
Getting Started with a Livestock Guardian Dog

“I just brought home a livestock guardian dog. Now what?” I read this question almost every day on various online livestock guardian dog forums. First, congratulations! Second, here are some tips on how to welcome your working dog to your farm.

Hopefully, you’ve located a healthy pup from a good breeder who chooses breeding dogs carefully for their working behaviors, temperament, and soundness. Most importantly, if you want a good working dog, you’ll need to get a pup from a recognized LGD breed or a cross of recognized breeds—and nothing else. LGD breeds were developed through centuries to be perfectly suited to this work, and they inherit a set of genetic behaviors and traits. You can’t train another breed to be an LGD. (See “Guidelines for Selecting an LGD Pup or Adult,” Page 64.)

LGD Lodging

People are usually happy to offer up LGD advice; unfortunately, much of it is contradictory. Myths and misconceptions abound. If you bought your pup from a reliable breeder with good working dogs, that breeder’s advice will be enormously helpful to you.

How you proceed after your purchase or adoption should be

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