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Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Veterans Day

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Two great books in one:

Veterans Day:
Kendra Hecksford was born into a family of Marines. When selected to "the program" she assumed that she would continue her family's tradition. Little did she know that she would be a part of something that would change the name of the arms race forever. Human weapons created to exhibit human potential at its finest.

Kilo Sierra Echo:
Ronald Jones and his friend Tucker Raves went from being common criminals to the first graduates of a government funded program created to replace thousands of soldiers with a few dedicated men. How many men and women will die for this man, mysteriously known as "The Corps" to fulfill his dream of creating the deadliest weapons alive?

PublisherDante D. Ross
Release dateAug 10, 2014
Veterans Day

Dante D. Ross

When not at work staring at a screen wondering what he is doing with his life and dreaming of being Batman, Dante is usually at home staring at the screen writing and wondering why he isn't Batman. Born in Los Angeles, CA he spends most of his free time reading, writing, podcasting, or talking his friends ears off. He has proudly used up whatever minutes as well as killed friends cell phone batteries with glee as he does not own one and suffers no such indignities.

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