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Lottery Icon
Lottery Icon
Lottery Icon
Ebook266 pages3 hours

Lottery Icon

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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  • Manual Trend Calculations

  • Lottery Number Trend Mastery

  • Lottery Odds

  • Lottery Icon

  • Lottery Number Systems

  • Underdog Story

  • Underdog

  • Mentor

  • Conspiracy

  • Hidden Knowledge

  • Hidden Truth

  • Secret Knowledge

  • Obsession

  • Training

  • Persistence

  • Lottery Number Trends

  • Lottery Winnings

  • Lottery Betting

  • Lottery Little Book

  • Lottery Games

About this ebook

The best lottery book to winning Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 and lotto.

Release dateFeb 26, 2014
Lottery Icon

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    Book preview

    Lottery Icon - Eze Ugbor

    Allied Publishing, llc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording, information retrieval, and by any other means without written permission from the publisher. The numbers in this guide have been carefully worked out with our readers in mind; however, these are recommendations only and does not necessarily guarantee winnings.

    All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


    The making of this book took nearly 30 years. This is the most comprehensive lottery book of its kind. I painstakingly ran through all the calculations. It works everywhere the lottery is played. Back test the book as far as possible. Lottery Icon gives you precision forecasting.

    I would like to first give thanks to The Almighty God for using me as the medium to accomplish this book that a lot of people believed was impossible. I would like to thank my family and friends for being there with me through this difficult process of countless equations and predictions. I would like to thank you as well for giving me the reason to continue in my pursuit.

    This book will put you outside the realms.

    Thank you,

    Eze Ugbor

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Solid Structural Foundation

    Chapter 2: Pick 3 Lottery Book

    Chapter 3: Pick 4 Lottery Book

    Chapter 4: Pick 5 Lottery Book

    Chapter 5: Lotto Winning Secrets Book

    Chapter 6: Becoming a Master (Practicum)

    Lottery Icon: Smashwords Edition

    Chapter 1

    Solid Structural Foundation

    The name lottery board in this book implies the side that controls everything, including receiving all the proceeds from the bettors. They make the rules.

    The only person excluded is the bettor, or a player, who happens to be the rest of us that bet all the money. We follow the rules made by the lottery board.

    The rules set by the lottery board are based on the concept of luck. They say that the lottery is a game of luck. Luck in itself has two sides, good and bad. You may hope, like so many out there, to win the lottery at some point in your betting journey. The times you do not win, which tend to be many for a lot of bettors, do fall under the bad luck column.

    A lot of bettors, however, do not even think of the bad luck days because they are overwhelmed with looking forward to the good luck days when they will enjoy their own winnings. The good days do elude so many, including the ones that win once in a while to cover some of the money they have lost in the course of looking for the good luck.

    You will find a lot of those bettors among those who play the Pick 3 and Pick 4 lottery. If you are in doubt ask some of the bettors in the lottery line in your local store about the last time they won. You will find out that it has been a while for a good number of them.

    Some of those players bet about twenty dollars or more for the midday, and that much for the evening game too. The quest for the good fortune removes them from factoring how much they have lost in the interim.

    Since the lottery board sets the rules based on the concept of luck, I must remind the readers once more that the forces of luck do indeed fall under good and bad, and you are bound to take one of the two.

    The contest is of course grabbing the good luck.

    The good luck goes to the lottery board when you lose and comes to you when you win. The people making the rules are naturally going to write them in a way that benefits them. That is precisely why many lose.

    There is, however, a small group that does win consistently regardless of the rules. The lottery board will make their money from those who lose.

    Your goal then should be to belong to that small group that can win consistently.

    There are people who still believe - to this day - that the lottery could not be won every single day. The small group who wins consistently will continue to do so regardless.

    Would you like to be among the small group that enjoys consistent winnings?

    I took the lottery games to court on behalf of the players that lost and are losing money from betting on the lottery numbers. The verdict came in your favor, to help you increase the opportunity of winning more often. The verdict is to write the final book you will ever need. Every single lotto game is covered in this book. The final verdict on your behalf is the ultimate book.

    Lottery Icon.

    There is no good fortune without effort.

    You will be ready to read this entire book more than once.

    This book is not written as a story. It is not going to be an easy read.

    You will find information you have not come across before in this book.

    I will equally use the methods I discussed in the number one lottery book,

    Lottery Little Book

    Chapter one will discuss in greater detail tables and trend formation. I do highly urge you to read chapter one before you proceed with the rest of the book.

    The next chapter and the rest of the book will show you how to win every lottery game. At the end of each chapter, I will have some winning numbers for the readers who have limited time on their hand.

    The convention on Pick 4 lottery is that the odds of winning are 1:10000.

    This book will examine the limits of that convention.

    I have always enjoyed working on Pick 4 with the idea of breaking the 10000 odd conventions.

    I have done this over several years.

    The other day I was going somewhere and noticed a vehicle with a unique tag number. I decided to put the tag number in the new method I developed to see what happens. It led me to the winning Pick 4 number 2424 in Maryland.

    The next day, I visited somebody and decided to apply the name of the facility in the new method. It produced the next winning Pick 4 number.

    I decided to go further by employing a completely different language in the equation.

    Guess what happened?

    It produced another solid winning Pick 4 number.

    These good fortunes occurred one right after the other.

    You are going to learn the above methods in this book.

    This book is like learning a new language. You can achieve a lot more when you can speak the language. The lottery language that many are familiar with is the one where too many bettors lose.

    The lottery language in this book is completely different from everything you know about the lottery.

    Nearly every bettor has operated within the confines of what they learnt in their respective schools. That has not been adequate in the game of lottery betting.

    The language in this book will teach you how to operate outside the realm. You will master how to reverse the game to your own benefit.

    You can only do that if you make time and take effort to read and understand this book.

    I challenge you to study this entire book and tell me that you cannot win Pick 4 and every other lottery game consistently.

    You must master the tables and trends formation from chapter one.

    The rules set by the lottery board are based on luck. If you follow the rules and lose, you must change the rules to win.

    Be prepared to read this book.

    Look forward to joining the small group who enjoy consistent winnings as long as you are ready to put forth the effort.

    I have come to realize that some readers do indeed have some difficulty in figuring out how to develop and apply the tables. I will use most of this chapter to explain it. This is to make sure that everyone at the end of reading this book will be able to make profitable use of the tables.

    There will be a lot to gain by reading this book in its entirety. This book is not going to be an easy read. It is not meant to be a novel.

    You will, however, find it a lot easier to understand once you master how to create the tables.

    Let us begin the rich process from this point on.

    The simplest table, or what we call trend, will be the one below,

    Step One

    You will notice that the Pick 3 numbers in the rows are as follows,





    They form a simple set of Pick 3 numbers in numeric order. I started in this simple order to make sure that the readers do follow along. It is very important that you understand this part before going to the other chapters.

    The above groups are called a trend. As simple as they make look, they do follow a pattern.

    This book will make great use of tables. You have to master it to be able to take advantage of the lottery game.

    I am going to shift the above groups to one step further. I will do this from the numbers in the lead position (1st digits). The numbers are 0, 3, 6 and 9. I will continue in the same order from the middle set of numbers and finish with the numbers in the last digits.

    Let me lay the entire group out before shifting the trend. The entire group in the order that I am going to shift them will be from,





    To be changed into the ones below.

    0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 0, 2, 5, 8 and 1.

    I changed the group above by starting from the numbers in the first column beginning with 0, 3, 6 and continue with 9 and the groups in the middle and finally to the last digits.

    I will equally try to explain the above with letters to help those who may have difficulty understanding it.

    If you place the numbers in groups of three to create Pick 3 numbers beginning from the first digits the numbers will now look as

    0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 0, 2, 5, 8 and 1.

    When placed in Pick 3 format will appear as follows,

    036, 914, 702 and 581.

    You will now place the above newly formed Pick 3 numbers below each other as follows,





    You will place this new group in the tables that will appear as follows,

    Step Two

    The groups when properly formed will go from:





    To the new group:





    I am going to at this point mix batch of letters and numbers to further clarify how I form the tables that create the trends.

    The letters and numbers I will use for this example are,

    A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, D, E, F, 4, 5, 6

    I will use the above letters and numbers to create tables. Once I create the initial table, I will proceed to create additional three in similar order. What I am doing in essence is creating trends.

    It is important that you understand this elementary process. I will go into more complex ones later in this book.

    A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, D, E, F, 4, 5, 6

    NL Tables

    If you are creating just two tables in similar order with the following letters, AAA, BBB, CCC and DDD, you will form the original table in this order,





    In order to create the next table or trend you will place the above letters in the order below,





    And continue to create the tables or trends like the ones below,

    Once more I accomplished this by taking the letters from the

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