Park Six
Part one appeared in Steam World December 2022, part two in January 2023, part three in February 2023, part four in May 2023 and part five in August 2023.
Turning to the BR Standard types, the use of SR-based Standards never quite matched the interest of pedigree SR types when it came to forays onto other regions of BR, so was less reported. However, the interest of such events nevertheless gradually increased as steam disappeared from other regions, particularly the WR. For instance, an interesting interlude occurred when Standard ‘4MT’ 2-6-4Ts Nos. 80038/65/83 individually worked the 9.00am Weymouth to Westbury service on various dates in October 1962. The use of the tanks on these occasions was because the turntable at Weymouth was under repair.
The working of SR steam to Westbury continued very late on, and as the SalisburyWestbury route was GWR, and the revised regional boundary was at Dilton Marsh, these still counted as inter-regional forays..