

Bugok Friday House in Yangju, Gyeonggi-do, is a vacation home built within a typical suburban housing development. At the end of an alley within this network of buildings, you reach a small house encircled by bamboo walls. This gable-roofed, single-storey home is conspicuous among the surrounding houses, all of which appear to be somewhat intimidated. How has architect Cho Sungik realised his desire to build an archetypal small house for relaxation, one that would exist between an apartment and a summer house? Here we share our conversation as we strolled around this house.

Bang Yukyung (Bang): You have designed a vacation home on the outskirts of Seoul. When you first met the clients, what did you discuss? What were their requirements?

Cho Sungik (Cho): The clients are a married couple who live in an apartment in Seoul. The duo, who like drinking, books, and hiking, desired a vacation home in which they would be able to pursue their hobbies and spend quality time with friends. When we met for the first time, I told the clients that, if they wanted the work taken care of and the management

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