The Gardener Magazine



“I planted trees with Nelson Mandela in Alexandra Township before he became President.”


etting Keith Kirsten involved in The Gardener from the very start was a huge deal for Tanya. “Keith was my gardening god from the start of my career. I was a youngster working at Dunrobin Nursery, and we grew some of Keith’s plants. He would pop in, chat to us, sign copies of his books for us, and it was such a thrill. He was South Africa’s first gardening celebrity, pioneering so much in South African gardening as well as TV and his books. He was also friendly

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Editor Tanya Visser Assistant Editor Anna Celliers Features Editor Wendy Moulton Process and Operations Manager Cindy May Wang  Traffic Co-ordinator Stacey Douglass Design Gillian O’Donoghue, Wendy Moulton Creative Media Innovator Izolda van der Merw
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