On the usefulness of newspapers
Two of my Chambers ancestors both died in mining accidents, but not at the same mine.
My 3 x great-grandfather Levi Chambers 1837-1875 died on 26 June 1875 at Upsall Mine, Eston, Yorkshire in an accident.
The North-Eastern Daily Gazette report ran as follows:
Fatal Accident at the Eston Mines – On Friday evening a man named Seth Chambers, a man employed at the Eston Mines, belonging to Messrs Bolcow, Vaughan and Co. – Limited, met with an accident that terminated fatally. Two loaded waggons were loaded into a drift, in front of the place where he worked, one of the waggons being slightly on an incline. He uncoupled the waggons and placed himself between them. He then placed his back against the front one, and endeavoured to push it forward. While in the act of doing this, the other waggon ran forward and struck the deceased in the head and broke