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Crossword Companion
Crossword Companion
Crossword Companion
Ebook659 pages8 hours

Crossword Companion

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About this ebook

The solving of crossword puzzles is a kind of aerobics for the little grey cells. It puts one’s mental suppleness to the test, it taxes the staying power of one’s vocabulary, it usually produces no immediate reward, but completing the exercise gives a satisfying feeling of achievement. A fascination with words – their multiplicity, variety, oddity, their slippery ambiguity and their often chameleon-like ability to change – lurks within many people even if they have no reason to use words other than straightforwardly in their ordinary lives.
It provides guidance on
Quick crosswords
Cryptic crosswords
Clues and cues
Anagram cues
Other cryptic devices

This book is intended to provide basic assistance to anyone who needs help in solving a crossword clues.
Release dateJul 1, 2014
Crossword Companion

Martin Manser

Martin Manser is a professional writer and researcher. He is responsible for ‘The Penguin Wordmaster’ and ‘The Guinness Book of Words’.

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    Crossword Companion - Martin Manser


    A abbrev advanced, alto, America, ampere, answer, argon, atomic, Austria (international vehicle registration), key (music), note (music).

    a cryptic French UN, UNE; German EIN, EINE, EINER; Italian UN, UNA, UNO.

    Aaron Bible the brother of Moses, and the first high priest of the Israelites, said to have had a particularly long beard and a rod that on one occasion turned into a serpent and, on another, flowered.

    Aaron’s beard and Aaron’s rod types of plant.

    AB abbrev able seaman.

    aback I take aback (7) stagger; (8) surprise; (10) disconcert; II cryptic reverse the order of the letters in the word referred to, as in: ‘Electric current flows when mother taken aback by French father’ (6) = ampere.

    abandon I v 1 (4) drop, dump, jilt, quit; (5) ditch, leave, scrap; (6) maroon, strand; (7) desert, forsake; 2 (5) waive, yield; (6) forego, recant, resign; (8) renounce; (10) relinquish; (2 words) give up; II n (6) excess; (7) licence; (10) debauchery, indulgence; (11) dissipation.

    abbey n (6) church, friary, priory; (7) minster; (8) monastery.
















    abbreviate v (3) cut; (4) clip, trim; (6) digest, précis, lessen, reduce; (7) abridge, curtail, shorten; (8) abstract, compress, condense, truncate.

    Abel Bible Adam’s second son, ‘a keeper of sheep’, victim of the first murder at the hands of his brother Cain.

    abet v I (3) aid; (4) back, help; (5) serve; (6) assist, foster, hasten; (7) advance, forward, further, promote, support; (9) encourage; (10) facilitate; II cryptic punning reference to ‘a bet’.

    able adj (4) good; (5) adept, handy; (6) adroit, clever, expert, gifted; (7) capable, skilful, skilled; (8) talented; (9) competent, effective, efficient; (10) proficient; (12) accomplished.

    abnormal adj (3) odd, rum; (4) rare; (5) creepy, eerie, queer, weird; (6) chance; (7) bizarre, deviant, erratic, offbeat, uncanny, unusual; (8) aberrant, atypical, freakish, peculiar, uncommon; (9) anomalous, eccentric, irregular, unnatural; (10) outlandish; (12) supernatural; (13) extraordinary.

    aboard cryptic place the letters S … S (as in SS = steamship) around another word to create the answer, as in: ‘Ship goes ahead when eleven come aboard’ (6) = steams (eleven = team).

    abolish v (3) end; (4) stop; (5) annul; (6) cancel, repeal, revoke; (7) destroy, nullify, rescind; (8) overturn; (9) eliminate, eradicate, overthrow, terminate; (2+ words) do away with, get rid of, put an end to, stamp out.

    abominable adj (3) bad; (4) foul, mean, ugly, vile; (5) dirty, nasty; (6) filthy, odious; (7) obscene, vicious; (8) horrible; (9) loathsome, obnoxious, offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting; (10) disgusting, nauseating, unpleasant; (12) disagreeable; (13) objectionable.

    abominable snowman n (4) yeti; (7) bigfoot.

    about I prep (2) on, re; (9) regarding; (10) concerning, respecting; II adv & prep (4) near; (5) around, close; (6) almost, beside, nearly; (7) roughly; (11) surrounding; (13) approximately; III cryptic 1 use letters C or CA (= circa), or RE (re = with respect to); 2 reverse the order of the letters of a word in the clue or answer, as in: ‘Thousand policemen going about to find one famous alien’ (5) = Spock (thousand = K); 3 place the letters of one part of the answer around those of another, as in: ‘Midday? It’s about time I had an idea’ (6) = notion (time = T).

    Abraham Bible the patriarch who was the founder of the Jewish nation, originally from the city of Ur (of the Chaldees), husband of Sarah and father of Isaac (whom he was willing to sacrifice at God’s command).

    Absalom Bible a son of King David who rebelled against his father, was defeated in battle, and, escaping on a mule, got his head or his hair entangled in the boughs of an oak tree, where he was killed, against David’s orders, by Joab.

    absolute adj 1 (4) full; (5) sheer, total, utter, whole; (7) entire, perfect; (8) complete, outright, thorough; (9) downright; (10) consummate; (11) unqualified; (13) unconditional; 2 (7) supreme; (8) despotic; (9) unlimited; (10) tyrannical; (12) totalitarian, unrestricted.

    absorb v 1 (4) blot, hold, soak; (6) devour, engulf, imbibe, ingest, retain; (10) assimilate, understand; (2 words) drink in, take in, soak up; 2 (4) fill, grip; (5) rivet; (6) occupy; (7) engross, enthral, intrigue; (9) fascinate, preoccupy, spellbind.

    abstract I adj (7) complex, general; (8) abstruse; (10) conceptual, idealistic; (11) theoretical; (12) hypothetical, metaphysical; II n (6) digest, précis, résumé; (7) epitome, outline, summary; (8) synopsis; III v 1 (6) detach, remove; (7) extract; (8) separate, withdraw; (10) dissociate; 2 (6) précis; (7) outline; (8) condense; (9) summarise (or summarize).

    abuse I v & n 1 (4) harm, hurt; (5) waste, wrong; (6) damage, misuse; (8) travesty; 2 (5) libel, smear; (6) insult; (7) slander; II v 1 (5) wrong; (6) ill-use, molest, oppress; (7) corrupt, distort, exploit, pervert; (8) ill-treat, misapply, maltreat, mistreat, squander; (14) misappropriate; 2 (5) scold, swear; (6) defame, malign, revile, vilify; (7) upbraid; (8) badmouth; (9) disparage; (2 words) slag off; III n 1 (11) molestation; (12) maltreatment, mistreatment; 2 (6) tirade; (7) cursing, offence; (8) swearing; (10) defamation; (13) disparagement; IV abuse, abused, etc cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    abusive adj 1 (4) rude (5) cruel; (7) hurtful; (8) scathing; (9) injurious, insulting, offensive; (10) defamatory, derogatory, pejorative; 2 (5) wrong; (7) harmful; (12) exploitative; (13) inappropriate.

    abyss n (3) pit; (4) chasm, gulf, hole, void; (5) gorge; (6) crater, depths.

    AC abbrev account (bill), across, actinium, alternating current.

    accent n (4) tone; (5) twang; (6) stress; (7) brogue; (8) emphasis; (10) inflection; (11) enunciation; (13) pronunciation.


    (5) acute (´), breve (˘), grave (`), tilde (∼); (6) macron (¯), umlaut (¨); (7) cedilla (¸); diaeresis (¨); (10) circumflex (^).

    accept I v 1 (4) gain, take; (5) adopt; (7) acquire, receive, welcome; (9) undertake; 2 (5) admit, allow, agree; (7) approve, consent; (9) recognise (or recognize); (11) acknowledge; 3 (4) bear; (5) stand; (8) tolerate; (2+ words) put up with; II cryptic one word has a letter, letters, or another word inserted into it, as in: ‘Typist, having deleted letter, accepts criticism and vows total silence’ (8) = trappist (criticism = rap).

    acceptable adj (2) OK; (4) fine, so-so; (7) correct, welcome; (8) adequate, passable, pleasant, suitable; (9) tolerable; (10) admissible, gratifying; (12) satisfactory.

    account I n 1 (3) tab; (4) bill; (5) score, tally; (7) invoice; (9) reckoning, statement; 2 (4) tale; (5) story; (6) report; (7) write-up; (9) narrative; (11) description; II v (4) deem; (5) think; (6) regard; (8) consider; III account for 1 (6) answer; (7) explain, justify; 2 (4) kill; (7) destroy; (2+ words) put paid to; IV cryptic letters AC.

    Acheron Gk myth one of the rivers of the Underworld across which Charon ferried the souls of the dead.

    achieve v (2) do; (3) win; (4) earn, gain; (5) reach; (6) attain, effect, execute, finish, fulfil, obtain; (7) acquire, perform, realise (or realize), succeed; (8) complete, dispatch, finalise (or finalize); (9) discharge, implement; (10) accomplish; (2 words) bring about, carry out.

    achievement n (4) deed, feat; (8) dispatch; (9) discharge, execution; (10) attainment, completion, fulfilment; (11) performance; (14) accomplishment.

    Achilles Gk myth & lit. the Greeks’ great hero and chief warrior in the war against Troy. The son of Thetis, he was said to have been made invulnerable by being dipped in the waters of the river Styx by his mother. As she held him by his heel to do this, he remained vulnerable in that part. His followers were the Myrmidons, his friend/lover was Patroclus, he killed the Trojan hero Hector, and was in turn killed by Hector’s brother Paris with an arrow in the heel.

    act I n 1 (4) deed, feat, move, step; (5) doing; (6) action, stroke; (7) exploit; (9) enterprise, execution, manoeuvre; (10) operation; (11) undertaking; 2 (4) sham, show; (5) front; (8) feigning, pretence; (13) dissimulation; 3 (4) item, turn; (6) shtick; (7) routine; (11) performance; 4 (3) law; (4) bill; (5) edict, order; (6) decree; (7) measure, statute; II v 1 (2) do; (4) work; (6) behave; (7) operate, perform; (8) function; 2 (4) play; (5) enact, stage; (7) portray; (9) represent; (4) sham; (5) feign; (7) pretend.

    Actaeon Gk myth a huntsman who happened upon the goddess Artemis (Diana) bathing in a river. He spied on her, and for his temerity was changed into a stag and hunted to death by his own hounds.

    action n 1 see act I 1; 2 (4) life, work; (6) energy, vigour; (8) activity, exertion; (10) excitement; 3 (5) fight, clash; (6) battle, combat; (7) warfare; (8) conflict, fighting, skirmish; 4 (4) case, suit; (7) lawsuit; (10) litigation; 5 (5) works; (8) workings; (9) mechanism.

    active adj 1 (4) busy; (5) agile; (6) lively, nimble; (7) running, working; (8) animated, diligent, energetic, vigorous; (10) industrious; 2 (7) devoted, engaged; (8) involved, militant; (9) committed; (12) enthusiastic.

    activity n 1 (6) action, bustle, hustle, motion; (8) industry, movement; (9) commotion; (10) liveliness; 2 (3) job; (4) task, work; (5) hobby; (6) scheme; (7) pastime, project, venture; (8) interest; (10) occupation; (11) undertaking.

    actor n (3) ham; (4) lead; (5) extra; (6) mummer, player; (7) artiste; (8) thespian; (9) principal; (2 words) leading lady, leading man.


    see also actress

    (3) Eve (Trevor), Fox (Edward/James/Michael J.), Hay (Will), Law (Jude), Lee (Bruce/Christopher), Lom (Herbert), Mix (Tom), Ray (Aldo), Rix (Brian), Sim (Alastair).

    (4) Alda (Alan), Caan (James, Cobb (Lee J.), Cole (George), Dean (James), Depp (Johnny), Dunn (Clive), Ford (Glenn/Harrison), Holm (Ian), Hope (Bob), Hurt (John), Kaye (Danny), Keel (Howard), Ladd (Alan), Lowe (Arthur), Marx (Chico/Groucho/Harpo), More (Kenneth), Muni (Paul), Peck (Gregory), Penn (Sean), Pitt (Brad), Raft (George), Reed (Oliver), Sher (Antony), Soul (David), Thaw (John), Todd (Richard), Torn (Rip), Tree (Herbert Beerbohm), West (Sam/Timothy).

    (5) Baker (Colin/Stanley/Tom), Bates (Alan), Bolam (James), Caine (Michael), Clift (Montgomery), Conti (Tom), Cosby (Bill), Craig (Daniel), Cross (Ben), Crowe (Russell), Dance (Charles), Donat (Robert), Finch (Peter), Firth (Colin), Flynn (Errol), Fonda (Henry/Peter), Grant (Cary), Hanks (Tom), Hardy (Robert), Irons (Jeremy), Kline (Kevin), Lorre (Peter), Mason (James), Mills (John), Moore (Roger), Nimoy (Leonard), Nolte (Nick), Power (Tyrone), Quinn (Anthony), Segal (George), Stamp (Terence), Topol, Wayne (John).

    (6) Bannen (Ian), Beatty (Warren), Bogart (Humphrey), Brando (Marlon), Briers (Richard), Burton (Richard), Cagney (James), Callow (Simon), Chaney (Lon), Cleese (John), Coburn (James), Cotton (Joseph), Cruise (Tom), Curtis (Tony), De Niro (Robert), De Vito (Danny), Fields (W.C.), Gambon (Michael), Gibson (Mel), Harris (Richard), Havers (Nigel), Heston (Charlton), Hudson (Rock), Hunter (Tab), Irving (Henry), Jacobi (Derek), Keaton (Buster), Laurel (Stan), Lemmon (Jack), Lugosi (Bela), Macnee (Patrick), Malden (Karl), Mature (Victor), Newman (Paul), O’Toole (Peter), Pacino (Al), Quayle (Anthony), Reagan (Ronald), Rogers (Roy/Will), Rooney (Micky), Sallis (Peter), Sharif (Omar), Sinden (Donald), Suchet (David), Swayze (Patrick), Voight (John), Welles (Orson), Wolfit (Donald).

    (7) Ackland (Joss), Astaire (Fred), Blakely (Colin), Blessed (Brian), Bogarde (Dirk), Branagh (Kenneth), Bridges (Beau/Jeff/Lloyd), Bronson (Charles), Brynner (Yul), Burbage (Richard), Chaplin (Charlie), Connery (Sean), Cushing (Peter), Douglas (Kirk/Michael), Garrick (David), Gielgud (John), Gleason (Jackie), Granger (Stewart), Hawkins (Jack), Hopkins (Anthony), Hofmann (Dustin), Hordern (Michael), Hoskins (Bob), McCowen (Alec), McQueen (Steve), Milland (Ray), Nettles (John), Olivier (Laurence), Perkins (Anthony), Pertwee (Bill/John), Poitier (Sidney), Redford (Robert), Robards (Jason), Sellers (Peter), Shatner (William), Steiger (Rod), Stewart (James), Ustinov (Peter).

    (8) Basehart (Richard), Day-Lewis (Daniel), DiCaprio (Leonardo), Dreyfuss (Richard), Eastwood (Clint), Guiness (Alec), Harrison (Rex), Laughton (Charles), Redgrave (Corin/Michael), Stallone (Sylvester), Woodward (Edward).

    (9) Barrymore (John/Lionel), Fairbanks (Douglas), Lancaster (Burt), Malkovich (John), Nicholson (Jack), Pleasence (Donald), Radcliffe (Daniel), Troughton (Michael/Patrick), Valentino (Rudolph), Waterston (Sam).

    (10) Carmichael (Ian), Le Mesurier (John), Richardson (Ralph).

    (12) Attenborough (Richard).

    actress n see actor.


    (3) Bow (Clara), Day (Doris), Loy (Myrna), Roc (Patricia).

    (4) Ball (Lucille), Bara (Theda), Cher, Diaz (Cameron), Dors (Diana), Faye (Alice), Gish (Lillian), Hawn (Goldie), Hird (Thora), Kerr (Deborah), Lake (Veronica), Laye (Evelyn), Lisi (Virna), Page (Geraldine), Reid (Beryl), Rigg (Diana), Syms (Sylvia), West (Mae), Wray (Faye), York (Susannah).

    (5) Annis (Francesca), Bloom (Claire), Caron (Leslie), Close (Glenn), Davis (Bette), Dench (Judi), Derek (Bo), Evans (Edith), Fonda (Jane), Gabor (Zsa Zsa), Garbo (Greta), Hodge (Patricia), Imrie (Celia), Jolie (Angelina), Lange (Jessica), Leigh (Janet/Vivien), Loren (Sophia), Miles (Sarah), Moore (Demi), Novak (Kim), O’Neal (Tatum), Quick (Diana), Smith (Maggie), Tandy (Jessica), Terry (Ellen), Tutin (Dorothy), Welch (Raquel).

    (6) Atkins (Eileen), Bacall (Lauren), Bardot (Brigitte), Bergen (Candice), Bisset (Jacqueline), Cooper (Gladys), Curtis (Jamie Lee), Durbin (Deanna), Ekberg (Anita), Ekland (Britt), Farrow (Mia), Foster (Jodie), Gaynor (Mitzi), Grable (Betty), Hedren (Tippi), Hiller (Wendy), Keaton (Diane), Kidman (Nicole), Lamarr (Hedi), Lamour (Dorothy), Lipman (Maureen), Lumley (Joanna), Merman (Ethel), Midler (Bette), Mirren (Helen), Monroe (Marilyn), Moreau (Jeanne), Neagle (Anna), Oberon (Merle), Rogers (Ginger), Scales (Prunella), Sommer (Elke), Spacek (Sissy), Streep (Meryl), Suzman (Janet), Taylor (Elizabeth), Temple (Shirley), Turner (Kathleen), Watson (Emma), Weaver (Sigourney), Whitty (May), Winger (Debra).

    (7) Agutter (Jenny), Andrews (Julie), Bergman (Ingrid), Calvert (Phyllis), Colbert (Claudette), Collins (Joan), Fricker (Brenda), Gardner (Ava), Garland (Judy), Gingold (Hermione), Goddard (Paulette), Hayward (Susan), Hepburn (Audrey/Katherine), Jackson (Glenda), Jacques (Hattie), Johnson (Celia), Kendall (Kay), Lombard (Carole), Roberts (Julia), Siddons (Mrs Sarah), Simmons (Jean), Swanson (Gloria), Ullmann (Liv), Winters (Shelley), Walters (Julie), Windsor (Barbara), Withers (Googie).

    (8) Bancroft (Anne), Bankhead (Tallulah), Basinger (Kim), Blackman (Honor), Crawford (Joan), Fielding (Fenella), Fontaine (Joan), Hayworth (Rita), Lansbury (Angela), Lockwood (Margaret), Maclaine (Shirley), Minelli (Liza), Phillips (Sian), Pickford (Mary), Redgrave (Gemma/Lynn/Vanessa), Reynolds (Debbie), Stanwyck (Barbara).

    (9) Bernhardt (Sarah), Greenwood (Joan), Hampshire (Susan), Lapotaire (Jane), Mansfield (Jayne), Plowright (Joan), Stevenson (Juliet), Wanamaker (Zoe).

    (10) Lanchester (Elsa), Tushingham (Rita), Zetterling (Mai).

    Adam Bible the first man, according to Genesis, created by God from the dust and placed in the Garden of Eden. His wife, Eve, was fashioned from one of his ribs. Adam and Eve committed the original sin by eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and was banished from paradise. With Eve he had three sons, Cain, Abel, and Seth.

    addict n 1 (4) user; (6) junkie; (7) tripper; (9) mainliner; 2 (3) fan; (4) buff; (5) fiend, freak; (7) devotee; (9) enthusiast.

    addition I n 1 (5) bonus, extra; (7) adjunct; (8) additive; (8) addendum, appendix, increase; (9) extension, increment; (10) supplement; (11) enlargement; 2 (8) counting; (9) totalling; (11) combination; II add, added, addition, additional, or additionally cryptic attach an extra letter or letters to the main part of the answer to complete it, as in: ‘Additional greens cause fashionable upsets’ (7) = inverts (fashionable = in, vert = green in heraldry).

    adjust I v (3) fix, set; (4) tune; (6) adapt, alter; (6) change; (7) arrange, balance, convert, rectify, remodel, reshape; (8) accustom, fine-tune, regulate; (9) harmonise (or harmonize), reconcile; (11) acclimatise (or acclimatize), accommodate; II cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    admiral n


    (4) Byng (UK), Howe (UK), Spee (Ger.), Togo (Jap.).

    (5) Anson (UK), Blake (UK), Hawke (UK), Rooke (UK), Tromp (NL).

    (6) Beatty (UK), Benbow (UK), Dönitz (Ger.), Fisher (UK), Nelson (UK), Nimitz (US), Rodney (UK), Ruyter (NL), Scheer (Ger.).

    (7) Canaris (Ger.), Decatur (US), Doenitz (Ger.), Tirpitz (Ger.).

    (8) Boscawen (UK), Jellicoe (UK), Yamamoto (Jap.).

    (9) St Vincent (UK).

    (10) Villeneuve (Fr.).

    (11) Collingwood (UK), Mountbatten (UK).

    admit v I (6) accept; (7) receive; (2 words) let in, take in; 2 (3) own; (5) allow, grant; (7) concede, confess; (9) recognise (or recognize); (11) acknowledge.

    Adonis Gk myth a handsome young man, loved by Aphrodite (Venus), killed by a boar when hunting.

    adorn v (4) deck, trim; (6) colour, enrich; (8) beautify, decorate, ornament, prettify, renovate; (9) embellish, refurbish; (two words) do up, tart up.

    adrift cryptic ANAGRAM CUE, as in ‘Greek character cast adrift in middle eastern post’ (6) = Muscat (mu = 12th letter of the Greek alphabet).

    advance I v 1 (6) thrive; (7) develop, improve, proceed, prosper; (8) flourish, increase, progress; (2 words) go ahead, go forward, move ahead, move on; 2 (5) speed; (6) assist, foster, hasten; (7) benefit, promote, support; (10) accelerate facilitate; 3 (3) pay; (4) give, lend, loan; II n 1 (4) step; (7) headway; (8) progress; (11) development; (12) breakthrough; 2 (4) loan; (6) credit; (7) deposit; (10) prepayment.

    advantage n (3) aid, use; (4) edge, gain, good, help, lead; (5) asset, avail, point, start, value, worth; (6) object, profit; (7) benefit, purpose, service, utility; (8) blessing; (11) usefulness.

    Aeneas Gk & Rom. myth a Trojan prince, the son of Anchises and Aphrodite, who escaped the sack of the Troy, and, after many wanderings and a love affair with Dido Queen of Carthage, landed in Italy and became the ultimate founder of the Roman state.

    Aeneid lit. the epic poem by Virgil that recounts the story of Aeneas in twelve books.

    Aeolus Gk myth the god of winds, who lived on an island in the Aegean and kept the winds penned up in a cave.

    affect v 1 (5) alter; (6) change; (6) modify, regard; (7) concern, involve; (9) transform, influence; (2 words) act on, apply to, bear on, relate to; 2 (4) grab, move, stir; (5) strike, touch; (6) excite, upset; (7) impress, inspire, disturb, perturb.

    affected adj (5) false; (6) forced, pseudo; (7) feigned, stilted; (8) laboured, mannered, strained; (9) insincere, unnatural; (10) artificial.

    afraid adj (5) timid; (6) scared; (6) yellow; (7) alarmed, anxious, fearful, nervous; (8) timorous; (9) petrified, terrified; (10) frightened; (12) apprehensive, faint-hearted.

    Agamemnon Gk myth & lit. the commander of the Greek forces during the Trojan war, brother of Menelaus, who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to ensure a favourable wind for the fleet sailing to Troy. On his return from the war he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus. His other children, Orestes and Electra, avenged him.

    age I n 1 (6) dotage; (8) maturity, senility; (9) seniority; 2 (3) day, era; (4) time; (6) period; (7) century; (10) generation; II v (5) ripen; (6) mature, mellow, season.

    agent n 1 (3) rep; (6) broker, deputy, factor; (9) go-between; (10) substitute; (12) intermediary; (14) representative; 2 (5) cause, means; (6) medium; (7) channel, vehicle; 3 (3) spy; (4) mole.

    agree v 1 (5) comply, grant; (6) accede, assent, concur; (7) consent; 2 (3) fit; (4) suit; (5) match, tally; (6) accord; (7) conform; (10) correspond.

    agreeable 1 (4) nice; (7) affable; (8) friendly, likeable, pleasant; (9) congenial, enjoyable; (10) attractive, delightful, gratifying; 2 (7) willing.

    agreement n 1 (4) deal, pact; (6) accord, treaty; (7) bargain, compact; (8) contract, covenant; (10) settlement; (11) arrangement; (13) understanding; 2 (6) assent; (7) consent; (8) approval; 3 (7) concord, harmony; (8) affinity, sympathy; (9) unanimity; (10) similarity; (11) concurrence; (13) compatibility; (14) correspondence.

    Ahab I Bible a king of Israel, the husband of Jezebel, who had Naboth killed to obtain his vineyard and was rebuked by Elijah; II lit. the captain of the Pequod and hunter of Moby Dick in Herman Melville’s novel.

    aid I v (4) abet, back, help; (5) boost, serve; (6) assist, favour, foster, hasten; (7) advance, forward, further, promote, succour, support; (8) mitigate; (9) alleviate, encourage, subsidise (or subsidize); (10) facilitate; II n 1 (4) help, prop; (6) advice, helper; (7) service, support; (8) guidance; (10) assistance; (11) co-operation; (13) collaboration; 2 (5) grant; (6) relief; (7) benefit, funding, subsidy, welfare; (8) donation; (9) patronage; (11) sponsorship; (12) contribution.

    ailment n see disease.

    aim I n & v (4) hope, plan; (5) dream, point; (6) design, desire, target; (7) attempt, purpose; (9) endeavour; II n (3) end; (4) butt, goal; (6) intent, motive, object, reason; (8) ambition; (9) intention, objective; (10) aspiration; II v 1 (5) level, train; (6) direct; 2 (4) mean, seek, want, wish; (6) aspire, intend, strive; (7) propose, resolve.

    air I n 1 (4) puff, wind; (6) breath, breeze; (7) draught; (9) atmosphere; 2 (4) look, mien; (6) manner; (7) bearing; (9) demeanour; (10) appearance; 3 (4) song, tune; II v 1 (6) aerate; (9) ventilate; 2 (5) utter, voice; (6) reveal; (7) declare, discuss, publish; (8) announce, disclose; (11) communicate.

    aircraft n (3) jet, UFO; (4) kite; (5) plane; (8) airliner, airplane; (9) aeroplane.


    (3) Mig.

    (4) Avro, Spad, VTOL, Zero.

    (5) blimp, Camel, Comet, jumbo, scout, Stuka, Taube.

    (6) Airbus, Boeing, bomber, Cessna, Dakota, fan-jet, Fokker, glider, Hawker, Hunter, Meteor, Mirage, Nimrod, pusher, rocket, Sukhoi, tanker, Tomcat, Victor, Vulcan.

    (7) Antonov, airship, balloon, biplane, chopper, Dornier, Douglas, fighter, Gloster, Grumman, Harrier, Javelin, Junkers, jump-jet, Mustang, Phantom, Sopwith, Tempest, Tornado, trainer, Trident, Tristar, Tupolev, Typhoon, Valiant, Vampire, Vickers.

    (8) autogyro, Brabazon, Catalina, Chipmunk, Comanche, Concorde, Hercules, Ilyushin, jetplane, Lysander, Lockheed, Mosquito, seaplane, Spitfire, Stirling, triplane, turbofan, Vanguard, Viscount, Zeppelin.

    (9) Buccaneer, dirigible, Focke-Wolf, Gladiator, Hurricane, Lancaster, Liberator, Lightning, monoplane, spaceship, swing-wing, Swordfish, turboprop; (2 words) Tiger Moth.

    (10) divebomber, gyrocopter, hang-glider, helicopter, hovercraft, Hindenburg, microlight, Shackleton, spacecraft, Sunderland, Wellington; (2 words) flying boat, flying wing.

    (11) Beaufighter, interceptor, Thunderbolt.

    (12) single-seater; (2 words) Space Shuttle.

    (13) Messerschmitt.

    (14) (2 words) Flying Fortress.

    airline n


    (2) BA (UK).

    (3) BEA (UK), CSA (Czech), JAL (Jap.), JAT (Yugoslavia), KLM (Holland), LAN (Chile), LAP (Paraguay), LOT (Pol.), PIA (Pakistan), SAA (SA), SAS (Scandinavia), SIA (Singapore), TAP (Port.), THY (Turkey), TWA (USA), UAL (USA), UTA (Fr.).

    (4) BOAC (UK); (2 words) El Al (Israel).

    (5) Delta (US), Varig (Brazil), Viasa (Venezuela); (2 words) Pan Am (US).

    (6) Brymon (UK), Iberia (Sp.), Qantus (Aus.), Sabena (Belgium), Virgin (UK).

    (7) Braniff (US), Finnair (Finland), Olympic (Greece), Ryanair (Ire.).

    (8) Aeroflot (Russ.), Alitalia (It.), Swissair (Switzerland).

    (9) Britannia (UK), Lufthansa (Ger.); (2 words) Aer Lingus (Ire.).

    airman I n (5) flier, pilot; (7) aviator; (10) balloonist; II cryptic composer, musician.

    airport n


    (4) Dyce (Aberdeen), Hurn (Bournemouth), Luqa (Malta), Lydd (Kent), Orly (Paris), Riem (Munich), Seeb (Oman).

    (5) Logan (Boston), Lungi (Freetown), Luton, Luzon (Manila), Mahon (Minorca), O’Hare (Chicago), Palam (Delhi), Palma (Majorca), Speke (Liverpool), Tegel (Berlin).

    (6) Changi (Singapore), Deurne (Antwerp), Dorval (Montreal), Dulles (Washington), Dum Dum (Calcutta), Elmdon (Birmingham), Ezeiza (Buenos Aires), Filton (Bristol), Gander (Newfoundland), Haneda (Tokyo), Kloten (Zürich), Narita (Tokyo), Newark (New Jersey), Okecie (Warsaw), Saddam (Baghdad), Subang (Kuala Lumpur), Vantaa (Helsinki).

    (7) Arlanda (Stockholm), Athinai (Athens), Barajas (Madrid), Fornebu (Oslo), Gatwick, Kastrup (Copenhagen), Larnaca (Cyprus), Lyneham (Wilts), Manston (Kent), Mirabel (Montreal), Ringway (Manchester).

    (8) Cointrin (Geneva), Heathrow (London), Idlewild (NY), Jan Smuts (Johannesburg), Leuchars (St Andrews), Lulsgate (Bristol), Malpensa (Milan), Mehrabad (Teheran), Prestwick (Ayr), Rongotai (Wellington), Schiphol (Amsterdam), Stansted (Essex), Thruxton (Andover).

    (9) Cranfield (Beds), Downsview (Toronto), Eastleigh (Southampton), Fiumicino (Rome), Hung-Chaio (Shanghai), Schwechat (Vienna), Tempelhof (Berlin), Yeovilton; (2 words) Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv), J F Kennedy (NY), La Guardia (NY), Le Bourget (Paris), Le Touquet (Paris), Marco Polo (Venice).

    (10) Aldergrove (Belfast), Biggin Hill (Kent), Hartsfield (Atlanta), Hellenikon (Athens), Ronaldsway (Isle of Man), Schonefeld (Berlin), Tullmarine (Melbourne).

    (11) Brize Norton (Oxford), Fühlsbüttel (Hamburg).

    (12) Benito Juárez (Buenos Aires), Echterdingen (Stuttgart), Metropolitan (Detroit), Sheremetyevo (Moscow).

    alert adj (4) wary; (5) awake, chary; (7) heedful; (8) cautious, vigilant, watchful; (9) attentive, observant.

    Alexander hist. king of Macedon who conquered Greece and then led a combined Greek force to conquer the Persian empire and reach as far as India. He was the son of Philip and Olympias, his horse was named Bucephalus, his wives were Roxana and Barsine.

    Alice lit. the heroine of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, see also Carroll.

    allocate I v (5) allot; (6) assign, devote; (7) earmark; (8) dedicate; (9) apportion; (9) designate; (10) distribute; II allocate or allocated cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    allow v (3) let; (6) enable, permit; (7) certify, charter, empower, entitle, license, warrant; (8) sanction; (9) authorise (or authorize), franchise.

    alloy I n (5) blend; (7) amalgam, compound, mixture; (9) composite; (11) combination; II n (3) mix; (6) debase; (10) adulterate; III alloy or alloyed cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.


    (5) brass, steel; (6) bronze, ormolu, pewter, tombac; (9) pinchbeck.

    alone adv & adj (4) solo; (5) apart; (6) single; (7) unaided; (13) unaccompanied.

    alphabet n


    alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, sigma, tao, upsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega.


    aleph, beth, gimel, daleth, he, vav (waw), zayin, heth, teth, yod (yodh), kaph, lamedh, mem, nun, samekh, ‘ayin, pe, sadhe (sade), qoph, resh, sin, shin, tav (taw).


    Communications Code Words


    alter v & alteration n see change.

    alternate I v (6) change, rotate; (7) replace; (10) substitute; (11) intersperse; II adj (2 words) every other, every second; III cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    alternative I adj & n (5) other; (6) second; (7) another; (10) substitute; (11) replacement; II n (6) choice, option; (10) preference; III adj (6) fringe; (9) different; (10) unorthodox; (14) unconventional; IV cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    aluminium cryptic abbreviated as AL

    always cryptic letters EER or EVER.

    amalgamate v (4) ally, fuse, join, link, pool; (5) marry, merge, unify, unite; (6) couple; (7) combine; (8) coalesce, federate; (9) associate, co-operate; (11) collaborate, confederate, consolidate.

    Amazon I Gk myth a race of women warriors supposed to have lived in Syria. The best-known Queens of the Amazons were Hippolyta and Penthesilea; II geog. the great river of South America, rising in Peru and flowing mainly through Brazil.

    American cryptic letters US.

    American Indian n


    (3) Fox, Ute, Wea.

    (4) Cree, Crow, Erie, Hopi, Inca, Kogi, Maya, Tupi, Zuni.

    (5) Adena, Aztec, Creek, Haida, Huron, Miami, Moati, Nazca, Olmec, Omaha, Osage, Ponca, Sioux, Yaqui.

    (6) Apache, Apinai, Atoara, Cayuga, Dakota, Kayopo, Lenape, Micmac, Mohave, Mohawk, Mojave, Muisca, Nootka, Oneida, Ottawa, Panare, Pawnee, Seneca, Siwash, Toltec, Tupian.

    (7) Arapaho, Araucan, Catawba, Chibcha, Choctaw, Fuegian, Miskito, Mohican, Ojibway, Quechua, Shawnee, Tairona, Tlingit, Waimiri, Wyandot, Zapotec.

    (8) Arikaree, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chibchan, Chippewa, Comanche, Delaware, Iroquois, Nez Percé, Onondaga, Puebloan, Quichuan, Seminole, Shoshone, Sihasapa, Silksika.

    (9) Blackfoot, Chamacoco, Chickasaw, Guaranian, Hoochinoo, Puelchean, Sac and Fox, Tuscarora.

    (10) Alacalufan, Algonquian, Athabascan, Miccosukee, Patagonian.

    amiss I adv (4) awry; (5) wrong; II cryptic 1 ANAGRAM CUE; 2 understand as A MISS = girl, woman see girl.

    Andersen, Hans Christian lit


    The Emperor’s New Clothes

    The Little Mermaid

    The Princess and the Pea

    The Red Shoes

    The Snow Queen

    The Tinderbox

    The (Steadfast) Tin Soldier

    The Ugly Duckling


    Andromeda Gk myth the beautiful daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia who was chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea monster but was rescued by Perseus.

    angel n (7) darling, paragon; (8) treasure.


    (5) power; (6) cherub, seraph, throne, virtue; (8) dominion; (9) archangel; (12) principality.

    anger I n (3) ire; (4) fury, rage; (5) wrath; (6) frenzy, pique, temper; (7) madness, passion; (8) ferocity, violence; (11) displeasure; II v (3) irk, vex; (4) miff, rile; (5) annoy, upset; (6) bother, enrage, harass, needle, nettle, ruffle; (7) afflict, agitate, disturb, incense, provoke; (8) irritate; (9) aggravate, infuriate; (10) exasperate.

    angle I n 1 (5) acute; (6) obtuse, reflex; 2 bend, knee, nook; (5) elbow; (6) corner; (7) flexure; 3 (5) facet, slant; (6) aspect; (8) approach, position; (10) standpoint; (11) perspective; II v fish with a rod and line.

    angry adj 1 (3) mad; (5) cross, irate, upset; (6) miffed, raging; (7) annoyed, enraged, furious; (8) agitated, incensed; (9) irritated; (10) infuriated; (11) exasperated; 2 (3) red; (4) sore; (7) painful; (8) inflamed.

    animal I n 1 (4) bird; (5) beast; (6) mammal, rodent; (7) reptile; (8) creature; (9) amphibian; 2 (5) brute; (6) savage; (7) monster; II adj (4) wild; (6) carnal; (7) bestial, brutish, fleshly, sensual; (8) physical; (11) instinctive.


    see also bird, fish, insect, reptile

    (3) ape, bat, cat, cow, doe, dog, elk, ewe, fox, gnu, hog, kid, pig, ram, rat, sow, yak, zho.

    (4) anoa, bear, boar, buck, bull, calf, coon, deer, euro, eyra, gaur, goat, hare, ibex, joey, lamb, lion, lynx, mink, mole, neat, puma, seal, tahr, wolf, zebu.

    (5) bison, camel, civet, coati, fitch, fossa, gayal, genet, hippo, horse, hyena, izard, koala, lemur, liger, llama, manis, manul, moose, mouse, okapi, otter, ounce, panda, pekan, rasse, ratel, rhino, sable, sheep, shoat, shrew, skunk, sloth, stirk, stoat, swine, takin, tapir, tayra, tiger, tigon, urial, whale, zebra.

    (6) alpaca, angora, aoudad, argali, badger, bharal, bobcat, cougar, coyote, cuscus, desman, ermine, fennec, ferret, fox-bat, gerbil, gibbon, grison, heifer, impala, jaguar, kalong, margay, marten, monkey, musk-ox, ocelot, ovibos, possum, rabbit, racoon, serval, teledu, tenrec, vicuña, walrus, weasel, wombat.

    (7) ant-bear, banteng, bearcat, bighorn, buffalo, bullock, bushcat, caracal, cheetah, dolphin, echidna, fitchet, foumart, giraffe, glutton, grizzly, guanaco, hamster, leopard, linsang, lioness, markhor, meerkat, miniver, muskrat, opossum, palm-cat, panther, peccary, polecat, sun-bear, tigress, wallaby, wart-hog, zorilla; (2 words) blue fox, sea lion, wild cat.

    (8) aardvark, aardwolf, anteater, bactrian, babirusa, bushbaby, bushbuck, cacomixl, carcajou, duckbill, elephant, fruit-bat, hedgehog, kangaroo, kinkajou, mongoose, pangolin, platypus, reindeer, ringtail, seladang, serotine, squirrel, suricate, tamandua, tiger-cat, toddy-cat, wallaroo; (2 words) grey wolf, wild boar.

    (9) armadillo, binturong, catamount, dromedary, flying-fox, ground-hog, hawksbill, honey-bear, ichneumon, musk-shrew, musteline, pademelon, palm-civet, phalanger, rearmouse, silver-fox, sloth-bear, thylacine, treeshrew, wolverine, woodchuck; (2 words) brown bear, koala bear, polar bear.

    (10) cacomistle, camelopard, chimpanzee, coati-mundi, honey-mouse, jaguarundi, leopard-cat, leopardess, otter-shrew, pantheress, rhinoceros, shrew-mouse, timber-wolf, vampire-bat; (2 words) giant panda, golden mole, Mexican hog, pine marten.

    (11) barbastelle, beech-marten, grizzly bear, honey-badger, mountaincat, pipistrelle, prairie-wolf, snow-leopard, stone-marten.

    (12) catamountain, cinnamon-bear, flittermouse, hippopotamus, mountain-goat, mountain-lion, water-buffalo.

    (13) bush kangaroo, mountain-sheep, squirrel-shrew, star-nosed mole, Tasmanian wolf.

    anniversary n (4) date; (11) celebration; (13) commemoration.


    (1) paper

    (2) cotton

    (3) feather

    (4) flower

    (5) wood

    (6) candy

    (7) wool or copper

    (8) bronze

    (9) pottery

    (10) tin

    (11) steel

    (12) silk

    (13) lace

    (14) ivory

    (15) crystal

    (20) china

    (25) silver

    (30) pearl

    (35) coral

    (40) ruby

    (45) sapphire

    (50) gold

    (55) emerald

    (60) diamond

    (65) blue sapphire

    (70) platinum

    (75) (diamond)

    annoy v (3) vex; (4) rile; (5) anger, upset, worry; (6) bother, harass, pester, ruffle; (7) afflict, agitate, disturb, perplex, torment, trouble; (8) distress, irritate; (9) aggravate, displease, infuriate; (10) disconcert; (13) inconvenience

    annoying adj (6) trying; (7) galling; (8) tiresome; (9) vexatious, wearisome; (10) irritating; (11) aggravating, troublesome; (12) exasperating.

    annul v (5) quash, upset; (6) cancel, offset; (7) nullify, reverse, subvert; (8) overturn; (9) undermine; (10) invalidate, neutralise (or neutralize).

    antelope n (4) buck, deer; (7) gazelle.


    (3) gnu, goa, kob.

    (4) dama, kudu, oryx, puku, tahr, thar, topi.

    (5) addax, beira, beisa, bongo, bubal, chiru, eland, goral, izard, kaama, nagor, nyala, okapi, oribi, saiga, sasin, serow, takin, wanto, yakin.

    (6) chital, dik-dik, duiker, dzeren, dzeron, impala, nilgai, pallah, reebok.

    (7) blesbok, bubalis, chamois, gemsbok, grysbok, sassaby.

    (8) bontebok, bushbuck, chinkara, reedbuck, steinbok.

    (9) blackbuck, pronghorn, springbok.

    (10) hartebeest, wildebeest

    (12) klipspringer.

    Antony see Mark Antony.

    Antony and Cleopatra lit. a tragedy by Shakespeare.


    In the midst of a passionate affair with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, which is generally disapproved of by his comrades and soldiers, Mark Antony is summoned to return to Rome by his fellow rulers Octavius Caesar and Lepidus to deal with a revolt. He departs, leaving Cleopatra bored and doleful at home. Though Rome is officially ruled by a group of three, it is obvious that only two of the three, Octavius and Antony, really count, that their characters are very different, and that Antony’s luxurious Egyptian lifestyle is deeply offensive to Octavius’s rather puritanical Romanness. So when the revolt is settled peacefully Antony attempts to patch up his frayed relationship with Octavius, by marrying his sister, Octavia. However, as his chief follower and friend Enobarbus had previously prophesied, Antony cannot long remain away from Egypt – where Cleopatra waits enraged by news of his marriage. Antony goes back to her. The insult to his family provides a pretext for Octavius to declare war on Antony. He defeats Antony’s forces at sea, at the Battle of Actium, where Antony disgraces himself in his own eyes by fleeing from the action when he sees Cleopatra’s galley turn and flee. On land, Antony recovers enough to rally his troops, but his allies begin to desert him, including eventually Enobarbus. Octavius wins the land battle, Antony stabs himself, but lives to be taken to the monument where Cleopatra has taken refuge with her women and die in her arms. Octavius attempts to take Cleopatra alive, but she has an asp smuggled in to her and kills herself by applying it to her bosom.

    anticipate I v 1 (5) await, guess, think, trust; (6) assume, demand, expect, reckon; (7) believe, foresee, imagine, predict, presume, project, require, suppose, surmise; (8) envisage, envision, forecast; (11) contemplate; (2+ words) bank on, bargain on, count on, hope for, look for, look forward to, rely on; 2 (7) pre-empt, prevent; (9) forestall; II cryptic place the letters or word referred to in front of another word to complete the answer, as in: ‘Police report initially anticipates trouble at the art gallery’ (5) = Prado (see initial)

    anyway cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    ape I n 1 (6) monkey, pongid; (7) primate (10) anthropoid; II v (5) mimic; (6) follow, mirror, parody, parrot, repeat; (7) emulate, imitate; (8) simulate; (9) duplicate, reproduce; (10) caricature; (11) impersonate (2 words) send up, take off.


    (5) chimp, jocko, pongo; (6) gibbon; (7) gorilla, siamang; (9) orang-utan; (10) chimpanzee;

    Aphrodite Gk myth the goddess of love, mother of Eros, wife of Hephaestus – Roman equivalent Venus.

    Apocrypha Bible books on biblical subjects but omitted from the canonical version of the Bible itself.


    Baruch, Bel and the Dragon, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), Epistle of Jeremiah, Esdras (I & II), Esther (additions), History of Susanna, Judith, Maccabees (I & II), Prayer of Manasses, Song of the Three Holy Children, Tobit, Wisdom of Solomon.

    Apollo Gk & Rom. myth the god of the arts in general, medicine, music, prophecy, and the sun.

    apostle n (5) envoy; (7) teacher; (8) advocate, disciple, follower; (9) supporter.


    Andrew, Bartholomew, James, James the Less, John, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Peter (Simon Peter), Philip, Simon the Canaanite, Thaddeus, Thomas


    Jude, Matthias, Paul

    apostrophe cryptic for clues containing words that begin with an apostrophe, see cockney.

    apparatus n (3) rig; (4) gear; (5) tools; (6) device, gadget, tackle; (7) machine; (9) equipment, machinery; (11) contraption; (13) paraphernalia.

    appeal I v 1 (3) ask, beg, sue; (4) call, pray; (5) apply, plead; (6) invoke; (7) beseech, entreat, implore, request; (10) supplicate; 2 (4) lure; (5) charm, tempt; (6) allure, please; (7) attract; (8) interest; (9) fascinate; II n 1 (4) plea, suit; (6) prayer; (7) request; (8) entreaty, petition; (10) invocation; (12) supplication; 2 (5) charm (6) allure, beauty; (8) charisma, interest; (10) attraction; (11) enchantment, fascination.

    apply v 1 (7) request, solicit; (2 words) ask for, put in for, try for; 2 (3) lay, put, rub; (5) paint, smear; (6) spread; 3 (5) refer; (6) relate; (7) concern, pertain; 4 (3) use; (5) wield; (6) employ; (7) utilise (or utilize); (8) exercise; (2+ words) bring to bear.

    appoint v 1 (4) hire, name; (5) elect; (6) assign, choose, detail, employ, engage; (7) install, select; (8) nominate; (9) designate; 2 (3) fix, set; (6) decide; (6) decree, ordain, settle; (7) arrange; (9) determine, establish.

    appointment n 1 (4) date; (5) tryst; (7) meeting; (9) interview; (10) engagement, rendezvous; (11) assignation; (12) consultation; 2 (3) job; (4) post; (5) place; (6) office; (7) posting; (8) position; (9) situation; 3 (6) choice; (8) election; (10) nomination.

    appropriate I adj (3) apt; (5) right; (6) proper, timely; (7) fitting, germane, related; (8) apposite, becoming, material, relevant, spoton, suitable; (9) opportune, pertinent; (10) admissible, applicable, seasonable; II (4) take; (5) seize, steal, usurp; (8) impound; (10) commandeer, confiscate; (11) requisition.

    April n the four month, whose name derives from the Latin verb aperire to open.

    Aquarius astrol. & astron. the constellation that is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, also known as the Water Carrier.

    apt adj 1 see appropriate; 2 (5) given, prone; (6) liable, likely; (8) disposed, inclined; 3 (5) quick; (6) clever, gifted.

    Archer see Sagittarius.

    architect n (5) maker; (7) builder, creator, founder, planner; (8) designer, engineer; (10) originator; (11) constructor.


    (4) Adam (Robert), Kent (William), Nash (John), Shaw (Norman), Wood (John), Wren (Christopher).

    (5) Barry (Charles), Dance (George), Gibbs (James), Gaudi (Antonio), Levau (Louis), Pugin (Arthur Welby), Scott (George Gilbert and Giles Gilbert), Soane (John).

    (6) Foster (Norman), Paxton (Joseph), Rogers (Richard), Smirke (Robert), Spence (Basil), Street (George), Wright (Frank Lloyd).

    (7) Bernini (Lorenzo), Gropius (Walther), Latrobe (Benjamin), Lutyens (Edwin), Mansard (Francois), Neumann (Balthazar), Telford (William).

    (8) Bramante (Donato), Palladio (Andrea), Sullivan (Louis), Vanbrugh (John).

    (9) Borromini (Carlo), Hawksmoor (Nicholas).

    (10) Mackintosh (Charles Rennie).

    (12) Le Corbusier, Michelangelo.

    area n 1 (4) part, ward, zone; (5) manor, patch; (6) domain, region, sector, sphere; (7) quarter; (8) district, division, locality, province; (9) territory; (10) department; (13) neighbourhood; 2 (3) are; (4) acre, rood; (7) hectare; (2 words) square inch square foot, square mile; 3 (4) size; (5) range, scope, width; (6) extent; (7) breadth, compass.

    Ares Gk myth the god of war, equivalent to the Roman god Mars.

    argent heraldry silver.

    argon cryptic abbreviated as A.

    Argonauts Gk myth the crew of the ship Argo who accompanied Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece.

    argue v 1 (3) row; (4) feud; (5) brawl, clash, fight, scrap; (6) bicker; (7) dispute, quibble, wrangle; (8) conflict, disagree, squabble; 2 (4) imply, show; (5) claim; (7) contend, reason, suggest; (8) indicate, maintain; (11) demonstrate.

    argument n 1 (3) row; (4) feud, rift, spat, tiff;; (5) brawl, clash, fight, scrap; (7) discord, dispute, quibble, wrangle; (8) conflict, squabble; (9) complaint, grievance; (10) difference, dissension; (11) controversy; (12) disagreement; (16) misunderstanding; 2 (4) case, plea; (5) claim; (6) thesis; (9) assertion; (9) reasoning; (10) contention.

    Argus Gk myth a monster with a hundred eyes, set by Hera to watch over Io to prevent Zeus from mating with her. Argus’s eyes were eventually set in the tail of Hera’s bird, the peacock.

    Ariadne Gk myth the daughter of King Minos who gave Theseus the ‘clue’ (ball of thread) that enabled him to find his way through the labyrinth to kill the Minotaur and escape alive. She escaped with Theseus, but was later abandoned by him on the island of Naxos where she was found by the god Dionysus, who subsequently married her.

    Aries astrol. & astron. the constellation that is the first sign of the zodiac, also known as the Ram.

    arm I n 1 (4) limb; (6) branch; (7) section; (8) division, offshoot; (9) extension; (10) projection; 2 see weapon; II (5) equip; (6) supply; (7) fortify, provide.

    armour n (4) mail; (7) panoply.


    (4) helm (head); (5) visor (face); (6) beaver (face), cuisse (thigh), gorget (neck), greave (leg), helmet, tasset (hip); (7) cuirass (breast), hauberk (body), sabaton (foot); (8) corselet (body), gauntlet (hand), pauldron (shoulder), vambrace (forearm); (9) habergeon (body); (11) breastplate.

    army I n (4) host; (5) corps, force, horde; (6) troops; (8) military; for army ranks see rank; II cryptic letters SA (Salvation Army) or TA (Territorial Army).

    around adv, prep see about.

    arrange I v 1 (4) sort, tidy; (5) align, array, group, order, range; (6) deploy; (7) dispose, marshal; (8) classify, organise (or organize); (9) catalogue; 2 (3) set; (5) adapt, score; (10) instrument; (11) orchestrate; II arrange or arranged cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    arrangement I n 1 (4) plan; (5) array, order; (6) layout, line-up, method, scheme, system; (7) display; (8) grouping, sequence; (9) structure; (11) disposition; (12) organisation (or organization); (14) classification; 2 (5) terms; (8) contract; (9) agreement; (13) understanding; III cryptic ANAGRAM CUE.

    arrogant (4) smug, vain; (5) cocky, proud; (6) snooty; (7) haughty; (8) boastful, snobbish; (9) big-headed, conceited; (11) egotistical; (12) supercilious.

    arsenic cryptic abbreviated as AS.

    art n (5) craft, knack, skill; (6) method; (9) technique.


    (4) film; (5) music; (6) poetry; (7) carving, drawing; (8) painting; (9) sculpture; (10) literature.

    Artemis Gk myth the goddess of the moon, chastity, and hunting, the equivalent of the Roman goddess Diana.

    artist I n (4) poet; (6) writer; (7) painter; (8) composer, musician, novelist, sculptor; see also painter, poet etc; II cryptic letters RA (Royal Academician).

    artiste (5) actor; (6) actress, dancer, player, singer; (9) performer; (11) entertainer.

    ascend I v (4) rise, soar; (5) climb, mount, scale; (2 words) go up, lift off, take off; II ascend, ascending, ascent cryptic in down clues reverse the order of the letters of a word in the clue or of part of the answer, as in: ‘Following the French ascended stair with ropes’ (7) = lariats (the French = LA).

    ask v (3) beg, sue; (4) call, pray; (5) apply, plead; (6) appeal; (7) beseech, entreat, implore, request; (10) supplicate.

    assemble v 1 (5) amass, group, rally; (6) gather, muster; (7) collect; (10) accumulate; 2 (4) make; (5) build; (7) compose; (9) construct, fabricate; (2 words) put together.

    assembly n 1 (5) crowd, group, rally; (7) meeting; (9) concourse, gathering; (10) collection; (12) congregation; 2 (7) council; (8) congress; (11) convocation; 3 (6) making; (12) construction.


    ants – army, colony, nest.

    apes – shrewdness.

    asses – drove, herd, pace.

    badgers – cete, colony.

    bears – sloth.

    bees – hive, swarm.

    bitterns – sedge

    boars – herd, singular, sounder.

    cats – clowder, cluster.

    cattle – drove, herd.

    choughs – chattering

    colts – rag, rake.

    coots – covert, raft.

    cranes – herd, siege.

    crows – hover, murder.

    deer – herd, leash.

    dogs – kennel, pack.

    donkeys – drove, herd, pace.

    doves – dole, dule, flight.

    ducks – flush, pump, team, smeath.

    eagles – convocation.

    elephants – herd.

    elks – gang.

    falcons – cast.

    ferrets – business, cast, fesnying.

    finches – charm, trembling.

    fish – shoal.

    foxes – lead, skulk.

    frogs – army, colony.

    goats – flock, herd, tribe.

    grouse – covey.

    gulls – colony.

    hares – down, drove, leash.

    hens – brood.

    herrings – cran.

    herons – sedge.


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