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Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
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Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah

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Another World: Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah

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    Another World - Benjamin Lumley

    The Project Gutenberg EBook of Another World, by Benjamin Lumley (AKA Hermes)

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    Title: Another World Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah

    Author: Benjamin Lumley (AKA Hermes)

    Release Date: August 10, 2005 [EBook #16503]

    Language: English


    Produced by Clare Boothby, Donald Perry and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at










    [The right of Translation is reserved.]




    The fact that there is a plurality of worlds, that, in other words, the planets of our solar system are inhabited, has been so generally maintained by modern astronomers, that it almost takes its place among the truths commonly accepted by the large body of educated persons. As two among the many works, which bear directly on the subject, it will be here sufficient to name Sir David Brewster's 'More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian,' and Mr. B.A. Proctor's 'Other Worlds than Ours.'

    A fragmentary account of some of the ways peculiar to the inhabitants of one of these star worlds, and of their moral and intellectual condition is contained in the following pages.

    When the assertion is made that the account is derived, not from the imagination, but from an actual knowledge of the star, it will at first receive scant credence, and the reader will be at once inclined to class the fragments among those works about imaginary republics and imaginary travels which, ever since the days of Plato, have from time to time made their appearance to improve the wisdom, impose on the credulity, or satirize the follies of mankind.

    Nor can the reader's anticipated want of faith be deemed other than natural; for, although tests applied daily during a period extending over nearly a lifetime have proved the source of the fragments to be such as is here represented, the Editor feels bound to say that, notwithstanding much confirmatory evidence, many years passed and many facts were communicated before all doubts were completely removed from his mind.

    One great obstacle to the reader's belief that an authentic description of another world is before him will arise from the circumstance that the means by which such extraordinary experience was acquired are not included in the sphere of his knowledge, and that any attempt to explain them at present would only increase his incredulity. He would only see one enigma solved by another apparently more insoluble than itself. The Editor, therefore, would call especial attention to the practical value of the revelations here communicated, convinced as he is that they are so replete with instruction to terrestial mankind, that the difficulty of giving credence to them ought not to be augmented by premature disclosures. Ultimately satisfied as to the origin of the fragments, he entreats the reader not, indeed, to surrender, but simply to suspend his judgment until he has carefully examined them, conceiving that, apart from all external proof, they rest upon an intrinsic evidence, the force of which it will be difficult to resist. Nay, he is even of opinion that an impartial student will find it easier to believe in their planetary origin than in their emanating from an ordinary human brain. The practical value of the facts, considered apart from their source, will excuse his request not to be too hastily judged.

    The people to whom the fragments relate are, it will be found, not only human, but constituents of a highly civilized and even polished society. Their notions of good and evil, of happiness and misery correspond to ours, and though they employ different means, the objects they pursue are the same with those sought by terrestrial philanthropists. Health, education, marriage, the removal of disease, the prevention of madness and of crime, the arts of government, the regulation of amusement, the efficient employment of physical forces—themes so often discussed here—have equally occupied the attention of our planetary brethren, although, as will be seen, in the results of our studies we differ not a little. This is not a story of Anthropophagi, or men whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders, which can merely excite wonder, but a record of actual men, who, widely separated from us in the ocean of space, are beings with whom we can sympathise much more than with the inhabitants of the uncivilized portions of our own globe.

    The reader will now begin to understand what is meant when the Editor calls attention to the practical value of most of his communications, and invites consideration of the fragments, as suggestive of much that concerns the welfare of mankind, the question as to their source being provisionally left open. The man of science, the poet, the metaphysician, the philanthropist, the musician, the observer of manners, even the general reader who merely seeks to be amused, will, it is hoped, find something interesting in the following pages. Let all, therefore, taste the fruit and judge of its flavour, though they do not behold the tree; profit by the diamonds, though they know not how they were extracted from the mine; accept what is found to be wholesome and fortifying in the waters, though the source of the river is unknown.

    Lest, in thus expatiating on the value of his communications, the Editor should be thought to have overstepped the bounds of good taste, he would have it perfectly understood that he is not speaking of his own productions, and that whatever the merit of the fragments may be, that merit does not belong to himself. He is an Editor and an Editor only; and he therefore feels himself as much at liberty to express his opinion of the contents of the following pages as the most impartial critic.

    He will even admit that he is not blind to their defects and shortcomings. If the fragments had been less fragmentary, and fuller information had been offered on the various subjects which fall under consideration, he would have been better satisfied. Nevertheless, he reflects that it would be hardly reasonable to expect in facts made known under exceptional circumstances, that fulness of detail which we have a right to demand, when on our own planet we essay to make discoveries at the cost only of labour and research. He looks upon the fragments as intellectual aerolites, which have dropped here, uninfluenced by the will of man; as varied pieces detached from the mass of facts which constitute the possessions of another planet, and rather as thrown by nature into rugged heaps than as having been symmetrically arranged by the hand of an artist. Want of unity under these circumstances is surely excusable.

    One observation as to a matter of mere detail. Words, in the language of the Star, are occasionally given in letters which represent the sounds only, and will often be found to resemble words in some of our ancient and modern languages. The very name of the City Montalluyah, to which all the fragments refer, is apparently compounded of heterogeneous roots, one of Aryan the other of Semitic origin. These seeming accidents, if such they be, must not be attributed to either carelessness or design on the part of the Editor; nor does he attempt to explain them. The reader may, if he please, account for the causes of resemblance by considering that the number of articulate sounds is limited, and that, therefore, the variety of words cannot be altogether boundless; or he may take higher ground, and assume that in whatever planet spoken, all languages have the Same Divine Origin.

    In conclusion: When these revelations or others derived from the same source have succeeded in establishing a confidence between the Editor and his readers, it is more than probable that the secret of the source itself will be disclosed. That disclosure made in due season will bring to light some unprecedented, but most interesting facts, and will establish the important truth, that the soul of man is IMMATERIAL and IMMORTAL.


    INTRODUCTION Page xxiii


    One of the Star worlds—Strangeness of its customs—The Narrator and his aspirations—Former state of Montalluyah—Wars—Increase of population and decrease of supplies—Can man be brought to seek knowledge as ardently as money?—The Narrator's meditations, labours, and advancement—Faith


    The beggar seeks admission to the Palace—The incident which brings him to the Narrator—Some account of Vyora—Appointed Chief of the Character-divers—Reflection


    Maturing plans—How received by the Counsellors—Narrator's resolution—Prepares for death—His triumph—Subjects of Legislation


    Secret powers in Nature—Effectually wielded by the Good only—False Prophets—Narrator carries out his plans without bloodshed—Great feature of the System—Mighty consequences—Evils forced to contribute to Good—Examples—Insects—Hippopotami—The Fever Wind—Lightning—The Sun—Seasons of Darkness—Fears of the People—Darkness changed to Light—The City radiant—Music and rejoicing


    Grave duties entrusted to them—Stronghold of evils to be eradicated—Men of Genius following antipathetic occupations—Early eradication of faults and development of qualities—Visits to Schools—Defects—One routine for all characters—Neglecting minor qualities in Boys of Genius—Precept-cramming—Bad habits—Character-divers created—Sole occupation to discover Child's early tendencies—Duties distinct from those of Preceptors or Fathers of Knowledge—Germ of evils destroyed


    Remedies employed vary with characteristics—Absence of violent punishment—Children to be raised, not degraded—Animals not corrected by blows—Example—Pupil not corrected by the imposition of tasks—Child encouraged to regard study as a privilege—Correction effected by gentleness—Time, labour, &c., bestowed unsparingly—Even when fault seems eradicated fresh tests applied—Adult offenders—Child of genius watched with reference to superior refinement—Economy of sparing nothing in educating the future man—Lists of faults occupying attention of the Character-divers—Results—Small beginnings lead to incurable vices and disease


    Secondary position of Tutors in former times—Now honoured—Aid given by the Character-divers, &c., to Narrator—Young men of special aptitude educated for the office—Their astuteness—Example—Subjects of tesselated pavements—Zolea—Early evidence of artistic talent often deceptive—Narrator's early talent indicating him as a harpist—Guided to other studies


    Power of the Sun—Colours and forms in the sky—Situation of Montalluyah—External World Cities—Reasons for uniting them— Peculiarities—Straight lines—Variety of colour, &c.—Subterranean seas—Great cataract and water-lifts form background of palaces and statues—Hanging bridges—Health studied—Baths—Violet streams— Trees—Birds—Artificial nests—Perfumes—Harmonious sounds—Chariot wheels and horse's hoofs noiseless—Red light—City full of animation—Recurring change of scene


    Elevation of tides immense—The aerial mountain—Electric agencies—Sea carries away the heart of the mountain—Receding waters leave upper part suspended—Mountain arm stretches out through the air over land below and over the sea—THE GREAT CATARACT—Upper City built on Suspended Mountain—The Middle and Lower Cities built on indent and foot of mountain—PAST CATASTROPHES—Threatened dangers—Terrible consequences—Principle of preventing evils—Stupendous work undertaken—The wonder of Montalluyah


    Dimensions—Thickness of walls—Interior area—How utilised—Means of ascending and descending—Stages constructed at different heights to facilitate works during progress—Materials, provisions, &c., raised by electric power—HUGE HEAVY BLOCKS LIGHTENED BY ELECTRICITY—Ornamentation of the Tower—Ravine-metal—Episodes of the Narrator's reign—Ascent and descent—Great difference of atmosphere above and below—Peculiarity in Electric Telegraph—Colour of atmosphere at different heights—Animalculae and ova—Grandeur of the Mountain Supporter—-Curious effect when viewed from a distance


    Important facts formerly unknown—One electricity only supposed to exist—Not then utilised for locomotion, &c.—Paucity of contrivance for collecting electricities—How the scientific men supported their theory—Like causes produce like effects—Many kinds of electricity—Means of drawing out and concentrating electricities discovered—Man, beasts, birds, &c., possess an electricity of their own—All differ—Huge fish—Docks for extracting electricity from—Electric store-house—Non-conducting pouches—The attracting electricity adapted to each body is well known—MODE OF CATCHING WILD BIRDS


    Means formerly employed—Vivisection and surgical operations painless—Nerves of sensation only, affected by the luller—Energy of the functions considered essential—Pain-luller, how discovered—The Nebo bird and the child—The broken limbs and absence of pain—Discovery


    Properties of optical instruments increased by electricity— CONCENTRATED LIGHT—The illuminated worm—Light attracted by the enticer-machine—Concentrated light in Music—Human voice and musical instruments—Union between the soul and perishable portions of man—Concentrated light within us—Similarity of terms applied to the brain and to vision—Strength to the intellectual powers—EXPERIMENT ON LIVING MAN—Electrical currents in brain—How agitated—Rarity of the experiments—Serious consequences to patient—Conditions imposed, and advantages secured, to him—Not allowed to marry


    High rank of Physicians—Former and present duties—Periodical visitations—Microscopes—Perspiration indicating disease—Exact nature of disease not shown—Example—Ordinary appearance of perspiration—Lung disease and consumption—Lung dew—The Scraper—The breath


    Minute divisions of brain examined by microscope—Former neglect—Early indications rarely noticed—Supposed lunatics often wiser than their keepers—An instance—The man's statements laughed at—World believe him a confirmed madman—Madness not now assumed from seeming absurdities—Thoughts formerly scoffed at, now acknowledged facts—Minute divisions of brain responding to trains of thought—Effectual remedies for earliest symptoms—Cure of developed madness—Former error which prevented cure—The disease does not exist in the overworked portion of the brain


    Insects contain valuable electricities—Whole crops destroyed by them—Mode of capturing, &c.—Impurities removed by insects—The DEATH SOLACE


    Special precautions against excessive heat in the extreme season—Internal cities built in galleries—Their advantages—How light admitted—Flowers—Beauty and odours increased by electricity—Communication between the palaces in the External and Internal World—Narrator's summer-palace—The pictures representing principal events of his reign—Sun power utilised—Sunshine: how fixed on the canvas


         Subjects of some of the pictures in the Narrator's Internal World



    Tendency of her education—Happy and contented—Marked difference in education of the two sexes—Beauty aided by early care—Former practices and consequences—Ravages of time—Women now lovely in age as in youth—Beauty regarded as a precious gift from Heaven—Cosmetics for its preservation—Wrinkles—Skin and complexion—Hands and feet—CHOOSING BY HAND—How effected—CHOOSING BY FOOT—Expedients used when hand or foot inclined to coarseness—GIRL'S DORMITORIES—Cleanliness—Separate sleeping-rooms—Reasons—Communication with night-watchers—Precautions—Mode adopted to ensure early rising— Prayer not till after repast—Reason why old custom changed—Careful discipline until marriage—Luxurious habits permitted to married ladies—Instance of the elastic frame cushion—The self-acting fan


    Means taken to secure congenial husband—Marriage councils—Choice of husband, how arranged—Maiden's right to nominate—The thirty-one evenings—The girl, how distinguished—Gentlemen who wish their pretensions to be favourably viewed—The unwilling—Efforts of pretenders—Agitation on the thirty-first evening—How the maiden proclaims her choice—The presentation of flowers—Subsequent meeting of the parties—Betrothal—Consequence of maiden failing to declare preference—Second meeting—Third meeting rare


    Trust reposed in marriage councils never abused—The dress of shame—Rich costumes of married ladies—Brilliant colours imparted by the sun—The silver-green silk—Sun silk—Women instructed in the ART OF PLEASING—Former habits of married women—Example on children—Deceit


         LADY'S COSTUME—The


         Colours—Sandals—HEAD ORNAMENTS—Soles to protect the feet—The

         fan—Precious stones—Turbans—Canopy—Long veils—Distinctive

         feature for the unmarried—Elaborate costumes allowed after

         marriage—GENTLEMAN'S COSTUME


    The civil marriage—Purification of the bride—The hair—The tree-comb—Marriage costume—Marriage ceremony repeated after birth of each child—Religious ceremony—Suspended in case of dissensions—Efforts for reconciliation—Contingencies provided for—An instance


    Very beautiful—Their names given to Stars and to Women—Flower language: long conversations carried on by means of Flowers—Instances of Flower Language—Displeasure expressed through the medium of Flowers—Instances of Flowers with meanings attached


    Mode in which nature operates—Vitality of seed—Consequence of injury—Production of leaves—Of colour—United electricities form gatherings—Important discovery—Sap, the reservoir of electricity—PROCESS FOR CHANGING FORM—PROCESS FOR CHANGING COLOUR—For giving fragrance—THE LUANIA—SUN-FORCING


    (Explanation of terms used in the Song of Admiration.)

    The Spangled Mountain—The reviled beauty—Slander and its promulgators—The Legend of Zacosta—Fall of her Tormentors—Happiness of the higher order of Spirits—Slander regarded with horror—Motives of the Slanderers—The King of the Air—The loving little animal—The ingenious instrument for discovering diamonds—The pet animal—The Meleeta—The Turvee Insect—Shooting Stars—Whale Electricity—The Martolooti—The Flower of Grace—The Chilarti—The Allmanyuka—The perfume of the everlasting gulf—The Hippopotamus hide—Fat of the Serpent's head—The Mestua Mountain—Wet thy feet—Stainers' fount— Water—The Mountain Supporter



         Madness not formerly recognised until violence shown—The GIRL




    Worn as distinctive marks—Age entitles woman to privileges—Age regarded as an honour—Orders of the Matterode, and Mountain Supporter—Qualified decoration, &c.—ADVOCATES of the individual and of society—Privilege belonging to every woman


    How ideal of beauty formerly obtained—Not equal to the actual living model—Beauty now the rule—Longevity—Beauty in old age—Summary of expedients—Value of the course adopted—Importance of care from earliest infancy—Subject of babies—Importance of little things—Maladies owing to injudicious treatment of children—March of small effects—Precautions now taken


    Value of minute precautions—Diseases caused by want of healthy exercises—Accidents to the infant—Blows on the head—The inventions of Drahna—The four sets of machines—The TEETH—The eye—The nostrils—The tongue—Air, &c.


    An essential part of the boys' education—Formerly same exercises for all—Now adapted to physical organization—Medical man observes effects—The heat of the brain a test—Bathing—Leaping—TREE-EARTH BATHS—Qualities of the earth about various trees—The oak, the weeping-willow, elm, horse-chestnut, &c.


    Description—Girls' amusement gallery—Boys—Different natures and characters revealed—The Character-divers


    For Children are short—Services adapted to different ages—Evils attendant on former system—Present course—Subjects of Sermons— Children encouraged in affection to Parents, &c.—Preacher assisted by method of education—Objections to Parrot-like repetitions


    Care taken of animals—Change of pasture—Irrigation—Causes of diseases formerly prevalent—Shade—Illness—Great increase of flocks and herds—THE MALE ONLY USED FOR FOOD—Consequences of killing the mother—In slaughtering, all painful process avoided—Mode adopted—Wholesomeness of meat tested by analyzation of blood—PROTECTION OF MEAT FROM INSECTS—Protective Infusion—CRUELTY TO ANIMALS—Punishment


    Determination to discover the germ of disease—The people afflicted with a painful malady—Children not attacked—Hypothesis—Stimulating spices—Anatomical examination—Decree forbidding use of favourite condiments—The spices collected—Temporary substitute provided—Meditation and prayer for help—The grafting and the eventual result— Incomplete—The cream-lemon vegetable—Mode of proceeding—The Insertion—The root-oil—The little white bud—The anxious watching—The basket and its contents—The testing—Qualities of the Allmanyuka—The people's praise—The Tootmanyoso's gratitude—Results different from any before obtained—Description


         Made from leaves of trees—Peculiarities—Process of manufacture—

         Healthful fragrance—Colour—Natural paper—GOLDEN COLOURED

         PAPER—Its connection with the Allmanyuka—The incident which led

         to its discovery


    Consumption—Why generally beyond cure—Erroneous views—The patient—Examination by the doctors—Their mistake—Narrator's belief—Potion administered—Death—Cause discovered—Mode of detecting and curing the disease in its germ—Assemblage of the multitude—Episode of the mother and the child—The sequel


    The principal musical instrument—Description—Four sets of chords—Strings of electricity—Marvellous variation and depression of the notes—Echoes and responses—Diapason changed to an extraordinary extent—Different characters of sound produced—Examples—Harp language; how taught—Accompaniments—Harp beautiful as a work of sculptural art—Movement of birds, flowers, and foliage, and exhalation of perfume in accord with the music—How idea was suggested


    Amusements enjoined—Learned men prone to seclusion—Wisdom of requiring studious men to cultivate social relations questioned—Twenty men selected for the experiment—Result—The works of the Seclusionists and of the Society-Sympathisers—The MONOMANIAC—His eccentricities and cure—Convert to the Narrator's views


    Arenas—Electricity—Why arenas open to the sky—Games exhibited— Beautiful effects produced—MAN and HORSE—The FLYING CHILDREN—WILL—DEAF AND DUMB CHILD—The MONKEYS—Tragic Drama—Races and public games—Parties for children—Labouring people—The aged—Districts—The middle-aged—INTRODUCTION of strangers—Ceremony observed—ATTRACTING-MACHINE


    Peculiar form and construction—Former shape—Effective model sought—Swan Ships—Dangers of navigation—Ship sometimes submerged—Sufferings of the passengers for want of air—Remedy—The swan's head—Captain's quarters—Vessels propelled by electric power—Machinery—Steering and stoppage of the vessel—TIMBER FOR SHIPS—How seasoned—How protected against insects in every part—The COMPASS—The ANCHOR—Peculiarity of its formation: how let out and hauled in—The Bison ropes


    Interesting discoveries—Microscopic pictures transmitted from a distance—Picture made of a landscape and persons afar off—Picture of swan-vessels and passengers—How effected—Bottom of the sea rendered visible


    Invaluable—Antipathy to human beings—Hippopotamus' hide—Impervious to water—Resistance to destroying forces—All parts of the animal utilised—Parts subservient to the beautiful—Hippopotamus' land—Numerous herds—Their keepers—How attired—The herb antipathetic to hippopotami—How discovered—Experiment with the young beast—Antipathetic solution keeps animals away from cities—They love fresh-water rivers—The Aoe waters prejudicial to man—Mode of rearing Hippopotami—Precautions adopted—Why they have not been able to rear animal in Western Europe—Recommendations—Habits of the animal—The hippopotami—dance—How the young one is separated from the mother—How a hippopotamus is removed from the herd—The food of the hippopotamus in general


    The Serpent—The Boa—Professors to examine medicinal and other properties—Modes of capturing wild beasts—Huntsmen—The iron-work net—The watch-hut—The bait—Dead animals not allowed in the city—Habits of the tiger—THE TIGER AND THE CHILD—THE UNICORN


    The palace—Communication with auxiliary tower—Observatory—STAR INSTRUMENT constructed—Secrets revealed—Inhabitants and atmospheres of the stars differ—Invisible beings—The SUN-OCEAN, Mountains, and Continents—Winds—Attracted by the heat—Brilliancy increased by reflection—Every planet has electricity sympathetic or antipathetic—Different appearance in Montalluyah—Fixed stars—Comets—Overflowings of the waters—Waters in space—Conclusion


    By introducing the reader to Another World, the Editor does not lead him into a region to which the Earth has no affinity. The Planet to which the following fragments refer not only belongs to the same solar system as our own, but also presents like physical aspects. In it, as here, are to be found land and water—mountains, rivers, seas, lakes, hills, valleys, ravines, cataracts alternating with each other; though in consequence of more potent electrical agencies the contrasts between these various objects are frequently abrupt and decided to a degree to which we can here offer no comparison. The other world about to be described is, in fact, essentially another Earth—widely differing, indeed, from ours in its details, but still subjected to the same natural laws. Its inhabitants, like devout persons here, look forward with reverent feeling towards the abode of the blest. To a purely spiritual or angelic region these fragments do not relate.

    The name of Montalluyah, which more immediately belongs to the chief city in the planet, is not incorrectly extended so as to include the entire sphere. This new world is not made up of separate countries and mutually independent states like those of the Earth, but, forming one kingdom, is governed by one supreme Ruler, assisted by twelve kings inferior to him in rank and power.

    The speaker in the fragments (which may almost be said to take the form of an autobiography) was the son of one of the twelve kings, who by his genius and worth became Tootmanyoso, or supreme Ruler. In the planet his name is mentioned with even more reverence than, by different peoples, is paid to that of Zoroaster, Solon, Lycurgus, or Alfred; but he

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