Dinner parties aren’t about showing off, they’re about sharing, about setting the scene for good times.” This is the home entertaining bible according to Vicki Wild. The celebrated maitre d’ and her top chef partner Martin Benn are almost as renowned for the parties they host at their home as the splash they made together at Sydney’s Sepia restaurant. Their new book The Dinner Party is the playbook for some of their real-life dinner parties. Evenings that are deconstructed and relayed down to the finest detail, from playlists to platters and, of course, the menu planning. Every detail heightens the drama says Benn, “As hosts, you build the magic like a stage manager, setting a scene in which people can relax, but also be excited by what’s to come.” The book is their guide to getting it right. But first, it’s golden hour at their place and GT is invited for a sunset soirée.
“I’ve based this menu around the best of Australia’s abundant, sustainable seafood, and mixed in some dips and snacks to keep everyone happy,” says Benn. “With the morning’s prep under your belt, you can welcome your guests, pour a drink, have an oyster or some crisp crudités with crab mayo, and then wander off to cook the seafood. There’s nothing more beautifully Australian than hovering over the grill, tongs in one hand and a spritz or a beer in the other, laughing and joking with friends on a sunny Sunday afternoon.”