Your Pregnancy



■ Add “please” and “thank you” to your child's vocabulary from the moment he is able to say a few words. Consistently prompt your child to say these words. ■ Teach your child to ask for a tissue instead of wiping his nose on ■ Dinner time with everyone seated around the table should be introduced now. If your child eats earlier than the rest of the family, you can sit him at the table with a small yoghurt or piece of fruit while everyone else has their dinner. Encourage him to feed himself. ■ Polite greetings are also best started at this age. Practise with stuffed toys, creating pretend “visits” where you say hello and goodbye to the “guests”. ■ During playdates, it's best to make peace with the fact that toddlers don't willingly share. Supervise closely, and ensure that sharing is encouraged by preparing a special toy box with two of every toy.

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