High school sweethearts, Laura and Shaun Andrews have had a few adventures in their 12-plus years together. Their latest exploit led them to rural Hawke’s Bay, where they started a successful solar power company, built a new home, and are about to have their first baby.
The couple, originally from Blenheim, have lived around the country, from Christchurch to Whangārei, before shifting to Hawke’s Bay seven years ago. After studying as a child and family psychologist, Laura sidestepped into a sales job, and discovered she loved it. When Shaun was relocated to Napier, Laura saw a gap in the commercial and residential solar power market and took the chance to launch her own business, Ecoefficient Solutions. It’s grown so much Shaun now works full-time in the business.
Launching their own business did mean an investment in time and money, so the couple kept living costs low by renting a small flat for six years while they slowly saved for their own home. With a deposit finally ready, the hunt