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The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment
The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment
The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment
Ebook265 pages4 hours

The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Ufos

  • Extraterrestrial Life

  • Occultism

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Roswell Incident

  • Ancient Astronauts

  • Alien Invasion

  • Demonic Possession

  • Government Conspiracy

  • Divine Intervention

  • Chosen One

  • Space Exploration

  • End of the World

  • Demonic Influence

  • Redemption

  • Alien Abductions

  • Satan

  • Ufo Phenomena

  • New Age Movement

  • Conspiracy Theories

About this ebook

Today UFO sightings are on the rise. Countless UFO reports flood in to authorities with each passing month. But what is the truth about aliens and UFOs?

This thoroughly researched book deals with UFOs and aliens from a biblical, Christian perspective. Among the issues covered are:

* Have We Been Visited?

* The Wild Popularity of UFOs

* The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

* What Really Happened At Roswell?

* Is There Any Hard Evidence for Alien Visitations?

* Are UFOs Mentioned in the Bible?

* The New Age Embrace of UFOs

* The Occult Connection

* "Alien" Abductions

* The Strange Case of Whitley Strieber

* Demonized Delusions in the End Times

* And more.

Dr. Rhodes is the author of multiple books on Christian apologetics, including:

* The Big Book of Bible Answers

* Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses

* Bite Size Bible Answers

* 5-Minute Apologetics for Today

* The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions

* Angels Among Us

* And many others

PublisherRon Rhodes
Release dateMar 5, 2013
The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment

Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes (ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is the president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries. He is the author of eighteen books, including two Silver Medallion Award winners. He is heard nationwide on radio.

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    Book preview

    The Truth About UFOs and Aliens - A Christian Assessment - Ron Rhodes

    The Truth about UFOS and Aliens:

    A Christian Assessment

    By Ron Rhodes


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 Ron Rhodes

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Have We Been Visited?

    UFOria: The Wild Popularity of UFOs

    The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

    What Really Happened At Roswell?

    Is There Any Hard Evidence?

    Are UFOs Mentioned in the Bible?

    The New Age Embrace of UFOs

    UFO Cults in the New Age

    The Occult Connection

    Alien Abductions: Terror from the Sky

    The Strange Case of Whitley Strieber

    Demonized Delusions in the End Times

    Against the Darkness

    Appendix A: How Scripture Describes Satan

    Appendix B: How Scripture Describes Demons

    Appendix C: The Christian’s Defense Against Fallen Angels

    Appendix D: If You’re Not a Christian


    About the Author


    Have We Been Visited?

    Something does seem to be happening out there. And it seems to be increasing in frequency as humankind presses toward the year A.D. 2000. —William Alnor, Christian UFO Researcher¹

    They have landed!

    With these startling words—broadcast coast to coast on Halloween Eve in 1938—the United States was hurled into a frenzied hysteria. Radio personality Orson Welles was reading from H. G. Wells’s book War of the Worlds as if it were actually taking place.

    Toward the end of the program, Mr. Welles, in the character of Professor Richard Pearson, a famous astronomer, intoned: As I set down these notes on paper, I’m obsessed by the thought that I may be the last living man on Earth.²

    Neither Welles nor anyone affiliated with the radio broadcast had even the slightest idea that the citizens of the United States would turn on their radios and actually believe they were in the midst of a horrific invasion by aliens from outer space.³ It was an insane evening. And it marked the beginning of an ongoing fascination about UFOs and alien visitations for the American public.

    Almost every civilization that has kept a written history has recorded the sighting of strange objects and lights in the skies.⁴ In modern times UFOs have been spotted by the likes of former president Jimmy Carter and a number of American astronauts—reportedly including those who participated in the Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Gemini 7, Gemini 11, and Skylab 3 missions.⁵ (In December 1965, for example, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman claimed to have seen what appeared to be a UFO while making their second orbit of Earth.⁶) Such seemingly credible sightings have caused many to wonder if earth is truly being visited by aliens from another planet.

    The modern UFO era began in the late 1940s—just a few years after the Orson Welles broadcast—when people all around the globe began reporting flying saucers whizzing across the sky at incredible speeds. In the 1950s, some people—considered as being on the fringe—claimed to be contactees for alien civilizations somewhere within our own solar system.

    The 1970s and 80s witnessed increasing numbers of people in the United States and around the globe claiming to have been abducted by aliens. These stories made headlines in some of the nation’s most prominent newspapers. Then, in the late 1980s, UFO enthusiasts began finding a new respectability as the New Age movement grew in popularity and influence.⁷ Today, UFOs are a virtual craze.

    First Thing First: Just What Is a UFO?

    The word UFO refers to an unidentified flying object. We must keep that definition in mind. These objects, whatever they are and wherever they come from, are indeed unidentified, their origin unknown.

    The best scientifically accepted definition of a UFO is probably that provided by the late astronomer J. Allen Hynek, who said that a UFO involves the reported perception of an object or light seen in the sky or upon the land the appearance, trajectory, general dynamic, and luminescent behavior of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients but remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common sense identification, if one is possible.⁸

    UFOs are typically described as being circular or spherical in shape with flashing lights and luminous brilliance. They are often said to change color and shape. They appear and disappear suddenly, seeming to defy the laws of science. According to the testimony of many UFO enthusiasts, UFOs can in a mere matter of seconds accelerate to speeds of several thousand miles per hour, and make 90-degree turns in mid-air.⁹ Such maneuvers are obviously quite beyond anything known to man.

    Categories of Sightings

    J. Allen Hynek, for over 20 years the Air Force’s astronomy consultant to Project Blue Book (a government-sponsored UFO investigation),¹⁰ came up with a well-known system of categorizing encounters with UFOs. He suggested two broad categories—Section One (the most common sightings) and Section Two (close encounters)—with three major subcategories subsumed under each of these.

    Section One Categories (Most Common Sightings)

    (1) Nocturnal Lights. This type of sighting involves strange lights one might see in the sky from a distance. Unusual features often accompany the sighting, such as variations in the intensity of light and color, and incredible and sudden changes of speed and direction.

    (2) Daylight Discs. This type of sighting involves seeing a distant disc-like object in the sky during the daytime hours.

    (3) Radar/Visuals. This type of sighting involves two simultaneous aspects—a visual appearance of an object in the sky and radar confirmation. Such sightings are very rare.

    Section Two Categories (Close Encounters)

    Hynek suggested that there are three types of close encounters.

    Close encounters of the first kind are those in which the reported UFO is seen at close range but there is no interaction with the environment (other than trauma on the part of the observer).¹¹

    Close encounters of the second kind are similar to the first, except that there are physical effects on both animate and inanimate objects.

    Vegetation is often reported as having been pressed down, burned, or scorched; tree branches are reported broken; animals are frightened, sometimes to the extent of physically injuring themselves in their fright. Inanimate objects, most often vehicles, are reported as becoming momentarily disabled, their engines killed, radios stopped, and headlights dimmed or extinguished. In such cases the vehicles reportedly return to normal operation after the UFO has left the scene.¹²

    Close encounters of the third kind are those in which occupants (aliens) of the UFO craft are reported in or around the craft.¹³ Hynek generally ruled out contactee cases in which a person claimed to have had intelligent communication with the occupants, arguing that such reports were almost invariably made by pseudo-religious fanatics and never by ostensibly sensible, rational and reputable persons.¹⁴

    Some time later, UFOlogists suggested another subcategory—close encounter of the fourth kind—to cover cases in which humans are allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials. Emergency medical physician Steven Greer of Asheville, North Carolina, came up with yet another category: close encounters of the fifth kind, in which humans and aliens intentionally communicate through ordinary light and sound.¹⁵

    In the various chapters of this book, I will touch on each of these kinds of encounters in greater detail. I should tell you right up front that I don’t believe we are actually being visited by aliens from outer space. As will become clear throughout the book, I believe that all UFO sightings can be explained as involving one of the following:

    1. Natural phenomena, such as weather balloons or satellites, being mistaken as UFOs.

    2. Deliberate hoaxes, such as those involving obviously doctored photographs).

    3. Demonic spirits impersonating space brothers. (Generally occultic phenomena is present in such cases.)

    Where the Ancients Visited?

    By now almost everyone has heard of the theories of Erich von Daniken that aliens zvisited the Earth in ancient times. His book, Chariots of the Gods, summarized these theories and quickly became a mega-bestseller on an international level. Since the publication of his book, von Daniken’s theories have been regurgitated and scrutinized in numerous publications. In an article entitled God Versus the Flying Saucers by scholar Carl Pfluger, we find the following summary of how von Daniken sees things:

    These aliens, according to our UFOric prophet [Erich von Daniken], descended upon early humans (or upon prehuman anthropoids—he’s not very clear about such fine points), raised the level of their intelligence by a bit of genetic tinkering (or perhaps merely by interbreeding with them), taught them the rudiments of civilization (giving them also a glimpse of space travel and a whiff of nuclear weaponry), and finally flew off as abruptly as they had come; whereupon people [such as the Nazcas], abandoned and pining for the return of their celestial mentors, built landing strips and imitation spacecraft (the Pyramids and such, you know) in order to lure them back to Earth....Traditional religions and mythologies clearly bear witness to these events [such as the carvings of astronauts by the Mayans], says von Daniken, who asks, with charming simplicity, why else should all religions locate their gods up in the sky?¹⁶

    Some of von Daniken’s speculative conclusions hardly call for a response. However, we might note the opinion of scholars who have studied ancient cultures that while some ancient Mayan carved figures might remotely look like an astronaut, the reality is that these figures portray masked Mayans dressed for their religious rituals. One scholar informs us that masks with exaggerated features of symbolic significance are common among tribal people all over the world, and there is no reason to assume that they necessarily are representations of extraterrestrial beings.¹⁷

    As for the alleged landing fields for spaceships constructed by the Nazcas, it is far more likely that the Nazcas believed that the gods were up there in the sky. Among other factors, it hardly seems likely that a race advanced enough for interstellar space travel would need such feeble landing strips in order to touch down on earth. Surely their crafts would be more sophisticated than that. Moreover, as one scholar has pointed out, the Nazcas

    could see the Sun God rise in the morning, and the Moon God come out at night, and hear the Thunder Gods when they were angry during a storm, flashing their weapons in the sky. It is reasonable that the Nazcas might want to send messages by making big drawings in the sand that the gods above could see easily, such as: Send more rain, and while you’re at it, drop a few stiff lighting bolts down on our enemies over there. Some of the same motifs, probably part of important rituals, are found on Nazca pottery.¹⁸

    There is certainly much more that could be said in responding to Erich von Daniken. (Indeed, von Daniken says UFOs are in the Bible, and I’ll talk about that later.) It is sufficient at this point to simply note that other scholars have more than adequately debunked von Daniken’s speculations.

    A Growing Paranoia

    Christian UFO researcher William Alnor, while recognizing that there is a legitimate and much-needed side to UFO research, once commented, I also found that the UFO arena is loaded with fakery, hoaxes, and people so paranoid they probably belong in mental institutions.¹⁹ I came across this paranoia often in my own research.

    For example, there are those who have claimed that the aliens are involved in genetic experiments on certain human beings with a view to making communication between aliens and humans easier. Others claim that U.S. government leaders have made a secret deal with the aliens, allowing them to abduct and run experiments on unwary humans in exchange for high technology.

    Some believe the government has known about the aliens for a very long time and will one day make all this known to the world. In fact, some in the UFO movement believe we are rapidly approaching a time they call full global disclosure during which the U.S. government will announce the existence of extraterrestrials, or perhaps state that there has been communication with alien intelligence.²⁰

    More recently many have speculated that our stealth airplanes—the Lockheed F-117 stealth fighter and the Northrop B-2 stealth bomber—have benefited from outside assistance.²¹ Still others have claimed that some of today’s super-chips being used in the computer industry were derived from aliens.

    Further, there has been great controversy about cattle mutilations that have been discovered all over the world. Typically the body of the animal victim has been totally drained of blood. There is no sign of struggle. There are no human footprints or tire tracks near the scene of the crime. In many cases the owners of the cattle heard nothing on the night of the mutilation. Often the tongue is removed with a precise incision deep in the throat. An eyeball is often cut out, as are the sexual organs—again with surgical precision. Why the mutilations? Some UFO enthusiasts say that the answer may lie in the fact that cattle blood is similar to human blood. Perhaps the UFO aliens are studying the cattle in order to find out more about us.²² (A more likely explanation is that satanic cults are engaging in these mutilations for their blood sacrifices to Satan.²³)

    And then there are the crop circles. Many believe these circles were caused by the landing of UFO spacecrafts. British New Age author Benjamin Creme says the crop circles are definitely formed by UFOs manned by the Space Brothers, and their purpose is to alert humankind that the New Age is upon us. This is a time when highly evolved beings are moving into the world, in every nation and country, giving experiences to people, showing them a higher life, a higher wisdom.²⁴ (Many researchers, however, have provided convincing evidence that deliberate hoax is involved in all crop circle occurrences.²⁵)

    Regardless of such speculation and paranoia, the good news, we are told, is that today one can purchase a genuine $10 million insurance policy against alien abductions, which comes with a gold-bordered policy suitable for framing. The bad news is that the claim form requires the signature of an authorized on-board alien.²⁶

    As well, Ted Daniels, editor of the Millennial Prophecy Report, says that a company in London is now offering insurance against inadvertent intergalactic pregnancy if one is (1) abducted and sexually molested by an alien space invader, and (2) thereby impregnated.²⁷ Hmm...

    In this book I intend to examine in some detail UFOs, aliens, making contact, the controversial subject of abductions, and more. In the process, I will explore the curious, the bizarre, and, in some cases, the unexplainable. The goal throughout is to come to a biblical understanding of the aliens and their agenda.

    UFOria: The Wild Popularity of UFOs

    We’re in a major alien moment. —Newsweek magazine¹

    In the 1940s people did not take UFOs too seriously. A 1947 Gallup poll found that virtually no one considered the objects [UFOs] to be from outer space.² Most people considered such sightings to be either hoaxes, secret weapons, illusions of some kind, or some phenomenon that could be scientifically explained.³

    By the 1950s, a slight shift in public opinion became evident: 3.4 percent of the population now believed in UFOs manned by extraterrestrials.⁴ By 1973, 11 percent of Americans claimed to have seen a UFO.⁵

    By 1987, according to a Gallup poll, some 50 percent of Americans believed in the existence of UFOs—the same percentage that considered extraterrestrials to be real.⁶ One in 11 people (about 9 percent) reported that they had seen something they thought was a UFO.⁷

    Then, by 1990, some 14 percent of Americans claimed to have seen a UFO.⁸ And today, because of the ever-increasing popularity and growth of the New Age movement, Americans are more open than ever to the idea that our planet is being visited by extraterrestrials.⁹

    A 1997 poll indicated that 45 percent of a thousand people surveyed said they believed unidentified flying objects have visited the Earth in some form. Forty-eight percent thought UFOs were something real. Twelve percent said they had seen something they thought was a UFO. And a full 71 percent believed that the U.S. government knew more about the phenomenon than they have publicly revealed.¹⁰

    Still another poll indicated that 31 percent of Americans believe that a spacecraft from another planet crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Some 38 percent believe there are people somewhat like ourselves living on other planets.¹¹

    Today it would seem that America is in the midst of a space invasion. In fact, because of the statistics listed above, Newsweek magazine concluded that we’re in a major alien moment.¹² On every front we witness indications of peoples’ fascination with outer space and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

    During the time it took me to write this book, the Pathfinder landed on Mars. There was life-threatening trouble on the Mir space station, which made headlines everywhere. There were tragic suicides of the Heaven’s Gate cult, which believed that an alien mothership was coming in behind the Hale-Bopp comet to pick them up. Among the top movies released were Men in Black (the 4th of July’s top film) and Contact, based on a novel by the late Carl Sagan. On television the top-rated shows include The X-Files and "Third Rock

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