Kadlin is excited when her father’s longship appears on the horizon. He and his men have spent the winter a-viking, and now they are returning with much plunder. The household springs to life, preparing a victory feast.
Kadlin can’t wait to share her secret with Father. Grandmother Thora has been teaching Kadlin to read and write runes, ancient alphabetic symbols. But the best part is that Kadlin is learning to see into the Other World. She hopes to become a wise and respected seeress, just like her grandmother. Father and his men, however, have news of their own. Kadlin’s uncle Grimolf has been wounded in battle, and Father has brought home Freyfaxi, a horse fit for the gods. He announces that Kadlin will be the one to watch over the creature every day as he grazes. She will have no more time for lessons.
Kadlin does not like the way the haughty creature holds his head so high and watches her when she just wants to be left alone. One gray day by the river with her goat Ref, the horse nudges her, and she throws a clod of dirt at him. Startled, Freyfaxi takes off and disappears in the pouring rain. Seeking counsel, Kadlin climbs atop the sacred burial mound of her ancestors. She lies down and squeezes her eyes shut, praying to the ancestors.