■ A number of Rare-developed N64 titles never saw the light of day, though probably the best-known of these, , did, Rare’s only GameCube title. Before hitting the bottle and developing a potty-mouth, Conker was due to appear in (aka ), a typically cute and colourful 3D platformer – perhaps a little too typical, which prompted its transformation into the unexpectedly adult-orientated . We already know that was initially planned as more of an adventure game set in a theme park with driving elements than the full-on kart racer it became, but right up until the year of release, the Rare team were basing the game around one of their own NES-era properties. featured three-wheeled trikes and a roster of original characters and some assets from this incarnation are still present in the final code. The most intriguing unreleased title is , a third-person action stealth game in the mould of , with Joanna Dark’s oddly named sister in the lead role. Visit for more details, screenshots and even gameplay videos of these and many other lost games.
Sep 01, 2023
1 minute
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