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MoneyWeek2 min read
This week’s deal is a most unusual Dummy Reversal. West led the King of Spades, ruffed. To promote his slow Club trick, declarer advanced the Knave of Clubs at trick two. East won the King and pressed on with another Spade. It was necessary for the d
MoneyWeek2 min read
How To Get Britain Building The HS2 high-speed railway was meant to cut journey times between London and Manchester, says Sam Dumitriu. Now, it is unlikely ever to reach Manchester at all. Its budget “ballooned” from a “far-from-cheap” £37.5bn to a “frankly abs
MoneyWeek3 min read
From The Editor...
“It’s important to me that this Labour goverment [sic] improves your life and your community in ways you actually notice,” said a tweet on Keir Starmer’s X account on Monday. What I actually noticed was the missing “n” in “government”, but then it is

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