The long way home
Philip, my husband, needed the car so I decided to take my Offshore 8m Karima S from Aith to Brae, where I teach sailing. Last time had been a bit off-putting as my engine had refused to start outside Brae marina, and I’d had to sail into the berth. Still, it had run nicely all the way home, and if it was playing up when I got down to the boat, Plan B was go into town with Philip, drive to Brae, leap from the water back into the car and rush to retrieve him and his music gear from outside the Methodist Kirk.
The morning forecast looked good: a Force 3 from the south-west to take me there. I zoomed home from the school where I worked and headed boatwards, just catching the forecast: Force 4 to 5, and drizzle later. Hmmm; a bit breezier than I’d like, but the Met Office always gave a force more than I’d get in
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