

In July 2021, architect E Ilhoon (principal, E Ilhoon Studio for Free Media) passed away at the age of 67. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Hanyang University in 1978, he gained practical experience at Kim Chung-up Architecture Research Institute. He was also a critic, serving as the first president of the Korean Architecture Critics Society established in 1984, as well as an author, publishing an extensive range of works including Walking Through the Model (2005), I Think Differently (2011), The House in which I Wish to Live (2012), and E Ilhoon’s Imaginary Ground of Words (2017). The way E Ilhoon gave hope and encouragement in person, and presented a sincere understanding of people, life, and nature, was no different from his words, written texts and architecture. Here, journalist Chung Kwiweon is our guide through his architectural works.

How Would You like to Live?

Designed by architect E Ilhoon, Janseowanseokru (2007) in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do, this project is the result of constant open communication with the client. As the name ‘a house of old books and unrefined stone’ suggests, the construction of a house with a hanging shelf above the living room, (co-written by E Ilhoon and Song Seunghun, 2012) and prompted other new acquaintances. The clients of Gimhae Residence Nopeunjae (2016) and Naju Residence Yowa (2017) were also among the acquaintances.

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