 to 3 months. My spirit guardians were adamant about me grasping the concept that all that I see, feel, eat or dream is a form of energy because that is the core of all knowledge they insisted. During this time period, they continuously appeared to remind me that what I had just experienced was energetic manifestation. With their help, I began to see lines and grids that related our planet to other systems and galaxies. They drew my attention to specific locations on the globe that represented different physical and mathematical links to the nucleus of our universe and beyond. While I had no scientific background and did not quite understand the process, I was nonetheless able to comprehend such a concept through these perceptual experiences and through inner know-sis, as they called it. Humans have such an ability and regardless of our scientific proficiency, the truths presented herein are irrefutable. In response to my doubts and questioning, my invisible teachers tirelessly reflected Einstein’s image in my consciousness, mentioning repeatedly that he also just knew...His work was simply to prove it.

    •        •        •

    The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electromagnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original Universal Creator-Source from which all Life springs. No world can be sustained outside these energetic fields or without the rhythmic breath and pulse of this Creator-Source.

    The energetic grids have several functions that include establishing and maintaining gravitational forces, interplanetary communication and broadcasts, vehicle transportation and time separation.


    All planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes are created simultaneously. While scientists may still consider their physical movement and evolution to be chaotic, they are all, in fact, in perfect cosmic order and arrangement. Their systematic gravitational forces maintain a perfect harmonic balance in relation with one another and with their original Creator-Source. The organized gravitational forces of all physical systems and intelligent life are indeed eternal, indestructible and infinitely connected to each other and to the one Creator-Source.

    Your planet’s gravitational and electromagnetic grid is located approximately 7,000 miles from Earth and forms a perfect spherical matrix around its surface. These electromagnetic systems continue on to outer layers of physical space, to balance each neighboring planet and star system. The Earth’s grids and energetic lines form a matrix that contains ALL human, physical, mind-al and spiritual patterns. Through these grids, you are energetically connected with all other beings and things including the Earth itself from which you have sprung.

    All existence, physical and non-physical, has consciousness to a varying degree and due to its electromagnetic nature, it must travel and communicate through energetic lines. A Thought or a Force, for example, has a vibrational frequency that requires the use of grids and matrixes to travel from one physical point to another. Thought is communicated within your planet, and with other planets, galaxies and universes through these energetic lines. While invisible to you, these communications and broadcasts are actual and incessant allowing the maintenance of a Thought/Mind balance within your planet and your neighboring worlds.


    The energetic grids on your planet are arranged in such a way as to allow communication with other worlds, physical and non-physical. The transfer of Thought occurs through these grids: Divine Beings monitor such communication to ensure spiritual expansion of the species, while you knowingly or unknowingly transfer thoughts with other human and non-human entities and call it synchronicity or telepathy.

    Similar to Thought travel, Celestial Beings and Forces require transport vehicles and routes to commute between the worlds. Interplanetary, intergalactic and universal transports are made possible through grids aligned in such a way as to connect the different physical areas you can be transported to. While similar concepts already exist in your science-fiction world, they are nonetheless real and necessary for the evolution and expansion of all intelligent beings within the Cosmos.

    Throughout your history, Earth has experienced the visitation of extra-terrestrial and Super-human intelligent beings. These visitations are also made possible through the grid lines established to transport and convert consciousness of elevated frequencies. When certain planetary and star alignments occur, the grid lines of the respective worlds are in a precise configuration as to permit a specific energetic exchange. The arrival or landing of Super-human Beings on your planet occurs at such propitious times.

    While grid lines converge at different points of the Earth matrix, only one site on your planet is considered to be the umbilical cord that connects you to the nucleus of your Universe, where your planetary Divine Creators and Divine Guardians reside. That site is located approximately at the 33 to 35-degree latitude and the 33 to 35- degree longitude conjunction points of your planet and is considered the only possible entry and exit point for Super-human and Divine Beings. This area corresponds to your current Middle Eastern countries, namely Israel and Lebanon. However, due to the continuous galactic movements and axis shifts which affect your planet approximately every 20,000 years, this conjunction point was once located over ancient Mesopotamia and is still in motion. Since these divine doorways are the most charged electromagnetically, they will also allow the occurrence and strong acceleration of all human energy, positive or negative. The conflicts you are currently observing in these areas are particularly significant to the overall human economic, sociological, religious and political stability. However, due to their energetic supercharge, violent clashes in these mystical areas will remain hopelessly incessant.

    It is important to recognize however that the current axis shift is of an unusual nature and will be setting the Earth in a new configuration which will re-align all entry and access points with your divine creators’ headquarters. Your latest planetary alignment in 2003 was the final factor necessary to complete the locking so to speak of your planet’s position within the Cosmos. While it will perpetually adjust and shift, Earth’s energetic doors have now been opened, which established your new era and, hence, freed your planet from its long isolation.


    Linear time, as observed on Earth, is a necessary physical agreement that divides your space. Time is then a function of the space you occupy and is distributed in different areas of your planet in such a way as to appear progressive. Yet, this phenomenon is a distortion of physical perception. You may utilize energetic alignments and electromagnetic grids to suspend time, which means you can exist without linear time within these alignment points. What you call time travel is nothing but the passage through these lines and the experience of time suspension. Your observations of space from your limited Earthly perspective have not caught up, so to speak, with the original timing of your universe and planet creation. For example, you have only discovered, a planet within your solar system a few years ago, which is in fact, billions of years old. Your linear time is responsible for this delayed perception in relation to Creation.

    By definition, Energy is vibrational. When the vibrational frequency of Energy is low enough as to appear static, it is then called matter. When it vibrates at higher velocities, its composing particles are altered and therefore become invisible. Vortices are energetic juncture-points that allow the acceleration or alteration of the vibrational frequency of the subject being exposed to it. For example, if a material object is placed within a juncture point of electromagnetic vortices, the object’s vibrational frequency will accelerate or be altered to such a point as to disappear. Yet, the object, in fact, still exists in another frequency range that cannot be perceived by the restricted vision of the human eye.

    Such is also the reason for the mysterious disappearance of air- planes or boats, which accidentally cross these vortex points, and are unable to re-materialize within the time/space continuum of the rest of the Earth plane. These objects and beings have not disintegrated nor destructed. They simply continue existing in another vibrational frequency undetected by human

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