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Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary
Audiobook13 hours

Madame Bovary

Written by Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by Janine Haynes

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

“Everything, even herself, was now unbearable to her. She wished that, taking wing like a bird, she could fly somewhere, far away to regions of purity, and there grow young again.”

In provincial France lives Charles Bovary, a doctor who is in an unhappy marriage, and Emma Roualt, the daughter of a farmer who wishes for a more exciting life. Emma has spent time reading about luxurious lives and whirlwind romances in novels, and longs for the day she’ll experience such a life. When this pair crosses paths, there is immediate connection and excitement, and the two are married.

But Emma soon finds out that her life is not going to be like her books, and finds that married life is less exciting than she had hoped. Her uncharmed life continues and with each life event–motherhood, moving towns, love affairs–she is reminded over and over that her life is not what she had dreamed of.

Madame Bovary is an intriguing character study and examination of the ways that great expectations can lead to disappointment and regret. This novel is the height of Gustave Flaubert’s career and remains fascinating and insightful over 150 years later.

Release dateMar 1, 2022

Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert está considerado como el introductor del realismo francés del siglo XIX. Su obsesión por el estilo, por la búsqueda del mot juste (la palabra justa), hizo que sus obras, consideradas como escandalosas por la sociedad de su tiempo, lograran un reconocimiento unánime por parte de la crítica y de sus compañeros de letras. Tímido hasta lo patológico y en ocasiones arrogante, Flaubert no se granjeó demasiadas amistades a lo largo de su vida. Su carácter, que podríamos calificar de inestable, le llevó a padecer crisis nerviosas que derivaron en una salud frágil. Flaubert, prematuramente anciano, murió de una apoplejía a los 58 años. Contemporáneo del otro gran genio de la literatura francesa, Charles Baudelaire, Flaubert nos lega una obra deslumbrante que arranca con Madame Bovary (1857), sigue con Salambó (1862), La educación sentimental (1869), La tentación de San Antonio (1874), Tres cuentos (1877) y se cierra, póstumamente, con Bouvard y Pécuchet (1881).

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    As an audiobook this is a failure. The reader reads in a voice and dictum that is totally unsuitable to the task.

    Probably, this is an audiobook from a long time ago, when standards were lower - not a current production. Scribd has a lot of them, which is a problem.