Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

A Mother’s Voice

EMMA STOPPED BY the wetlands on her way to town. She wrapped her cloak tightly against the chill air. Early morning sun sparkled on the marsh, the water glinting as the light touched it. Ducks flying overhead honked a far-off greeting as they arrowed through the sky. An elegant crane waded through the water, daintily picking up its long legs.

Loneliness and grief swept over Emma in equal measure as she stood in the damp air. Only a year ago, she and her mother had stood on this very spot watching the birds.

“Look, a crane!” her mother had pointed out. “Our namesake!”

Now she, Emma Crane, stood alone. Her heart thumped when she remembered that her mother was gone.

Emma swallowed. It’s up to me now, she thought. Determination chased some of the grief away. I need to prove that I’m every bit as good as my mother was.

She forced her steps forward, her

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