More from Australian Geographic Explorers

Australian Geographic Explorers2 min read
The Telescope
Today we gaze in awe at the stunning images of far-distant galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope, but the first ones were small, simple instruments that magnified objects just three times bigger. They’ve been used by sailors (and pirates!) and the
Australian Geographic Explorers1 min read
Draw Then Colour Me In! Fire Truck
Cool fact: Australia has one of the world’s largest volunteer fire-fighter services. In NSW alone they have 1996 brigades! Always have a fire escape plan in your house, and discuss it regularly. Keep it pinned on the fridge as a reminder. ■
Australian Geographic Explorers2 min read
Welcome to our Dangerous Issue! So happy to have you here. Inside you will find survival stories, species you definitely want to keep at a distance, jokes to make your tummy hurt, and we get to meet the incredible and talented surfer Sierra Kerr. We

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