InfoPro has launched ‘Revival 2021’, a full-fledged program aimed at advancing out-of-the-box measures that address the country’s extraordinary circumstances. It is an emergency proposal for the short-term (five years). It builds on previous editions of the plan, first presented at the onset of the crisis, and updated periodically since then.
Wholesale approach
“This plan should be evaluated in its totality, in terms of its overall impact. The major economic challenges can no longer be dealt with one-by-one, in a ‘retail’ manner. The approach needs to be ‘wholesale’, tackling the fundamentals of our system, and making many changes all-at-once,” said the report.
Three pillars
The plan focuses on three main pillars: Reinvigorating the private sector, setting up a new socio-economic contract between the economic stakeholders (State, labor, and employers), and reforming the fiscal, monetary and financial sectors. The proposed socio-economic contract entails a revision of wages, elimination of direct taxes on