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Cuisine in the French Way
Cuisine in the French Way
Cuisine in the French Way
Ebook83 pages23 minutes

Cuisine in the French Way

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Exact words for exact meaning
To be adept in any particular subject ( art, cuisine or woodwork, for example) you need to know and be able to use effectively its specific language ( especially its vocabulary) which distinguish it from other subjects. Different subjects may use the same grammar, syntax, structure etc. but their vocabularies are subject -specific. Each distinct subject has its own particular and unique words. Many of the words used by a mechanic , for instance, are very different from ,say, those used by a chef.
If you want to be really competent in a subject , it is essential to have skills, of course, but you should know what you are talking about . Your practical skills should be blended with communication skills, of which vocabulary is an essential component.
It is sensible to learn the correct pronunciation of words you use , especially if you are speaking to a group of people, as mis-pronunciations can make you look foolish.

PublisherJohn Skull
Release dateOct 18, 2010
Cuisine in the French Way

John Skull

I was brought up in a home that had no books. My hard-working parents were so involved in keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table that there was no money for books and little time for reading. Sounds a bit like a sketch from "Monty Python", doesn't it? Fortunately for me , they saw the benefits that a good education can produce and, over the years, I attended four tertiary institutions to gain academic qualifications, the final one being a Ph.D. I had a period in the British Army ( Intelligence Corps), serving mainly in Europe. I ran a marathon once – and once was enough! I taught in 2 Primary schools and specialised in English in three High schools and three uni's. Publishers in The U.K. , Australia and the U.S.A have been brave enough to publish 14 of my books- all educational - mostly non-fiction, factual stuff. I've also written children's stories, and recently quite a few e-books. I’ve enjoyed it and it's kept me out of mischief!

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    Cuisine in the French Way - John Skull


    Pronounced  KWI-ZEEN ( with i as in pi and ee as in seen )


    Cuisine derives from the Latin coquina meaning cooking from coquere meaning  to cook. From this term, the French word cuisiner originated meaning to cook and cuisine meaning a kitchen.

    In French, a cuisinier means a cook, a cookery book and a cooking stove.


    The word cuisine has come to mean the art of cooking or cookery both in France and in other countries throughout the world.

    Haute cuisine( haute is French for high) which is also called classic or grande cuisine, is a term which has been applied to the cuisine which flourished in the palaces and castles of pre- Revolutionary France through chefs such as Antonin Careme (1784-1833) and then carried into the early 20th century with Auguste Escoffier ( 1847 -1935).

    Elegance of presentation is an essential aspect of haute cuisine.

    The term has been applied to cuisines other than French, such as Chinese. The French themselves do not use the term.

    Nowadays, haute cuisine means food which is recognised as of the highest standard, which is intricately prepared, beautifully decorated and served with grace.

    Cuisine Naturelle was a movement in the 1970's and 1980's which emphasised natural products in all dishes. It avoided the use of cream, butter, oil, and  lard and used very little sugar.

    Nouvelle Cuisine, or as it was first called La Nouvelle Cuisine Francaise (literally the new French cooking), was started by two French chefs, Gault and Millau, in 1974. Like Cuisine Naturelle, it avoided rich, flour-thickened sauces in favor of reduced stocks and it placed strong emphasis on ingredient freshness, lightness of texture, clear flavors, simplicity and aesthetic presentation. It also liked to include fruit with savory dishes.


    Related to cuisine is the term culinary, which derives from the Latin culina meaning a kitchen. Culinary means anything to do with cooking. In France, a batterie de cuisine means the essential kitchen equipment, such as pots and pans and cuisine bourgeoise means plain cooking.

    À la

    Pronounced À la (with a's as in cat)

    For example: à la Crecy (KRAY-SEE, with ay as in say and ee as in see), à la nicoise (NIK-WAZ with i as in pick and  a as in cat

    Origin & meaning

    À la is French for in the manner of," in

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