Trapper & Predator Caller


I am a lifelong country boy. I suspect that’s why trapping, hunting and fishing have provided me with so much entertainment. There were no farmers in my family, but being in proximity to my agrarian neighbors, I picked up enough common knowledge that I could get by. That’s why it was not a great leap for Miz and I to undertake a little subsistence farming in the economic crisis of the mid-1970s.

Let me add a side note. Those hard times here in America made for

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North Carolina Trappers Association President —Kevin Myers, 130 West Church Street, Richfield, NC 28137 (704-798-0830) Vice President — Robert Newsome, [email protected] Secretary — Matthew Bishop, 206 Knoll Way, Hubert, NC 28539 (910-545-7760) Membership Secretary —
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Colorado Trappers & Predator Hunters Association
Email reports to [email protected] Dan Gates, P.O. Box 128, Canon City, CO 81215 719-275-4077 or 269-7972, [email protected] Adam Warren, P.O. Box 734, Dove Creek, CO 81324 970-739-9404, adamwarren64@yahoo

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