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Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams
Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams
Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams

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What do you say in that oh so important first communication? What if she has kids? What if you have them? Do you fly there and hope to meet someone or play the penpal game and what is 'IMBRA' and how can that ruin everything?

This well researched and easy to read guide presents vital iformation that will help guide and advise the reader as they make probably the most important decision of their life to date. With all the negative press about 'mail order brides' (a term the authors despise)and the genuine concern over people trafficking, this guide will prepare you for the adventure that is meeting a potential soul mate over the internet or across the sea.

Revised chapters deal with developments such as chat cam girls and how to detect the latest trends in scamming and ways love struck suitors are sucked dry. This is a must have guide for anyone looking for love online.

Release dateSep 22, 2011
Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams

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    Filipina 101- How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams - Perry Gamsby


    Filipina 101 – How To Meet The Filipina Of Your Dreams is a collaboration between myself and my beautiful Asawa (wife), Amelita. As such, the POV or point of view will vary between her speaking, me speaking or both of us speaking. We feel that since this is a very personal topic, we wanted to keep the style as personal as we could, so hopefully the critics will forgive us if we simply be ourselves and we just write as we speak.

    Being yourself is the only way anyone commencing to meet their future spouse via this or any other media should be. Filipinas, at least those who make use of the internet to find a spouse, may not be the best educated although many of them are college graduates. They are mostly from the lower C and D social strata rather than the well off Bs and wealthy As. But this doesn’t mean they are not intelligent and clear on what they want in a life partner.

    Make no mistake; Filipinas are more traditional than many western women when it comes to marriage. They are marrying for life, they do want families, they are looking for a man who acts like a man and treats them like a lady. They may come from a far more disadvantaged economical situation that you, but never think that means they will marry just any man who asks them.

    They are more tolerant and even ‘blind’ when it comes to a man being older, overweight and less than perfect. They look beyond that but they demand more in leadership from their man as the head of the family than their liberated western sisters. There is someone for everyone in this world and in the Philippines, there may just be more than one beautiful, loving, loyal and devoted Filipina waiting to meet you.

    This book is not the be all and end all on the subject of online introductions. It is based on our personal experience from both sides of the fence and our research with many friends, acquaintances and outright strangers. We both hope that you glean something more from this work at the end than you had when you started. If that something helps you find the happiness we share, then it was worth the effort.

    Perry and Amelita Gamsby,

    Talisay, Cebu, Philippines, 2005

    Sydney, Australia, 2011

    Part One - The Filipina And How To Find Her

    Chapter 1

    Why Would A Filipina Want You?

    This is a valid question. Why would a young, beautiful woman in her late teens, early twenties want to contract the rest of her life to some guy like you? You are most likely over 40, overweight and getting over a recent divorce. You might even be in your sixties and we have friends in their seventies who have wives 50 years younger than they are.

    The answers are fairly obvious once you understand the Filipina and the Philippines. First of all, don’t believe those stories that tell you how there are five women to every man here, it just seems that way. Have a look at the official census figures for 2004 below.

    Year 2004

    Men:15-19 – 4,014,772 , 20-24 – 3,569,421, 25-29 – 3,081,31725

    Women:15-19 – 3,995,210, 20-24 – 3,545,552, 25-29 – 3,038,775

    Philippine Census Figures

    In each of the three age categories chosen there are more men then women, the latest figures maintain the same ratio, just more people for each group. If you visit the official web site (click the link above) you will see the figures are the same for every age group. There are more men then women in the Philippines.

    Of course, if we look at those figures rationally, one could argue the numbers are pretty even in real terms. In other words every Filipina should be able to find a Filipino to catch and marry. So why do they choose foreigners?

    Filipinas see foreign men as more stable and faithful. They consider an older man to be less likely to stray. Part of the culture here is that a married man may have one or more girlfriends or mistresses. They are known as Carreidas or Kiridas. It is a commonly held belief that this is tolerated as a part of the culture. The truth is the men tolerate it and the wives hate it. However, because this is a catholic dominated country there is no divorce and annulment is very expensive to attain. A woman would lose nearly all she has including her children if she made a fuss and her husband was more powerful than she.

    He could pay the judge to award him the children, who he would hand over to his mother to raise while he continues to live his life drinking with his friends and seeing his kiridas. There are few job opportunities for women over 25 here, just look at the Job Ads in the newspapers, they all state under 25, single, etc. Click Here For Philippine Newspapers

    Filipino men at all levels of society engage in the kirida behaviour. There is a saying that for every P10,000 per month a man earns (about US$200) he should have one girlfriend as well as his wife. Many men have more than one family, considering themselves to be macho studs because they have fathered several children. Little thought is given to offering the mothers and children a proper family life as while it is a sin to be an adulterer the church ignores this common practice and forbids men and women to use contraception. It is easier to forgive than to try and change the practice and maybe lose a few parishioners and their tithe.

    The earning capacity of the average Filipino man is far below that of the average foreigner. To the Filipino, all foreigners are kanos, or Amerikanos. Even if you are British, German or Australian and have never been to America. The Filipina’s logic is that if you can afford to come to the Philippines then you are rich. Much richer than the Filipino men in her barangay who can’t even afford jeepney fare into town.

    This means that even a man with a modest income, blue collar job or small pension is financially more attractive than most Filipino men, especially those she will be considered able to marry. The Philippines is very class conscious and there is no way a domestic helper would ever marry the son of her employer if one were from the province and the other were rich land owners. He might take her to his bed, even father children by her but he would never marry her.

    A lot of Filipinos harbour the macho man ideals familiar to many Latin societies where the catholic church held sway. They will sow their wild oats and then dump the poor girl as soon as she falls pregnant, yet of course wearing a condom is beneath their status as real men. There are millions of single parents in this country, yet the practice is to hand the child over to the grandparents who raise it as their own. The child grows up thinking its mother is its older sister. The paperwork is amended, even false baptismal certificates issued to continue the fantasy. The father moves on and impregnates some more naïve young girls before finally one may tie him down to marriage. Then he starts up again with a kirida. No wonder the Filipina looks elsewhere for her lifemate.

    So, the two main reasons Filipinas marry foreigners, even those many years older than themselves, are financial security and fidelity. Women all over the world marry men for the same reasons. Of course they may love them dearly too, but why not fall in love with someone who will stay faithful and give you and your children a better life than someone who won’t? It is embarrassing for the Filipina to have her husband run around with other women. It is worse that her children go hungry while their father spends his paycheck on beer and other women. Of course, there are many faithful Filipino men who are good providers, but there are more than enough who are not to make the comparison valid.

    To many Filipinas, western men look like the movie stars they see on TV. They all want to have children and they know if they have children from a foreigner the children will epitomize the ideals of Filipino beauty. Pale skin (like their Spanish and American colonial masters), long noses and fair hair (ditto).

    You only have to watch a small town beauty pageant to see that the beautiful, dark skinned Malay-Filipina is not allowed to enter. Only if they are pale and look more Spanish or Chinese would they bother. The prejudice is that strong, it really is sad. If a Filipina, particularly a dark skinned girl from the province, marries a foreigner then her children will be pale and beautiful and she will be able to return to her barangay and

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