A friend embarrasses you publicly with stories of things you did in the past
You may have smiled, laughed and tried to change the subject the first few times this happened. But if a friend continues to tell a story that embarrasses you, take gentle but definite action.
‘To begin with, understand that this often has more to do with them than you,’ advises body language expert Blanca Cobb. ‘Take a deep breath to help control your emotions. Then you can stop or shorten the conversation by not participating.’
It’s unlikely this is deliberately done to upset you, so maintain your poise, keep calm and then make a time to talk. Explain your reaction and ask, ‘Do you realise how this makes me feel?’
You’ve forgotten someone’s name
Some experts advise ’fessing up. But Sara Jane Ho, author, and host of the show , takes the opposite approach. ‘If you’ve met somebody multiple times, never let on that you’ve forgotten their name,’ she advises. ‘Avoid an awkward situation by saying you’d like to keep in