The Shed


Welcome to Part Three in our series about using 3D design software and the Alibre Atom 3D software in particular.

In the previous articles we have created a 17mm A/F ½-inch drive deep socket and then changed it slightly to create a socket that’s the same, but with double hex instead of single. This time we are going to make a 2D conventional drawing of the socket. This is very easy. By accessing the file of the part you have created, most of the work is already done.

Hard copy drawings are still useful when you need to convey what you want to have made, particularly when CNC machinery will not be used. The details of a part you have created can be sent by email as a 2D drawing directly from Alibre, just as a 3D digital file of the part can be.

Of course, if you are like me, it’s nice to have a physical drawing for discussing with others as well as for scribbling notes on. Often you will see changes or improvements that could be made to the part and, by noting them on your drawing sheet, they are ready to deal with when you open up the Alibre program again. Let’s get started.

Making choices

Open the file which has the double hex socket. Then in the ‘Design Explorer’ panel, right click on the name of the part (in this case I have called it ‘17mm double

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