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Be A Winner At Poker
Be A Winner At Poker
Be A Winner At Poker
Ebook139 pages2 hours

Be A Winner At Poker

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About this ebook

Poker is a fun game that everyone can play. This book is an expansive look at the various aspects of poker and includes strategies you can use to become a winning poker player and take home the money you've won. No one can guarantee you that you will always win, but with the strategies and tips in this book you can become a much better player even if you are just starting out.

PublisherPat Budd
Release dateFeb 26, 2011
Be A Winner At Poker

Pat Budd

If you're looking at these books you probably like to play games of chance just as much as I do. I like to go to different casinos around the country and I like to come home a winner. I live in California, so I have choices including Las Vegas, local Indian casinos, and I frequently visit the casinos in Mississippi because I have family there. I hope the books help, and best of luck to you!

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    Be A Winner At Poker - Pat Budd

    Be A Winner At Poker

    Copyright 2011 by Pat Budd

    Smashwords Edition

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    The information and strategies in the following pages are offered for your evaluation and use as you see fit. No guarantee of success is offered or implied and the author accepts no responsibility for any monetary losses you may incur. You are responsible for any monetary losses as a result of your decision to employ the suggestions in this book.

    Be A Winner At Poker

    By Pat Budd



    Almost everyone likes to play cards. Most of us started as children, playing fish or old maids and as we became adults we may have switched our choice to poker, blackjack, canasta or bridge. In fact the popularity of poker is at an all time high.

    Whether you play just for fun with friends and neighbors or you want to step it up a bit and play in a casino or participate in a tournament, there will be something in this book for you.

    I caution you to remember that in a casino or card club your play is not just for fun. If you lose money playing cards, your opponents keep it. You don’t want to find yourself in the position of trying to win back the grocery money or car payment, so always remember that casino card players are generally skilled. Doubtless you are not yet, so play accordingly, using only money that you have designated for gambling entertainment.

    That being said, my opinion is that you have a better chance to win money playing cards than you do playing slot machines or roulette. When playing cards you get to use your own computer (your brain) and you can make choices that work for you such as:

    Play conservatively

    Be aggressive

    Bet small amounts or bet your


    Pick your table

    Pick your dealer

    Play with strangers or play with friends

    Drink while gambling or sip only water (I recommend never drinking alcohol while gambling)

    Choose which casino

    Set limits of losing or goals when winning

    Use your intuition or rely strictly on rules you have established for yourself

    And on and on.

    When you play cards, you get to make the decisions that most affect your outcome. The only thing that you can’t affect is which cards are dealt to you. But when playing cards you can be assured that the casino and the other players don’t know which cards you or they will be dealt either.

    So I believe your random odds are better playing cards than they would be with a computerized slot machine, which may not be programmed fairly or loosely, or a roulette table which may or may not be mechanically sound.

    I never recommend playing poker on an electronic machine. Computer programmers set the win and lose patterns on these machines, just as they do on slot machines, and winning requires you to be sitting at a particular machine when the computer program determines a winning pattern will appear. (And to be very opinionated, it is not wise to play online gambling games for money, whether cards, slots, roulette or whatever.) Not so with live card play, where winning hands can appear again and again without software picking when or where.


    So what’s all the fuss about poker? It seems that everyone is playing it now, either in card clubs, in casinos, at home, or online.

    Well, the big deal is that poker is fun to play and you can win money if you learn the game well and play wisely. Winning requires that you develop good skills and good discipline. There are some ways to enhance your chances of winning and reduce your chances of losing in the LONG RUN. Nobody wins all the time, but you can develop the skills and wisdom to do well if you learn what you need to do and DO IT ALL THE TIME. Discipline is necessary if you’re going to do well at poker.

    To play successfully, you have to have a hand that is higher rank than the other players at your table. It isn’t always necessary to have the best hand at the table, but it is necessary to make everyone else think that you do. You win when either all the other players drop out of competition or you have the best ranking cards at the showdown.

    Most Poker games, regardless of the rules or number of cards used for playing, require you to achieve the best possible hand made up of five cards.

    In poker, the four suits are irrelevant, since all four are equal. The rank of the cards is what counts.


    What You Really Need To Know About Playing Poker

    Selecting the right table is probably the most important element of poker.

    Change tables if the one you are playing at is not working for you. You should feel comfortable and confident. You should also be having a good time.

    Play at tables with seven or less players. This will make your job of evaluating your odds and the other players abilities easier.

    Bluff when you believe you can win by doing so. If you have a weak hand, act as if it is strong. If you have a strong hand, act as if it is weak. Know when to be aggressive and when to be conservative.

    Be prepared to win and be prepared to lose. Both are possible, so know the odds. This is gambling after all.

    Remain controlled, follow your plan, don’t worry overmuch if someone else is winning more hands than you. A person winning the most hands at your table is not necessarily going to be the one who goes home with money. He may be recklessly bold and betting too much money on bad hands. Eventually it will catch up with him.

    Be careful but not overly cautious. Sometimes you have to stick your neck out, but do it in a thoughtful, planned, controlled way.

    Take risk when you think it will work for you. However, don’t play recklessly.

    Learn what tells you exhibit. Tells are unconscious signals that you give out about your hand, whether it is good or bad. Have someone you trust watch you while you play to determine if you react to good actions or bad actions in specific ways. Eye movement, body language and facial expressions should be closely guarded, and if necessary should be hidden with sunglasses or hats to prevent them being observed and used by your opponents.

    Make sure you have enough cash available to play through your plan.

    Play only money that you can safely lose. Never risk funds that you need for other things. Weigh your betting cost to win the pot and decide whether you have a good enough chance to win before you keep making bets.

    Your final results will take time. Individual hands or poker sessions may be winners or losers, but you need to keep your eye on long term results.

    Never play a game, poker or otherwise, that you don’t understand.

    If you are going to gamble, learn which games you are good at and you can win money at. Stick to those games.

    Never, never, never attempt to cheat. The risk is not worth the consequences if you are caught cheating.

    Be flexible. Things change over the course of a game or a session. Adjust to the changes.

    Think long term. You may have to let some hands go to get to the one that will pay off for you.

    Remain focused and stick to your preplanned discipline. Getting carried away and caught up in the action of the moment will cost you money that you could otherwise use to keep moving forward to your winning hand.

    Remember that you don’t always have to go with the pack. Just because other people are folding their hand against difficult odds doesn’t mean you have to. Think it through and decide for yourself what you should do.

    Be prepared with every weapon you can enlist for your arsenal. Know the game, know the casino, try to know the people you play with, know your limit, know your skill level. As Kenny Rogers’ song The Gambler says, "Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.

    Always be learning more about the game, the casinos and the other players.

    Practice makes perfect.

    Surround yourself with successful, talented players. Poor players make your use of strategy more difficult since they play erratically.

    Ask other people for help when you don’t understand certain aspects of poker (but not during a game). Make sure you trust that person for advice. If you don’t, find someone you do trust to answer your questions.

    If you love playing cards, then by all means make it a part of your life. You should always love what you do and do what you love.

    Be humble about your abilities and good fortunes that come to you. It may not always be so.

    Get to know the people you regularly play with, and not just so you can beat them at poker. It’s good to be friendly and well liked by associates and competitors.

    Be open to help other people if they ask.

    Stay open to

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