Kiteworld Magazine


This trip was the epitome of spontaneity. We had planned to be on a dreamy boat cruise in the Bahamas, avoiding the rapid pandemic growth in Europe. To cut a long story short, we got to the check-in desk at Amsterdam airport and the lady was like, “Do you guys have a visa?” I said, “But we’re not entering the US.” After some discussion we realised that we both still had current ESTAs from previous trips to America, but then she also said we needed a letter from the embassy, which we definitely didn’t have. This was frustrating because we had researched travel requirements online, but anyway, it seemed apparent that Covid-19 was resolute in dragging us down its rabbit hole.

We went back to Ydwer’s house, popped a bezza and weighed-up our options. A credit to any cunningness we had remaining, we realised that due to Covid allowances we were still able to call up the airline and delay our flight for two days. Crucially, that then meant we had the required 48 hours to cancel the tickets and get a

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