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All Boys Names
All Boys Names
All Boys Names
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All Boys Names

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The bigger names collection ever, more than 20.000 names with their meanings, if you looking names or the meaning of your name, you need to have this ebook. I bet in this ebook you will find the name are you looking for.

PublisherYuri Q
Release dateJul 21, 2014
All Boys Names

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    All Boys Names - Yuri Q

    All Boys Names

    Copyright 2014 Yuri Q

    Published by Yuri Q at Smashwords

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    Aaban = name of the angel. . Muslim.

    Aabha = Light. Indian.

    Aadi = The first, important.. Indian.

    Aage = ancestors. Norway.

    Aaghaa = derived from agha, master. Africa.

    Aahan = dawn. India.

    Aahil = prince. Muslim.

    Aakarshan = attraction. India.

    Aakav = shape. India.

    Aakesh = lord of the sky. India.

    Aakif = given attached. Africa.

    Aakil = intelligent. India.

    Aalam = world universe. Africa.

    Aalam = One who has rule, king.. Indian.

    Aalif = compassionate affectionat leader. Africa.

    Aalim = derived from alim, man of leader. Africa.

    Aalok = light of god. India.

    Aamil = derived from amil, worker leader. Africa.

    Aamin = grace of god. India.

    Aanan = face. India.

    Aandaleeb = bluebird. India.

    Aaqaa = derived from agha, master leader. Africa.

    Aaqil = wise judicious intelligen leader. Africa.

    Aarao = Variant of Aaron: Lofty; leader. Hebrew.

    Aaren = lofty or inspired. Scandinavia.

    Aaric = derived from aric meaning. England.

    Aarif = learned expert authority leader. Africa.

    Aariz = respectable. Muslim.

    Aarman = Desire.. Indian.

    Aaron = enlightened. Hebrew.

    Aart = like an eagle. England.

    Aarush = first ray of sun. India.

    Aaryan = of outmost strength. Muslim.

    Aasaf = clear lined up. Africa.

    Aashiq = lover fancier. Africa.

    Aashish = blessing. India.

    Aasim = protector guardian. Africa.

    Aasir = captivating fascinatingKenya.

    Aatmadeva = god of the soul. India.

    Aatmik = soul. India

    Aayan = gods gift. Muslim.

    Aazaad = derived from azad, indepe leader. Africa.

    Ab-Owen = son of owen. England.

    Abaan = old . Arabia name. Africa.

    Abaddon = the destroyer. Israel.

    Abagtha = father of the wine-press. Israel.

    Aballach = father of modron. Scotland.

    Aban = clear distantKenya.

    Abantiades = descendant of abas Latin-America.

    Abarran = father of a multitude. Spain.

    Abarron = Father of a multitude.. Hebrew.

    Abarron = father of a multitude. Israel.

    Abasi = stern. Tanzania.

    Abayomi = . Nigerian name meaning bright. African.

    Abayomi = pleasent meeting. Nigeria.

    Abba = Father.. Hebrew.

    Abban = abbot. Ireland.

    Abbas = lion. Arabia.

    Abboid = Abbey father.. Gaelic.

    Abboid = abbey father. Scotland.

    Abbot = Abbey father.. England.

    Abbot = Father.. Hebrew.

    Abbot = father. Israel.

    Abbotson = Son of Abbot.. Hebrew.

    Abbotson = son of abbot. Israel.

    Abbott = Abbey father.. England.

    Abbott = Father.. Hebrew.

    Abbott = father. Israel.

    Abbud = derived from abid, worshi leader. Arabia.

    Abby = joy of the father. Israel.

    Abd = derived from abd, slave s leader. Africa.

    Abd-al-Alim = servant of the all knowin leader. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Bari = servant of allah. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Hakim = servant of the wise. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Jabbar = servant of the mighty. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Matin = servant of the strong. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Qadir = servant of the capable. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Rashid = servant of the guided. Arabia.

    Abd-al-Sami = servant of the all hearin leader. Arabia.

    Abd-er-Rahman = servant of the merciful o leader. Arabia.

    Abda = a servant servitude. Israel.

    Abdal-Ati = servant of allah. Arabia.

    Abdal-Aziz = servant of the mighty one. Arabia.

    Abdal-Fattah = servant of the one who gi leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Hadi = servant of the leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Hakim = servant of the wise oneNorth-. Africa.

    Abdal-Halim = servant of the patient on leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Hamid = servant of the praisewort leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Jabir = servant of the comforter. Arabia.

    Abdal-Jawwad = servant of the noble one. Arabia.

    Abdal-Karim = servant of the generous o leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Lafif = servant of the kind one. Arabia.

    Abdal-Majid = servant of the glorious o leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Malik = servant of the kingNorth-. Africa.

    Abdal-Mufi = servant of the donor. Arabia.

    Abdal-Muhsin = servant of the charitable leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Qadir = servant of the capable. Arabia.

    Abdal-Rahim = servant of the compassion leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Rahman = servant of the merciful. Arabia.

    Abdal-Rauf = servant of the compassion leader. Arabia.

    Abdal-Raziq = servant of the provider. Arabia.

    Abdal-Salam = servant of peace. Arabia.

    Abdal-Wahab = servant of the giving. Arabia.

    Abdalla = Servant of God. (Swahili) leader. African.

    Abdalla = derived from abdallah, se leader. Arabia.

    Abdallah = slave of god. Arabia.

    Abdalrahman = servant of the merciful o leader. Arabia.

    Abdeel = a vapor a cloud of god. Israel.

    Abdel = servent. Arabia.

    Abdel-Ati = servant of allah. Arabia.

    Abdel-Salam = servant of peace. Arabia.

    Abderus = a friend of hercules. Greece.

    Abdi = my servant. Israel.

    Abdiel = servent of godJewish.

    Abdon = servant, cloud of judgmen leader. Israel.

    Abduh = an epithet of muhammad. Africa.

    Abdukrahman = slave of the merciful god. Arabia.

    Abdul = servant of. Arabia.

    Abdul-Aalee = servant of the most high. Africa.

    Abdul-Aleem = servant of the omniscient. Africa

    Abdul-Azeem = servant of the mighty. Africa.

    Abdul-Azeez = servant of the mighty the leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Baari = servant of the creator. Africa.

    Abdul-Baasit = servant of the extender c leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Ghafoor = servant of the forgiver. Africa.

    Abdul-Haady = servant of the guide. Africa.

    Abdul-Haafiz = servant of the protector. Africa.

    Abdul-Hafeez = one who serves the master. Arabia.

    Abdul-Hakam = servant of the arbitrator. Africa.

    Abdul-Hakim = servant of the wise. Africa.

    Abdul-Halim = servant of the mild patie leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Haq = servant of the truth. Africa.

    Abdul-Haseeb = servant of the respected leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Jabaar = servant of the mighty. Africa.

    Abdul-Jabbar = one who serves the comfor leader. Arabia.

    Abdul-Jaleel = servant of the great reve leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Kareem = servant of the noble gene leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Karim = one who serves a generous leader. Arabia.

    Abdul-Khaaliq = servant of the creator. Africa.

    Abdul-Lateef = servant of the kind. Africa.

    Abdul-Latif = one who serves a kind man. Arabia.

    Abdul-Majeed = servant of the glorious. Africa.

    Abdul-Mateen = servant of the firm stron leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Muiz = servant of the giver of m leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Mujeeb = servant of the responder. Africa.

    Abdul-Mutaal = servant of the most high. Africa.

    Abdul-Nasser = servant of the helper gra leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Qaadir = servant of the capable. Africa.

    Abdul-Qadir = one who serves a capable leader. Arabia.

    Abdul-Qahaar = servant of the subduer th leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Qudoos = servant of the most holy. Africa.

    Abdul-Rahim = servant of the most compa leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Rahman = servant of the mercifully leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Raouf = servant of the most merci leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Rasheed = servant of the rightly gu leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Razaaq = servant of the maintainer leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Saboor = servant of the patient. Africa.

    Abdul-Salaam = servant of the peace. Africa.

    Abdul-Salam = derived from abdal salam, leader. Arabia.

    Abdul-Samad = servant of the eternal. Africa

    Abdul-Samee = servant of the all-hearin leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Shakoor = servant of the most thank leader. Africa.

    Abdul-Tawaab = servant of the forgiver. Africa.

    Abdul-Waahid = servant of the one. Africa.

    Abdul-Wadood = servant of the loving. Africa.

    Abdul-Wahaab = servant of the giver. Africa.

    Abdulkareem = slave of the generous god. Arabia.

    Abdulla = servant of god. Arabia.

    Abdullah = variation of abdallah, se leader. Arabia.

    Abdulrahman = slave of the merciful god. Arabia.

    Abdur-Rahim = one who serves a compassi leader. Arabia.

    Abdur-Rashid = one who serves a righteou leader. Arabia.

    Abdus-Salam = derived from abdal salam, leader. Arabia.

    Abe = Diminutive of Abraham: Fa leader. Hebrew.

    Abe = father of nationsJewish.

    Abed = worshipper adorer. Africa.

    Abedin = worshippers. Africa.

    Abednego = servant of light, shining. Israel.

    Abeeku = Ghanian word for one who leader. African.

    Abejide = . Nigerian name for one who leader. African.

    Abejundio = bee. Spain.

    Abel = breathBiblical.

    Abel = Breath; son; breathing sp leader. Hebrew.

    Abelard = resolute. Germany.

    Abell = Exhalation of breath. The leader. Hebrew.

    Abell = exhalation of breath. Israel.

    Abeodan = announce. England.

    Abergavenny = king henry the eighth lor leader. England.

    Abernethy = the mouth of the nethy ri leader. Scotland.

    Aberthol = sacrifice. England.

    Aberthol = Sacrifice.. Welsh.

    Aberto = . Italian form of albert no leader Italy.

    Abesaloma = derived from apekaloma, p leader. Hawaii.

    Abhainn = river. Scotland.

    Abharan = jewel. India.

    Abhay = a son of dharma. India.

    Abhayananda = One who enjoys being with leader. Indian.

    Abheek = fearless. India.

    Abhibhava = One who has power.. Indian.

    Abhichandra = beautiful moon. India

    Abhidhar = who wears serpents. India.

    Abhigyan = token. Russia.

    Abhijat = a person of noble birth. India.

    Abhijay = victorious. India.

    Abhijit = a constellation dear to leader. India.

    Abhilash = wish desire. India.

    Abhimakar = one who has/gives warmth. India.

    Abhiman = self respect. India.

    Abhimanya = short tempered. India.

    Abhimanyu = person killed by lakshman leader. India.

    Abhinabhas = One who is well known, fa leader. Indian.

    Abhinandan = handsome son congratulato leader. India.

    Abhinav = modern new novel. India.

    Abhineet = actor. India.

    Abhinivesh = long cherished desire. India.

    Abhiraj = handsome. India.

    Abhiraja = great king. India.

    Abhiram = lovely pleasing. India.

    Abhirath = handsome. India.

    Abhishek = ceremonious holy bath giv leader. India.

    Abhivachan = good word. India.

    Abhivadak = one who salutes respectfu leader. India.

    Abhivandan = salutation with respect. India.

    Abhivandya = one who is greeted respec leader. India.

    Abhorson = measure for measure an ex leader. England.

    Abi = my father. Israel.

    Abi-Albon = most intelligent father. Israel.

    Abia = Variant of Aviah: My fath leader. Hebrew.

    Abiah = Variant of Aviah: My fath leader. Hebrew.

    Abiah = derived from aviah, my fa leader. Israel.

    Abiasaph = consuming father, gatheri leader. Israel.

    Abiathar = excellent father, father leader. Israel.

    Abid = derived from aabid, worsh leader. Africa.

    Abidah = father of knowledge. Israel.

    Abidan = father of judgment. Israel.

    Abie = father or mother of many. Israel.

    Abiel = God is my father.. Hebrew.

    Abiel = god is my father. Israel.

    Abiezer = father of help. Israel.

    Abihail = the father of strength. Israel

    Abihu = he is my father. Israel.

    Abihud = father of praise, confess leader. Israel.

    Abijah = The Lord is my father.. Hebrew.

    Abijah = the lord is my father. Israel.

    Abijam = father of the sea. Israel.

    Abilene = the father of mourning. Israel.

    Abimael = a father sent from god. Israel.

    Abimelech = Father is king.. Hebrew.

    Abimelech = father is king. Israel.

    Abinadab = father of a vow, or of wi leader. Israel.

    Abinoam = father of beauty. Israel.

    Abiodun = . Nigerian name given to on leader. Africa.

    Abiodun = . Nigerian name given to on leader. Nigerian.

    Abiola = Born in honor. Baby name leader. Nigerian.

    Abiona = born on a journey. Africa.

    Abir = Strong.. Hebrew.

    Abiram = Variant of Aviram: My fat leader. Hebrew.

    Abiram = father of heights. Israel.

    Abisha = The Lord is my father.. Hebrew.

    Abisha = the lord is my father. Israel.

    Abishai = Variant of Avishai: Gift leader. Hebrew.

    Abishai = derived from avishai, gif leader. Israel.

    Abishalom = father of peace. Israel.

    Abishua = father of salvation. Israel.

    Abishur = father of the wall, fathe leader. Israel.

    Abital = derived from avital, fath leader. Hebrew.

    Abitub = father of goodness. Israel.

    Abiud = father of praise. Israel.

    Abjörn = Ancestor bear. .

    Able = Exhalation of breath. The leader. Hebrew.

    Able = exhalation of breath. Israel.

    Ablendan = blind. England.

    Abner = Father is light, or fathe leader. Hebrew.

    Abner = father of light. Israel.

    Abooksigun = wildcat Native American.

    Abornazine = keeper of the flame Native American.

    Abracham = . Ireland form of abraham. Ireland.

    Abraham = exalted fatherBiblical.

    Abraham = Father of a multitude. In leader. Hebrew.

    Abrahamo = Variant of Abraham: Fathe leader. Hebrew

    Abrahamo = derived from abraham, fat leader. Israel.

    Abrahan = Variant of Abraham: Fathe leader. Hebrew.

    Abrahan = derived from abraham, fat leader. Israel.

    Abram = High father. Exalted fath leader. Hebrew.

    Abram = father of nations. Israel.

    Abramo = Father of a multitude.. Hebrew.

    Abramo = father of a multitude. Israel.

    Abramo = . Italian form of Abraham f leader. Italian.

    Abran = Variant of Abraham: Fathe leader. Hebrew.

    Abran = variation of abraham, fat leader. Israel.

    Abran = Variant of Abram Exalted leader. Spain.

    Abrao = Variant of Abraham: Fathe leader. Hebrew.

    Abrao = derived from abraham, fat leader. Israel.

    Abrasha = father. Israel.

    Abrecan = storm. England.

    Absalom = Father of peace. In the b leader. Hebrew.

    Absalom = father of peace. Israel.

    Absalon = Variant of Absalom: Fathe leader. Hebrew.

    Absko = powerKenya.

    Absolom = my father is peace. Israel.

    Absolon = The father is peace, or f leader. . . France.

    Absyrtus = brother of medea. Greece.

    Abu = father. Africa.

    Abu-Bakr = companion of mohamed. Arabia.

    Abubakar = noble. Egypt.

    Abukcheech = companion of prophet muha leader. Africa.

    Abukcheech = Mouse (Algonquin). Native American.

    Abul-Khayr = one who does good. Africa.

    Abyan = clearer more distinct. Africa.

    Abyaz = white bright brilliant in leader. Africa.

    Abydos = from abydos. Greece.

    Acacio = the lord holds. Israel.

    Academicus = name of a philosopher Latin-America.

    Acair = anchor. Scotland.

    Acaiseid = anchor. Scotland.

    Acarnanus = from acarnania Latin-America.

    Acastus = an argonaut. Greece.

    Accalon = lover of morgan le fay. Scotland.

    Accius = a roman poet Latin-America.

    Ace = unity, oneDominican-Republic

    Ace = Unity; a nickname given t leader. England.

    Acel = adherent of a nobleman . France.

    Acelin = noble. Germany.

    Acennan = brings. England.

    Acestes = a trojan king from greek leader. Greece.

    Acey = unity. England.

    Achab = brother of the father. Israel.

    Achaean = a greek Latin-America.

    Achaemenes = a Persian Latin-America.

    Achaemenius = a Persian Latin-America.

    Achaeus = a greek Latin-America.

    Achaius = Horseman.. Ireland.

    Achaius = friend of a horse. Scotland.

    Achak = spiritAmerica.

    Achak = Spirit (Algonquin). Native American.

    Achan = he that troubleth. Israel.

    Achanda = One who is not angry.. Indian.

    Achar = he that troubleth. Israel.

    Acharon = Last.. Hebrew.

    Acharon = last. Israel.

    Acharya = spiritual teacher. India.

    Achates = a friend of aeneas Latin-America.

    Achav = Uncle.. Hebrew.

    Achav = uncle. Israel.

    Achaz = one that takes or possess leader. Israel.

    Achazia = Variant of Achazya: God h leader. Hebrew.

    Achazia = derived from achazya, god leader. Israel.

    Achaziah = Variant of Achazya: God h leader. Hebrew.

    Achaziah = derived from achazya, god leader. Israel.

    Achazya = God has taken.. Hebrew.

    Achazya = god has taken. Israel.

    Achazyahu = Variant of Achazya: God h leader. Hebrew.

    Achazyahu = derived from achazya, god leader. Israel.

    Achban = Brother of a smart man.. Hebrew.

    Achban = brother of a smart man. Israel.

    Achbor = a rat, bruising. Hebrew.

    Achelous = a river god. Greece.

    Acher = Other.. Hebrew.

    Acher = other. Israel.

    Acheron = river of sorrow/woe. Greece

    Acheros = river of sorrow Latin-America.

    Achida = Smart brother.. Hebrew.

    Achida = smart brother. Israel.

    Achiiles = lipless. Greece.

    Achilleas = Main character in the fam leaderGreek.

    Achilles = without lips, brown, dark. Greece.

    Achillides = descendant of achilles Latin-America.

    Achillios = name of a river. Greece.

    Achimelech = The king is my brother.. Hebrew.

    Achimelech = the king is my brother. Israel.

    Achindra = One who is perfect.. Indian.

    Achir = new. India.

    Achisar = The prince is my brother.. Hebrew.

    Achisar = the prince is my brother. Israel.

    Achish = thus it is how is this. Israel.

    Achishar = My brother is a song.. Hebrew.

    Achishar = my brother is a song. Israel.

    Achivus = a greek Latin-America.

    Achiya = God is my brother.. Hebrew.

    Achiya = god is my brother. Israel.

    Achiyahu = Variant of Achiya: God is leader. Hebrew.

    Achiyahu = derived from achiya, god leader. Israel.

    Achmetha = brother of death. Israel.

    Achyuta = a name of vishnu. India.

    Achzib = liar, lying, one that run leader. Israel.

    Acis = lover of galatea. Greece.

    Ackerley = dweller at the acre meado leader. England.

    Ackley = dwells at the oak tree me leader. England.

    Acrisioniades = descendant of acrisius Latin-America.

    Acrisius = grandfather of perseus. Greece.

    Actaeon = a hunter Latin-America.

    Actaeonis = a hunter Latin-America.

    Actaeus = from athens Latin-America.

    Acteon = a hunter dismembered by h leader. Greece.

    Acton = settlement of oak trees. England.

    Actor = son of azeus Latin-America.

    Actoris = son of azeus Latin-America.

    Acwel = kills. England.

    Acwellen = kills. England.

    Adad = storm and flood god. Greece

    Adadah = testimony of the assembly. Israel.

    Adael = Gods ornament.. Hebrew.

    Adael = gods ornament. Israel.

    Adag = pure blemishless. India.

    Adahy = lives in the woodsAmerica.

    Adahy = Lives in the woods (Chero leader Native American.

    Adaia = Variant of Adaiah: Witnes leader. Hebrew.

    Adaia = derived from adaiah, witn leader. Israel.

    Adaiah = Witness of God.. Hebrew.

    Adaiah = the witness of the lord. Israel.

    Adair = From the ford by the oak leaderCeltic.

    Adair = noble. England.

    Adair = From the oak tree ford.. Gaelic.

    Adair = From the oak tree ford. . Scottland.

    Adal = sweet or noble. Germany.

    Adalard = brave. Germany.

    Adalardo = noble. Ireland.

    Aðalbert = First, highly honored.. Danish.

    Adalbert = intelligent or noble. Germany.

    Adalbrandr = Originates from the Old leader. Danish.

    Adalgar = noble spearman. Germany.

    Adalgiso = noble hostage. Germany.

    Adalhard = brave. Germany.

    Adalric = noble friend. Germany.

    Adalrik = noble friend. Germany.

    Adalson = son of all. England.

    Adalstienn = nobel stoneIceland.

    Adalwen = noble friend. Germany.

    Adalwin = noble friend. Germany.

    Adalwine = noble friend. Germany.

    Adalwolf = noble wolf. Germany.

    Adam = Of the red earth.. England.

    Adam = Red, a reference to eithe leader. Hebrew.

    Adam = man of the earth. Israel.

    Adamah = red earth, of blood. Israel.

    Adamec = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adamek = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adamh = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adami = my man, red, earthy, human leader. Israel.

    Adamik = Variant of Adam: Man of the earth leader. Hebrew

    Adamka = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adamko = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adamnan = name of an abbot. England.

    Adamnan = Little Adam, from Adam me leader. Hebrew.

    Adamnan = Little Adam.. Ireland.

    Adams = Variant of Adam: Man of t leader. Hebrew.

    Adamson = son of adam. England.

    Adamson = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adamsson = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adamsson = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Adamu = derived from akamu, red e leader. Hawaii.

    Adamya = difficult. India.

    Adan = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adan = Variant of Adam From the leader. Spain.

    Adao = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adao = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Adapa = figure in ancient greek m leader. Greece.

    Adar = Noble.. Hebrew.

    Adare = from the ford of the oak leader. Ireland.

    Adarsh = ideal. India.

    Adaya = Variant of Adaiah: Witnes leader. Hebrew.

    Adaya = derived from adaiah, witn leader. Israel.

    Adbeel = vapor. Israel.

    Adda = . Welsh form of Adam of the leader. Welsh.

    Addae = ghanian word for the morn leader. Africa.

    Addai = man of god. Israel.

    Addam = Variant of Adam From the leader. Hebrew.

    Addam = derived from adam from t leader. Israel.

    Addams = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Addams = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Addamson = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Addamson = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Addaneye = lives on the nobles islan leader. England.

    Addergoole = from between two fords. Ireland.

    Addie = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Addis = son of adam. England.

    Addis = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Addison = son of adam. England.

    Addney = lives on the nobles islan leader. England.

    Addolgar = devout. England

    Addolgar = Devout.. Welsh.

    Addon = basis, foundation, the lo leader. Israel.

    Addy = ardent. England.

    Addy = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Ade = crown. Africa.

    Adebayo = . Nigerian for he was happy. Africa.

    Adeben = twelfth-born son. Africa.

    Adeeb = scholar litttrateur. Africa.

    Adejola = . Nigerian name meaning the leader. African.

    Adel = noble. Germany.

    Adelard = nobly resolute. Germany.

    Adelbert = intelligent or noble. Germany.

    Adelfried = who protects the descenda leader. Germany.

    Adelhard = resolute. Germany.

    Adelino = noble. Germany.

    Adelio = nobleCuba.

    Adelmo = noble protector. Germany.

    Adelphos = brother. Greece.

    Adelric = noble commander. Germany.

    Adem = red earth. Africa.

    Ademaro = glorious in battle. Germany.

    Aden = Variant of Adin: Attracti leader. Hebrew.

    Aden = handsome. Israel.

    Aderet = Crown.. Hebrew.

    Aderet = crown. Israel.

    Aderiela = derived from akeliela, go leader. Hawaii.

    Aderrig = from the red ford. Ireland.

    Adesola = . Nigerian name meaning the leader. African.

    Adham = black. Africa.

    Adhamh = . Gaelic form of Adam.. Gaelic.

    Adhamh = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adhamh = Of the earth.. Ireland.

    Adhamh = of the earth. Scotland.

    Adhamhnan = Variant of Adamnan: Littl leader. Ireland.

    Adhamhnan = of the earth. Scotland.

    Adharma = lawless. India.

    Adheesha = king. India.

    Adhideva = the supreme god. India.

    Adi = a form of vasishtha. India.

    Adib = well-mannered courteous p leader. Africa

    Adiel = goat. Africa.

    Adiel = Variant of Adael: Gods or leader. Hebrew.

    Adika = Ghanian name given to the leader. African.

    Adil = judicious. Arabia.

    Adin = Attractive; handsome; ple leader. Hebrew.

    Adio = Righteous. (. Nigerian.).. African.

    Adio = righteous. Egypt.

    Adir = Noble.. Hebrew.

    Adir = noble. Israel.

    Adiran = From the Adriatic.Basque.

    Adiran = of the adriatic Latin-America.

    Adisa = The clear one (. Nigerian).. African.

    Adisa = clear spoken. Nigeria.

    Adish = fire. Africa.

    Adit = first born. India.

    Aditeya = The sun.. Indian.

    Adithaim = assemblies, testimonies. Israel.

    Aditi = free and unbounded. India.

    Aditsan = Listener (Navajo). Native American.

    Aditya = sun. India.

    Adiv = Gentle; delicate.. Hebrew.

    Adiv = delicate. Israel.

    Adken = oaken. England.

    Adkins = son of aiken. England.

    Adkyn = oaken. England.

    Adlai = Justice of God; my orname leader. Hebrew.

    Adlai = ornament. Israel.

    Adlar = eagle. Germany.

    Adler = Eagle.. England.

    Adler = an eagle. Germany.

    Adley = Judicious.. Hebrew.

    Adley = the just. Israel.

    Adli = ornament. Israel.

    Admah = earthy, red, bloody. Hebrew.

    Admetus = a king of pherae. Greece.

    Admon = Red peony.. Hebrew.

    Admon = red peony flower. Israel.

    Adnan = pleasure. Arabia.

    Adne = eagle. Germany.

    Adnet = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew

    Adnet = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Adney = lives on the noble. England.

    Adniel = Of Gods flock.. Hebrew.

    Adniel = of gods flock. Israel.

    Adnot = Son of Adam: Man of the r leader. Hebrew.

    Adnot = son of adam, man of the r leader. Israel.

    Adny = lives on the noble. England.

    Adoeete = kiowa word for tree Native American.

    Adoerte = derived from adoeete, kio leader Native American.

    Adoff = German form of Adalwolf m leader German.

    Adofo = ghanian word for warrior. Africa.

    Adojan = hungarian form of adrian leaderHungary.

    Adok = of the adriatic Latin-America.

    Adolf = noble wolf. Germany.

    Adolfo = Variant of Adolph: Noble leader German.

    Adolfo = wolf Latin-America.

    Adolph = wolf. Germany.

    Adolphe = derived from adolph, nobl leader. Germany.

    Adolphs = noble wolf benevolent pla leader. Germany.

    Adolphus = noble wolf. Germany.

    Adom = Gods blessing. (Ghanian).. African.

    Adom = red earth lazy weakworld leader. Israel.

    Adon = Lord.. Hebrew.

    Adon = the lord. Israel.

    Adonai = my lord. Israel.

    Adoni-Zedek = justice of the lord, lord leader. Israel.

    Adonia = Variant of Adoniah: The L leader. Hebrew.

    Adoniah = The Lord is my God.. Hebrew.

    Adoniah = the lord is my god. Israel.

    Adoniia = derived from akoniia, the leader. Hawaii.

    Adonijah = Variant of Adoniah: The L leader. Hebrew.

    Adonijah = derived from adoniah, the leader. Israel.

    Adonikam = the lord is raised. Israel.

    Adonis = beautiful. Greece.

    Adoniya = Variant of Adoniah: The L leader. Hebrew.

    Adoniya = derived from adoniah, the leader. Israel.

    Adoniyah = Variant of Adoniah: The L leader. Hebrew.

    Adoniyah = derived from adoniah, the leader. Israel.

    Adooeette = derived from adoeete, kio leader Native American.

    Adras = manly. Greece

    Adrastos = undaunted. Greece.

    Adri = rock. India.

    Adrian = From the Latin Hadrianus leader. England.

    Adrian = of the adriatic Latin-America.

    Adriano = From the Adtiatic.. Italian.

    Adriano = from the adriatic Latin-America.

    Adriano = Dark; Variant of Adrian. leader. Spain.

    Adriel = Gods flock; from Gods con leader. Hebrew.

    Adriel = congregation Latin-America.

    Adrien = Variant of Adrian. From A leader. . . France.

    Adrien = gods flock, from gods con leader. Israel.

    Adrik = of the adriatic Latin-America.

    Adrion = from adria. England.

    Adriyel = Of Gods flock.. Hebrew.

    Adriyel = of gods flock. Israel.

    Adron = from adria. England.

    Adunbi = . Nigerian word for pleasan leader. Africa.

    Adusa = Ghanian name given to the leader. African.

    Advent = born during advent . France.

    Adwr = coward. England.

    Adwr = Coward.. Welsh.

    Adymn = man of the earthAmerica.

    Aeacus = son of zeus, grandfather leader. Greece.

    Aeary = scholar. Ireland.

    Aeccestane = swordsmans stone. England.

    Aedd = a king of . Ireland. England.

    Aedd = A king of . Ireland.. Welsh.

    Aedus = fire. Ireland.

    Aeetes = medeas father. Greece.

    Aegaeus = from the aegean sea Latin-America.

    Aegelmaere = infamous. England.

    Aegelweard = noble protector. England.

    Aegeon = the comedy of errors a me leader. England.

    Aegeus = from the aegean sea Latin-America.

    Aegir = of the gods. Norway.

    Aegisthus = cousin of agamemnon. Greece.

    A. Egyptus = king of . Egypt, father of leader. Greece.

    Aeker = from the oak tree. England.

    Aekerley = from the oak tree meadow. England.

    Aekerman = man of oak. England

    Aekley = from the oak tree meadow. England.

    Aeldra = noble. England.

    Aelfdane = . Danish elf. England.

    Aelfdene = from the elfin valley. England.

    Aelfraed = elf counselor. England.

    Aelfric = elf ruler. England.

    Aelle = name of several kings. England.

    Aemilianus = from the roman clan name leader Latin-America.

    Aemilius = roman family clan name Latin-America.

    Aeneades = descended from aeneas Latin-America.

    Aeneas = worthy of praise. Greece.

    Aeneas = Praise.. Ireland.

    Aenedleah = from the awe inspiring on leader. England.

    Aenescumb = lives in the valley of th leader. England.

    Aengus = Exceptionally strong.Celtic.

    Aengus = exceptionally strong. Ireland.

    Aengus = Unnaturally strong.. Scottland.

    Aenon = a cloud, fountain, his ey leader. Israel.

    Aeolius = mythical keeper of the wi leader Latin-America.

    Aeolus = changeable, god of the wi leader. Greece.

    Aeriona = beauty Latin-America.

    Aeron = unusual. Ireland.

    Aescby = from the ash tree farm. England.

    Aescford = lives by the ash tree for leader. England.

    Aeschylus = athenian poet Latin-America.

    Aesclapius = god of medicine Latin-America.

    Aescleah = lives in the ash tree gro leader. England.

    Aesclin = lives at the ash tree poo leader. England.

    Aesctun = from the ash tree farm. England.

    Aesculapius = god of medicine. Greece.

    Aescwine = spear friend. England.

    Aescwyn = spear friend. England.

    Aeshan = in gods grace. India.

    Aesir = of the gods. Norway.

    Aesoburne = lives near the ash tree b leader. England.

    Aeson = father of jason in ancien leader. Greece.

    Aethelbald = a king of mercia. England.

    Aethelbeorht = splendid. England.

    Aethelbeorn = noble warrior. England.

    Aethelberht = noble or bright. England

    Aethelbert = name of a king. England.

    Aethelfrith = name of a king. England.

    Aethelhard = brave. England.

    Aethelhere = name of a king. England.

    Aethelisdun = from the nobles hill. England.

    Aethelmaer = noble or famous. England.

    Aethelmaere = infamous. England.

    Aethelred = name of a king. England.

    Aethelstan = name of a king. England.

    Aethelstun = from the elfs home. England.

    Aethelweard = noble protector. England.

    Aethelwulf = name of a king. England.

    Aetheston = from the nobles hill. England.

    Aethiops = an ethiopian Latin-America.

    Aethretun = lives at the spring farm. England.

    Aetios = eagle. Greece.

    Aetos = eagle. Greece.

    Aevar = son of ketil. Norway.

    Afa = hurricanePolynesia.

    Afeef = derived from afif, chaste leader. Africa.

    Affan = father of khalifa usman. Africa.

    Affiq = full of knowledge and kin leader. Africa.

    Affleck = from auchinleck, . Scotland. Ireland.

    Afham = One who is loving.. Arabia.

    Afi = Grandfather. Originally leader. Danish.

    Afi = firePolynesia.

    Afif = chaste modest. Africa.

    Afiq = Honest. . Arabia.

    Afonso = noble one. Portugal.

    Afreen = encouragement. India.

    . Africa = pleasant, from . AfricaAmerica.

    Afsar = better explained officer. Africa.

    Aftab = the sun. Africa.

    Aftan = the sun. India.

    Afton = from the afton river. Ireland.

    Afu = hotPolynesia.

    Aga = leader ruler. Africa.

    Agag = roof upper floor. Israel.

    Agamedes = murdered by his brother f leader. Greece.

    Agamemnon = resolute. Greece

    Aganit = countless. India.

    Aganju = In Yoruban mythology, Aga leader. African.

    Agape = love of the next. Greece.

    Agapios = good. Greece.

    Agasthya = a sage. India.

    Agastya = name of a wise man. India.

    Agathias = good. Greece.

    Agatone = good, kind. Greece.

    Age = ancestors. Norway.

    Agee = a valley deepness. Israel.

    Agenor = son of poseidon. Greece.

    Ager = Gatherer.Basque.

    Ager = Gathers.. Hebrew.

    Ager = gathers. Israel.

    Agha = master owner. Africa.

    Aghaderg = from the red ford. Ireland.

    Aghamarshan = destroyer of sin. India.

    Aghamore = from the great field. Ireland.

    Aghor = gentle nature of shiva. India.

    Aghy = friend of horses. Ireland.

    Agiefan = gives. England.

    Agilard = bright. Germany.

    Agilberht = name of a bishop. England.

    Aglaeca = fighter. England.

    Aglaral = brother of percival. Scotland.

    Aglarale = brother of percival. Scotland.

    Aglaval = brother of percival. Scotland.

    Agler = gleaming. Greece.

    Agna-Iyanke = runs beside horse Native American.

    Agneya = son of agni. India.

    Agni = One who is feared.. Icelandic.

    Agni = fire. India.

    Agnidev = the fire god. India.

    Agnimukha = face of fire. India.

    Agninyan = shiva. India.

    Agnitra = agni`s friend the wind. India.

    Agostino = majestic Italy.

    Agosto = derived from august, dese leader Latin-America.

    Agoston = majestic Latin-America.

    Agravain = brother of gawain. Scotland

    Agrican = from the field . France.

    Agrippa = one who causes great pain leader. Israel.

    Agu = leopard. Africa.

    Aguistin = majestic. Ireland.

    Agur = stranger gathered togethe leader. Israel.

    Agustin = majestic dignity. Spain.

    Agustine = grandeur. Germany.

    Agustino = derived from august, dese leader Latin-America.

    Agyfen = gives. England.

    Ahab = Variant of Achav: Uncle.. Hebrew.

    Ahab = uncle. Israel.

    Ahad = god is one. Africa.

    Ahane = from the little ford. Ireland.

    Ahanu = he laughsAmerica.

    Ahanu = He laughs (Algonquin). Native American.

    Aharah = a smiling brother, a mead leader. Israel.

    Aharnish = day and night. India.

    Aharon = Variant of Aaron: Lofty; leader. Hebrew.

    Ahasbai = trusting in me, a grown-u leader. Israel.

    Ahasuerus = prince, head, chief. Israel.

    Ahaz = one that takes or possess leader. Israel.

    Ahaziah = Variant of Achazya: God h leader. Hebrew.

    Ahaziah = derived from achazya, god leader. Israel.

    Ahaziahu = Variant of Achazya: God h leader. Hebrew.

    Ahaziahu = derived from achazya, god leader. Israel.

    Ahearn = Lord of the horses.Celtic.

    Ahearn = lord of the horses. Ireland.

    Aheawan = cuts down. England.

    Ahebban = wages war. England.

    Aherin = Owns many horses.. Gaelic.

    Aherin = owns many horses. Scotland.

    Ahern = Lord of the horses.Celtic.

    Ahern = Owns many horses.. Gaelic.

    Ahern = lord of the horses. Ireland.

    Aherne = Owns many horses.. Gaelic.

    Aherne = owns many horses. Scotland.

    Ahi = my brother, my brethren. Israel.

    Ahia = Variant of Achiya: God is leader. Hebrew.

    Ahia = derived from achiya, god leader. Israel.

    Ahiah = Variant of Achiya: God is leader. Hebrew

    Ahiah = brother of the lord. Israel.

    Ahiam = mothers brother, brother leader. Israel.

    Ahian = brother of wine. Israel.

    Ahiezer = brother of assistance. Israel.

    Ahiga = he fightsAmerica.

    Ahiga = He fights (Navajo). Native American.

    Ahijah = brother of the lord. Israel.

    Ahikam = a brother who raises up o leader. Israel.

    Ahilud = a brother born, or begott leader. Israel.

    Ahimaaz = a brother of the council. Israel.

    Ahiman = brother of the right hand. Israel.

    Ahimelech = Variant of Achimelech: Th leader. Hebrew.

    Ahimelech = my brother is a king, my leader. Israel.

    Ahimeleka = biblical priest. Hawaii.

    Ahimoth = brother of death. Israel.

    Ahimsa = nonviolent virtue. India.

    Ahinadab = a willing brother, brothe leader. Israel.

    Ahinoam = beauty of the brother, br leader. Israel.

    Ahio = whirlwindPolynesia.

    Ahira = brother of iniquity, brot leader. Israel.

    Ahiram = brother of craft or of pr leader. Israel.

    Ahisamach = brother of strength. Israel.

    Ahish = king of serpents. India.

    Ahishar = Variant of Achishar: My b leader. Hebrew.

    Ahishar = brother of a prince, brot leader. Israel.

    Ahithophel = brother of ruin or folly. Israel.

    Ahitub = brother of goodness. Israel.

    Ahjaja = born of a lotus. India.

    Ahlab = made of milk or of fat, b leader. Israel.

    Ahlad = joy. India.

    Ahladith = joyous person. India.

    Ahmad = greatly praised. Arabia.

    Ahmad = More commendable.. Arabia.

    Ahmar = immortal. Russia.

    Ahmed = most highly adored. Arabia.

    Ahmik = beaverAmerica.

    Ahmik = Beaver. Native American.

    Ahndray = derived from andre, mascu leader . France.

    Ahoah = a live brother, my thorn leader. Israel.

    Ahobal = mighty. India

    Ahohako = stormPolynesia.

    Aholah = his tabernacle, his tent. Israel.

    Aholiab = the tent of the father. Israel.

    Ahomana = thunderPolynesia.

    Ahote = restless oneAmerica.

    Ahote = Restless one (Hopi). Native American.

    Ahreddan = rescues. England.

    Ahren = eagle. Germany.

    Ahriman = evil spirit. India.

    Ahsab = nobler respected. Africa.

    Ahsalom = Father of peace.. Hebrew.

    Ahsalom = father of peace. Israel.

    Ahsan = better superior. Africa.

    Ahtunowhiho = one who lives below Native American.

    Ahumai = a meadow of waters, a bro leader. Israel.

    Ahura-Yazda = wise lord Persia.

    Ahusaka = winnebago word for wingsAmerica.

    Ahusaka = Winnebago word for wings. Native American.

    Ahuzam = their taking or possessin leader. Israel.

    Ahwanith = who has been invited. India.

    Aiah = vulture raven an isle ala leader. Israel.

    Aiakos = son of zeus. Greece.

    Aibak = slave messenger. Africa.

    Aibne = river. Scotland.

    Aichlinn = a form of echlin. Ireland.

    Aidan = Little fire. Commonly us leaderCeltic.

    Aidan = Little fire, ardent. Aida leader. Gaelic.

    Aidan = fiery. Ireland.

    Aiden = Fire.Celtic.

    Aiden = Fiery.. Gaelic.

    Aiden = Fiery.. Ireland.

    Aiden = fire. Scotland.

    Aidrian = from the adriatic. Ireland.

    Aiekin = oaken. England.

    Aiken = from the oak tree. England.

    Aikin = oaken. England.

    Ail = from the stony place. Scotland.

    Ailbe = intelligent or noble. Germany.

    Ailbert = noble. Scotland.

    Ailbhe = bright. Ireland

    Ailean = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Ailean = Handsome.. Gaelic.

    Ailean = handsome. Scotland.

    Ailein = from the green meadow. Scotland.

    Ailen = made of oak. England.

    Ailen = Handsome.. Gaelic.

    Ailesh = king of all. India.

    Ailfrid = wise. Ireland.

    Ailill = Mythical king of Connaugh leaderCeltic.

    Ailill = mythical king of connaugh leader. Ireland.

    Ailin = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Ailin = Handsome.. Gaelic.

    Ailin = handsome. Ireland.

    Aillig = from the stony place. Scotland.

    Ailwyn = derived from alvin, frien leader. Germany.

    Aim = direct toward targetAmerica.

    Aimery = industrious ruler. Germany.

    Aimon = rich protector. Ireland.

    Ain = merciful. England.

    Aindrea = manly, courageous. Ireland.

    Aindreas = Manly.. Gaelic.

    Aindreas = strong. Ireland.

    Aindreas = Strong.. Scottland.

    Aindriu = manly. Greece.

    Aineas = praising. Greece.

    Aineislis = glorious stand. Ireland.

    Aingeni = Messenger.Basque.

    Aingeni = messenger. Spain.

    Aingeru = Angel.Basque.

    Ainmire = great lord. Ireland.

    Ainsley = my own meadow. England.

    Ainslie = my own meadow. England.

    Ainsworth = from anns estate. England.

    Aiolos = change. Greece.

    Airavata = child of water. India.

    Airdsgainne = From the height of the cl leader. Gaelic.

    Airdsgainne = from the height of the cl leader. Scotland.

    Airell = Nobleman.Celtic.

    Airleas = Pledge.. Gaelic.

    Airleas = oath. Ireland

    Aisake = he laughsPolynesia.

    Aisea = god savesPolynesia.

    Aisford = lives by the ash tree for leader. England.

    Aisley = dwells at the ash tree me leader. England.

    Aiston = from the ash tree farm. England.

    Aitan = Strong.. Hebrew.

    Aitan = strong. Israel.

    Aitor = Father.Basque.

    Aiwyn = Variant of Alvin: Wise fr leader. England.

    Aiyetoro = Peace on earth. (. Nigerian leader. African.

    Aja = goat. India.

    Ajanabh = mountain. India.

    Ajani = he who wins the struggleAfghanistan.

    Ajani = He fights for possession. leader. African.

    Ajar = ageless the god. India.

    Ajatashatru = a name of vishnu. India.

    Ajath = not belonging to any cast leader. India.

    Ajatha-Shathru = one who has no enemies. India.

    Ajax = strong warrior. Greece.

    Ajay = victorious. India.

    Ajayi = born face-down. Africa.

    Ajeya = one who cannot be conquer leader. India.

    Ajit = unconquerable. India.

    Ajitabh = one who has conquered the leader. India.

    Ajitesh = vishnu. India.

    Ajmal = handsome. Arabia.

    Ajwad = better generous. Africa.

    Akaash = sky. India.

    Akahata = supreme. Hawaii.

    Akamu = of the red earthAmerica.

    Akando = ambushAmerica.

    Akando = Ambush. Native American.

    Akanksh = desire. India.

    Akanni = Profitable encounter; our leader. African.

    Akanni = joy meeting. Nigeria.

    Akash = The sky.. Indian.

    Akasma = white climbing roseTurkey.

    Akavya = Variant of Akiva: Heel; r leader. Hebrew.

    Akavya = derived from akiva, heel, leader. Israel.

    Akbar = greatest. Africa

    Ake = ancestors. Norway.

    Akecheta = fighterAmerica.

    Akecheta = Fighter (Sioux). Native American.

    Akeliela = gods majesty. Hawaii.

    Akello = i have boughtUganda.

    Akeno = In the morning; bright sh leader. Japanese.

    Akhenaten = devoted to aten. Egypt.

    Akhilendra = lord of the universe. India.

    Akhtar = star god luck. Africa.

    Akhyar = good excellent. Africa.

    Akia = first born. Africa.

    Akiba = Variant of Akiva: Heel; r leader. Hebrew.

    Akiba = replaces. Israel.

    Akif = devoted to dedicated. Africa.

    Akihiko = bright m child. Japan.

    Akihito = bright. Japan.

    Akiiki = Friend. (Ugandan).. African.

    Akiiki = friendly. Egypt.

    Akil = intelligent. Arabia.

    Akilesh = king of all. India.

    Akili = wisdom. Arabia.

    Akiliano = from hadria. Hawaii.

    Akim = God will establish.. Hebrew.

    Akim = god will establish. Israel.

    Akin = brave boy. Nigeria.

    Akinlabi = We have a boy. (. Nigerian) leader. African.

    Akinlana = Brave (. Nigerian).. African.

    Akins = brave. Egypt.

    Akins = Variant of Akiva: Heel; r leader. Hebrew.

    Akio = bright boy. Japan.

    Akir = anchor. Scotland.

    Akira = distinct. Japan.

    Akiva = Heel; replaces.. Hebrew.

    Akiva = supplanter. Israel.

    Akiyoshi = bright. Japan.

    Akker = from the oak tree. England.

    Akmal = complete perfect. Africa.

    Akolo = fencePolynesia.

    Akoni = the antonius. Hawaii.

    Akoniia = the lord is my god. Hawaii

    Akono = My turn. (. Nigerian).. African.

    Akram = generous. Arabia.

    Aksel = father of peace. Germany.

    Aksel = Father of peace.. Hebrew.

    Akshan = eye. India.

    Akshay = name of a god. India.

    Akshaya = lead. India.

    Akshobhya = one of the dhyani buddhas. India.

    Akub = Replaces.. Hebrew.

    Akub = replaces. Israel.

    Akuji = dead and awake. Africa.

    Akule = looks upAmerica.

    Akule = Looks up. Native American.

    Akwetee = ghanian name for the seco leader. Africa.

    Al = Diminutive of Alan: Harmo leaderCeltic.

    Al = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Al = Diminutive of Alistair: A leader. Gaelic.

    Al = Diminutive of Alvin: Frie leader German.

    Al = handsome. Ireland.

    Al-Burhan = the proof an epithet of m leader. Africa.

    Al-Tair = soaring eagle. Africa.

    Ala = exalted prestige glory. Africa.

    Alaa = exaltation. Arabia.

    Alaaudeen = excellence of religion. Africa.

    Alacibiades = name of an athenian polit leader Latin-America.

    Aladdin = faithful. Arabia.

    Alagan = handsome. India.

    Alahhaois = famous soldier. Ireland.

    Alahmoot = an elm branch Native American.

    Alai = Defender of man.. Gaelic.

    Alai = defender of man. Scotland.

    Alain = Variant of Alan: Harmony, leaderCeltic.

    Alain = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Alain = handsome . France.

    Alair = cheerful. England.

    Alajos = famous holiness. Germany.

    Alakai = m. Hawaii.

    Alake = one to be honored. Africa.

    Alalim = omniscient. Arabia.

    Alam = derived from aalam, world leader. Africa

    Alamgir = conqueror of the world. Africa.

    Alammelech = god is king. Israel.

    Alan = Harmony, stone, or noble. leaderCeltic.

    Alan = Fair; handsome. Famous B leader. England.

    Alan = handsome. Ireland.

    Aland = bright as the sun. England.

    Alankar = jewel. India.

    Alano = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Alano = handsome. Spain.

    Alanson = Son of Allan.Celtic.

    Alanson = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Alanson = son of allan. Ireland.

    Alanzo = Form of Alphonse: see Alf leader. Italian.

    Alanzo = form of alphonse, see alf leader. Spain.

    Alao = Variant of Alan: Fair; ha leader. England.

    Alaois = famous in war. Germany.

    Alap = conversation. India.

    Alapai = derived from alepeleke, c leader. Hawaii.

    Alard = a noble ruler. Germany.

    Alaric = Noble ruler, noble ruler. leader German.

    Alaric = he who rules. Ireland.

    Alarick = noble leader. Germany.

    Alarico = rules all. Spain.

    Alarik = noble leader. Germany.

    Alasd = avenger. Greece.

    Alasdair = A . Scottland . Gaelic variant leader. Gaelic.

    Alasdair = defender of mankind vari leader. Scotland.

    Alastair = protector of mankind. England.

    Alastair = Variant of Alexander defe leader. Gaelic.

    Alastair = Defender of man.. Scottland.

    Alaster = Defender of man.. Gaelic.

    Alaster = defender of man. Scotland.

    Alastor = avenger. Greece.

    Alavi = heavenly divine. Africa.

    Alawi = descendant of ali. Arabia.

    Alawn = harmony. England.

    Alawn = Harmony.. Welsh.

    Alba = A place name.. Italian.

    Alba = A place name.. Spain.

    Alban = from the city of alba, it leader Latin-America

    Albano = white Latin-America.

    Albanwr = from . Scotland. England.

    Albanwr = From . Scotland.. Welsh.

    Albany = From Albany (the city).. England.

    Albany = from the city of alba, it leader Latin-America.

    Albany = Derived from a former nam leader. Scottland.

    Albaric = blond ruler . France.

    Alben = fair blond Latin-America.

    Alber = a quick mind. Germany.

    Alberic = Variant of Aubrey: Rules leader. England.

    Alberic = skillful ruler. Germany.

    Alberich = the king of the dwarfs in leader. Germany.

    Alberik = blond rulerSweden.

    Albern = noble warrior. England.

    Albert = Noble, bright. From the O leader. England.

    Albert = noble, bright. Germany.

    Alberto = Variant of Albert: Old En leader. England.

    Alberto = noble, bright. Spain.

    Albie = Variant of Albert: Old En leader. England.

    Albin = Variant of Albert: Old En leader. England.

    Albin = white skinned. Polony.

    Albinka = blond Latin-America.

    Albinus = name of an abbot. England.

    Albion = White cliffs. Ancient poe leaderCeltic.

    Albion = white or fair Latin-America.

    Alborz = mountains range in iran. Arabia.

    Albrecht = Variant of Albert: Old En leader. England.

    Albrecht = intelligent or noble. Germany.

    Alburn = noble warrior. England.

    Alburt = noble or bright. England.

    Alby = name of an . Ireland saint. Ireland.

    Alcaeus = a greek poet Latin-America.

    Alcander = strong. Greece.

    Alcinoos = helps odysseus return hom leader. Greece.

    Alcinous = helps odysseus return hom leader. Greece.

    Alcnaeon = one of the thebes attacke leader. Greece.

    Alcott = from the old cottage. England.

    Alcuin = noble friend. Germany.

    Ald = old or wise. Germany.

    Aldan = old, wise. England

    Alddes = descended from alcaeus. Greece.

    Alden = old, wise. England.

    Alder = from the alder tree. England.

    Aldfrith = name of a king. England.

    Aldhelm = name of a bishop. England.

    Aldin = defender. England.

    Aldis = from the old house. England.

    Aldnd = wise or red haired man. England.

    Aldnous = father of nausicaa Latin-America.

    Aldn`d = Wise or red haired man.. England.

    Aldn~d = wise or red haired man. England.

    Aldo = Archaic.. England.

    Aldo = old or wise. Germany.

    Aldo = Old one; elder.. Italian.

    Aldon = old, wise. Polony.

    Aldous = from the old house. England.

    Aldred = wise or red haired man. England.

    Aldric = wise ruler. England.

    Aldrich = old wise leader. England.

    Aldrich = Old or wise ruler.. . . France.

    Aldrick = old or wise ruler . France.

    Aldridge = sage. Germany.

    Aldrik = Wise ruler.. England.

    Aldrik = noble friend. Germany.

    Aldrin = old and wise ruler. England.

    Alds = Variant of Aldo: Original leader German.

    Aldtun = from the old manor. England.

    Aldus = from the old house. England.

    Aldus = Variant of Aldo: Original leader German.

    Aldwin = wise friend. England.

    Aldwine = wise friend. England.

    Aldwyn = defender. England.

    Alebana = derived from alepana. Hawaii.

    Alec = Originally a diminutive o leader. England.

    Alec = protector of men. Greece.

    Alec = Abbreviation of Alexander leader. Scottland.

    Aleck = defender of mankind vari leader. Scotland.

    Aled = offspring. Ireland.

    Aled = Offspring.. Welsh.

    Aleekcheaahoosh = crow name meaning accompl leader Native American

    Aleem = a learned. India.

    Aleeyah = the asender. Israel.

    Aleferede = derived from alepeleke, c leader. Hawaii.

    Alejandro = protector of men. Spain.

    Alejo = . Spain form of alexander leader. Spain.

    Alek = form of alexander - defen leader. Russia.

    Alekandero = derived from alekanekelo, leader. Hawaii.

    Alekanekelo = protector. Hawaii.

    Alekona = from the old town. Hawaii.

    Alekos = helper and defender of ma leader. Greece.

    Aleksander = defender of manCroatia.

    Aleksandr = defender of man. Greece.

    Aleksandur = defender of mankindBulgaria.

    Aleksei = defender of mankind. Russia.

    Aleksi = helper of man. Russia.

    Aleksis = helper of man. Russia.

    Aleksy = form of alexius - defende leader. Polony.

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