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Trading with the 5%
Trading with the 5%
Trading with the 5%
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Trading with the 5%

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This book will aid the reader to become one of small percentage of traders who regularly make money trading the markets.
A little known fact not commonly spread by the brokerages is that 95% of traders lose money habitually on the markets. In this book we will break down trading into four distinct areas that all need to be mastered before taking a seat at the top table. The book does not promise quick riches like others however it shows what it takes to enhance your wealth through the trading the markets so as to eventually achieve financial independence if so desired.

Release dateNov 26, 2013
Trading with the 5%

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    Trading with the 5% - ZanshinTrader

    Trading with the 5%

    By ZanshinTrader

    Copyright © 2013

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781310264757

    You do not have resell rights to this eBook. All rights reserved. Unauthorized resell or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this book may be copied or resold without permission.

    Notes to the reader

    While the author and publisher have made reasonable effort to ensure the information contained in this publication is accurate at the time of writing, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to the losses or damages incurred by the reader on reliance of the information contained herein. The author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy and completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for all parties and it is the complete responsibility of the reader to make their own trading decisions based on information in this publication.

    About the author

    ZanshinTrader has been trading for 15 years constantly trying to improve trading skills to make a decent living out of the markets. I have made most of the mistakes that a trader could make and repeated them, often running blindly and thinking I knew better than the market. Having endeavoured to find out why this was the case it has culminated into turning a constant profit over the last few years with the help of many books and life enhancing courses.

    I regularly help novice traders and due to this I decided to write this eBook to help the right minded people get a foothold on what they are up against in the markets.

    Table of Contents


    The Foundations of an Effective Trader

    Part I - Mental Clarity

    Part II – Trading Methods and Techniques

    Part III – Understanding Markets

    Part IV – Trading Strategy




    Firstly I would like to thank you for purchasing this eBook. I hope it enhances your wealth to a higher level.

    When you imagine stock market traders do you instantly think of brokers in flash suits lunching at expensive restaurants before popping into their sports car to the mansion? Or maybe you see the young whizz kid with five monitors clicking away. This is not the individual trader and these guys mostly make their money by blowing other people’s cash and taking commissions. Although everyone has their own path in life this is a place for educated elites or sharp minded ruthless guys to increase their wealth on the back of Joe public. If this is the way your life has panned out then all well and good and there are many of other ways to make money in the markets working in the financial industry whereby people get nice bonuses and a good salary.

    However, as individual traders we require an edge that allows us to take money from the market while not falling for the fallacy we can take on Wall Street or the city of London head on and win. So, how do you walk brazenly into the 600lb gorillas den and take their money I hear you ask. That is what this eBook aims to show. Do not get sucked in by the gurus saying it’s easy with this system or that, as it’s not to start with but it can be done with the right mind-set and application making it easier in the long run and it’s all down to one person, you….

    There’s an open secret amongst futures brokers and financial money makers that they like to keep quiet from the public and that is only 5% of individual traders make money trading the markets. That’s right 5%. The other 95% occasionally get lucky but invariably blow account after account before limping away asking ‘what was all that about’. The myth of easy money in the markets is spread by the big players actually making it and it has been played over thousands of years in one guise or another. The stock market is the latest of these to play on human traits.

    There are numerous elements in the way the human mind is wired which is causing the 95% to give their hard earned to the bigger players. The big fish do not have secret details unknown to all, however they are basically bookmakers and they also have information on where the 95% are placing their money which is their edge. This may sound conspiratorial but it’s a reality you must understand if you want to make money in the markets. With the right mental attitude you can eventually start looking at big profits in the future and the financial freedom you desire but you must know your enemy before running to battle.

    Anyone can partake in trading but not many people put in the time and effort required to be a successful trader. With the aid of this eBook and other resources there is a strong belief you will be part of the small group of traders who consistently make a profit in the markets who have financial independence. You will be a member of this group if you want it. There is no doubt to this as the human mind can do amazing things so, if you are new to trading, leave your ego behind as it’s a journey in which you will find a lot about your own personality you previously did not know or ignored. If

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