The art of crochet
Born in Scotland and now living and working in the USA, artist Jo Hamilton uses recycled and repurposed yarn to crochet large-scale portraits and architectural landscapes that explore the boundaries of art and craft. This portrait is of Xenobia Bailey, an American fibre artist who also specialises in large-scale crochet.
The Hidden Treasures Blanket is the stunning new six-part crochet-along designed by Anna Nikipirowicz and made using West Yorkshire Spinners Bo Peep Pure 100% wool yarn. Following the success of their collaboration on the Folk Tales CAL in 2021, the Hidden Treasures Blanket is also made using squares, this time creating a diagonal striped effect. There are two versions of the design; a subtle two-colour version in Natural and Dandelion, or a multicolour option using seven pretty shades. Yarn packs are available from where you’ll also find the parts of the CAL released weekly.
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