How It Works


A regal horned lizard after shooting blood from its eyes


The boxer crab is also known as the pom-pom crab


The boxer crab travels prepared when it ventures across the ocean floor. Well-armed to better its chances against a predatory attack, the crab wields two sea anemones on its front claws like boxing gloves. Carrying these sizable anemones with them acts as a deterrent to predators by making the crab look bigger and stronger. But on the occasion the crab is approached by an attacker, it will punch its claws outwards. The anemones have tentacles that can sting the predator and help keep the boxer crab safe. The anemones also benefit from this symbiotic relationship with the crab. They’re perfectly healthy and safe while held by the claws, and as the crab moves it drags the anemones along the seabed, enabling them to collect food particles in their tentacles.


Once emptied, a hagfish’s slime glands take three to four weeks to refill

Did you know?

The horned lizard sprays blood up to 1.5 metres


The regal horned lizard builds up pressure in its head to squirt blood out of its eyes


A basking lizard absorbs heat

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