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The Angel Feather Oracle: Companion Book
The Angel Feather Oracle: Companion Book
The Angel Feather Oracle: Companion Book
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The Angel Feather Oracle: Companion Book

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The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book by author Michelle Newton brings you 44 different coloured feathers along with associated messages from your Angels. This book comprises a beautiful combination of ‘colour energy’ and ‘Angelic guidance’.

The companion book compliments the Angel Feather Oracle card deck by giving additional information that will assist you with performing and interpreting your Angel feather readings. It can be used as a divination tool as well as a valuable resource of information regarding colours, crystals and Angels. This book enables you to connect daily with your Angels to receive a colourful message of guidance.
Release dateJan 29, 2014
The Angel Feather Oracle: Companion Book

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    The Angel Feather Oracle - Michelle Newton

    Insight into the Angel Feather

    Oracle Companion Book

    In the Angel Feather Oracle I combined intuitive guidance received from my Angels with my knowledge of colour therapy obtained through courses I have studied and my own research. The feather is the ancient symbol of ‘good luck’ and the universal symbol of ‘spirit and flight’. The feather represents the journey of the soul to the other realms; as well as the spirit of air. Therefore; I chose to use the feather as an Angelic symbol; feathers are truly the ‘calling cards’ of Angels!

    The Angels love to leave us feathers to let us know they are around us. Often however, they will choose to leave a specific coloured feather; this is because the colour itself has an energetic significance. The coloured feather is therefore left not only as reassurance but also as an Angelic sign bearing a significant message. The Angel Feather Oracle incorporates 44 different coloured feathers along with associated messages from the Angels. As you work with the card deck or the companion book allow yourself to be intuitively guided to use all or part of the information provided. With each reading you perform, may you feel the love that the Angels and I have poured into the Angel Feather Oracle Cards, Guidebook and Companion Book.

    Instructions for working with the Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book

    The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book has been written to compliment the Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck; however it is not essential to have a deck of cards to use it. It is divided into two sections.

    The first section encompasses the 44 Angel feathers (listed alphabetically) and the Angel Feather Oracle Guide Book explanations for each card.

    The companion book also includes in this section extended information relating to each card such as the crystals that can be used and the associated Archangels and Angels to call on for each coloured feather. I am aware that there are a lot of people who are not comfortable using an oracle card deck; therefore this book is designed to be used as a quick and easy divination tool. The second section of the book is informative and designed to use frequently as a resource. It has easy to follow yet detailed information on colour therapy, crystals and Angels.

    Using the Companion Book as a divination tool (Section 1)

    Center yourself and call in your Angels to assist you with your question. Hold the book and ask your question. Then simply open the book to a page featuring one of the Angel Feather Cards for your answer. The Angels will guide you to open the book at just the right page.

    If the main message of the Feather is not clear to you; then your answer will be somewhere on the page relating to it. Consult the section other symbols for the card and see if you can find relevance there. The Companion Book also provides extended meanings for each coloured Angel feather.

    For example, if in the morning you are asking about your day ahead, it maybe that you could focus on one of the areas of advice relating to the coloured feather such as:-

    - the affirmation provided to promote positive thought processes throughout your day.

    - to integrate the colour into your life; by wearing a crystal gemstone or wearing a piece of clothing of the colour.

    - or to call on one of the Archangels or Angels listed to assist you throughout the day.

    Finally, and most importantly, trust in your own intuitive abilities: note any messages, thoughts or feelings you receive as you use this book, and of course always trust in your Angels. Sometimes you may not receive the answer that you want to hear – this however may actually turn out to be an Angel blessing!

    This book has been written to provide you with extensive guidance from your Angels to make your life flow easier.

    Apricot Angel Feather

    Angel of Kindness!

    The Angels applaud the acts of kindness

    that you perform regularly for others and your

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